Normal pov

Everyone was in the great hall eating dinner. It was a normal day. When all of a sudden the doors burst open and a bunch of kids walked in. They headed to the head table.

Harry's POV

I looked up startled as the doors burst open. Then the boy black hair,sea green eyes, and a swimmers body, wearing jeans and a orange tshirt who was obviously the leader said.

"Dumbledore, we have a message from Chiron. He said it's time for all the campers to reveal themselves."

"Very well" Dumbledore said.

Then the boy's girlfriend (they were holding hands), a girl with blond princess curls, tan skin, startling grey eyes, and wearing the same thing as the boy, said to the students

"Campers, reveal your true selves then come up here."

Normal POV

Hermione was the first to stand.

"Finally!" she shouted.

Then she broke her wand in half and then she started changing. Her bushy brown hair turned blond and wavy. Her brown eyes turned grey. Her skin turned darker, and when she spoke she had an American accent.

"I was wondering when you would show up."

The next to stand up was Draco. When he broke his wand,his hair turned a darker shade of yellow. He developed muscles and grew taller. His skin turned tan and he too had an American accent.

" Thanks guys." he said to the new kids. Then he started walking toward Hermione and said,

" I don't think I could have been away from my beautiful girlfriend another day."

Uh, please! Hello, hunter of Artemis here." said Cho Chang. Then she too stood and broke her wand and started changing. But not as drastically. Her hair got a little darker, and her eyes turned kind of like kaleidoscopes. They were always changing colors.

" Oh leave them alone Cho," said Luna as she also stood and broke her wand. Her hair got darker and her eyes turned grey like Hermione's.

Then Neville Longbottom did the same thing as the others. He turned muscular, taller, and his eyes turned green. He walked over to Luna, put an arm around her and said to Draco

"How did we ever get so lucky."

"I have no idea."

"I do" said Ginny "They felt sorry for you"

Then she did the same thing as the others, her hair wove itself into a braid. She became stronger and her accent was a cross between British and American. Then Hermione, Draco, Cho, Luna, Neville, and Ginny made their way up to the group of kids.