Although I'm still sticking with Matty this story will be told from Christian's POV. It might not be as detailed as 'The Youngest Grey' and 'Matty' but instead will move quite quickly through certain incidents throughout Matty's childhood. Please review if you get a chance and let me know your thoughts. Best Wishes Mx

He looks so lost with those big eyes staring at us all. Everyone is feeling the loss of losing Simon and Sue but for Matty the feeling must be even worse. I've sneaked into dad's study and had a couple of swigs from the whisky bottle but it didn't make me feel any better. When I come out Matty is still sat in the same place clutching his little black cat and seal. I've not seen him with those for a long time but he must have found them in the bunch of stuff that mom brought back from the house next door. I go and sit at the piano and start to play hoping Matty will join me. Occasionally I glance over to him. I see mom out of the corner of my eye as she enters the room, she goes to him and affectionately runs her fingers through his curls before kissing his forehead. I stop playing and watch.

'Matty, would you like something to eat?' mom asks. He shakes his head and then looks down at the floor. I stand and go over to them.

'Hey buddy, do you want to play the piano?' I ask. Another shake of the head. He's not touched the piano since the day of the accident and he used to play a few times a day. 'Do you want to sit next to me as I play?' I ask. He looks up and my heart wrenches when he looks into my eyes. He's heartbroken. I hold my hand out and he takes it. Still no words from him. No sound since the day of the funeral. He communicates with nods, shakes and shrugging his shoulders. I walk back to the piano and sit on the stool, he still has hold of my hand and I move up so that he can sit next to me. I play and he sits watching still clutching the cat and the seal. As I finish the tune he stands and walks over to the French doors. Mia comes into the room and looks over at Matty before settling down to play with some dolls and then I hear Elliot.

'Mom where's my blue shirt? I need it for the school concert tonight.' He shouts in his usual loud way as he enters the room.

'It should be in your closet.' Mom says from the sofa where she is sitting.

'Thanks mom.' Elliot says and then he sees Matty. 'Hey Matty, what have you done today?' he asks as he goes to pick him up. Matty seems to cling to his shoulder before looking over at mom.

'We went to the supermarket and then had a walk along the shore.' Mom answers.

'Did you enjoy that?' Elliot asks Matty who nods at him. 'Are we all going to the concert tonight mom?'

'Yes.' Mom says. 'You and Christian are playing and we're not leaving Mia and Matty with a babysitter.'

'I'm not sure I want to play.' I say.

'Is that because you got into another fight today.' Mia says and I glare at her.

'Christian.' Mom says.

'Lily told me that you have had a few brawls this week. Her brother told her.' Mia says. I clench my fists. I'll be punching Lily's brother tomorrow.

'I didn't fight today.' I say quietly trying to keep my anger in check.

'Go and wait in your father's study. I'll be in to speak to you soon.' Mom says as Matty wanders over to her and raises his arms to be picked up. He snuggles into her shoulder and strokes her cheek. It's almost like he's trying to calm her before she comes to talk to me. I gladly leave the family room and once back in dad's study I take another swig of liquor. I choose a different bottle this time in the hope of making the bottles all the same level.

'Sorry I took so long, Matty wouldn't let me go.' Mom says as she enters the study. 'Elliot has taken him down to the jetty.'

'It's ok.' I reply sullenly.

'Darling I know it's a difficult time at the moment but I thought you had got over your anger issues.' Mom says.

'I'm sorry mom.' I mutter.

'How many times this week?' mom asks.

'Three.' I say as mom sucks in her breath. 'Not today though.'

'It's only Thursday and you still have tomorrow to go.' Mom says.

'I'll try and stay out of trouble mom.' I say as I clench my fists thinking I'll show Lily's brother what for. Mom comes towards me and touches my shoulder. I freeze at her touch and I can see the pain I've caused her written across her face. I want to be more like the others and feel her arms around me but it will be too much even after all this time.

'Mom.' I say and then falter. 'How long have we got Matty for? Is someone from the family in England going to come and collect him?' I have tears in my eyes as I ask her the question.

'Is this what all this anger has been about?' mom asks and I nod, it seems a good excuse at the moment. 'Oh darling, we're hoping Matty will stay with us. Simon had written up quite a tight document for us to adopt him.' I gulp and breathe deeply. Oh thank god, we're not going to lose him. He can live with us and I can help him and protect him.

'That would be good mom.' I say.

'I know darling, please don't say anything to him just yet. We want to make sure everything is in place.' Mom says.

'But he's terrified, you can see it in his eyes. He doesn't know what's going to happen to him. He won't know about adoption and things at his age. It might be best to say something.' I say.

'I'll speak to your father.' Mom says. 'Shall we head down to the jetty and see what Elliot and Matty are up to?'

'Sure.' I say easily. Mom has been quite lenient with me.

'We'll try and keep this from dad but please try and control that temper of yours.' Mom says as we leave the study.

'Mia will tell him.' I mutter thinking my sister is too perfect for her own good.

'I'll have a word.' Mom says as she smiles at me and I smile back. As we head out into the back yard we see Elliot making his way back up the garden with Matty thrown over his shoulder.

'Do it again?' Elliot demands and touches Matty's side and then we hear it. A giggle, the first sound for two weeks. Mom freezes and I put my arm around her shoulder.

'Mom listen.' Elliot says as he approaches us. He touches Matty's side once more and we hear the sweet sound of him giggling once again. Elliot places Matty in mom's arms and he hugs her.

'Oh Matty.' Mom says as she kisses him. 'I'm going to do some baking, do you want to help me?'

'Yes.' He whispers but we all hear him.