Ok, my dears, we ALL want Maxerica back, right? Well, good news: It's coming back soooooon! (Probably next chapter, if not the chapter after the next) I just wanted to add a little more action into the story, and I think I'm starting to miss Maxerica too, so don't worry, it'll be right up! My busy week is finally over, and that means I get to update more.

Please review, review, review! They mean a lot to me, and I enjoy reading your encouragements and thoughts :) They motivate me to update faster because I always feel bad when I don't update. Enjoy, and till next time!

Maxon's POV

"What do you mean you have no news?!" I growled in frustration, slamming my fist on the heavy desk.

The soldier jumped. Good. They needed to know the urgency of the situation.

But deep inside, I knew it wasn't their fault that there was a lack of information regarding America's capture. They had tried their very best, everyone had, and it wasn't fair to hold them accountable for anything.

I tried to regain my composure, and took a shaky breath. It would not help if I were tensed all the time.

"I'm sorry," I stared wearily at the soldier, "Things have just been extremely hard lately."

"I understand, Your Majesty," he gave me a curt bow, "I'll go see if I can find out anything more."

"Thank you." And he was out the door.

Sinking down into my cushioned chair, I lay my head down on the desk, not caring that it was atop a pile of presumably highly important documents. Nothing was more important than America at the moment. I huffed again, just as a light rap sounded on my door, and I sat up immediately, going back to the perfect posture I had mastered. It was instinct, really, by now, to instantly act perfectly in the presence of anyone. My tutors from young had already drilled that in, and so had my father. Only when I was with my mother or America could I finally act like a normal being; without having to act regal and proper. America - what would my world be like without her?

Remembering I had someone at the door, I called out, "Please come in."

My mother swept in hurriedly, her dress flowing out behind her. I relaxed, hunching over in my chair.

"Hi Mom," I glanced up, reaching for her outstretched hand.

"Hey darling, how's the situation like?" her eyes reflected as much concern as mine did, and I knew she truly cared – and maybe even loved- for America.

"Still no news," I sighed, putting my head down onto the table again. All this stress was giving me a terrible headache, and my body was still sore from the bullets.

"Well, honey, don't overexert yourself. You know I'll be keeping an eye on things." She gave me a reassuring pat on my good shoulder, kissing my hair.

Before I could reply, a louder knock echoed through the room, and without waiting for an answer, my father burst in. His cold eyes took in my hunched position and my mother's comforting touch, and anger flashed in his eyes.

"Amberly, how many times do I tell you NOT to give him any care? The boy needs to learn to be cold and unwavering. All these tenderness won't do him any good." And with that he stomped over and grasped my mother's wrist roughly, dragging her away from me.

I opened my mouth to protest against his actions, but he slapped me on my still-recovering shoulder, and I let out a pained gasp.

"Clarkson, stop it, you're hurting him!" My mother dashed forward to stop him, but was shoved back again.

My father ignored her, "What are you? You're a piece of trash without a girl? That girl isn't even worth half the things you do! Just let her go, and stop wallowing in the mess you've created. There are other girls out there waiting for you; girls who are actually worthy of your concern! Tell me now, Maxon, have you even seen them at all in the past week? The press is getting restless, and you piece of junk just sits here. Ge-"

I stood up abruptly, causing my father to stumble backwards, "SHE IS NOT 'JUST A GIRL'! I LOVE HER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT LOVE IS?"

With that I ran out, slamming the door behind me.

America's POV

My wrists were clammed down with metal grips, the coldness leeching into my body until I shivered uncontrollably. I had been shackled here for an hour already, judging by the wall clock above me, and Roy stood vigilantly behind me.

"What are we waiting for?" I tried to look at Roy. The same silence greeted me as when the many times I had asked a question.

A throbbing sounded in my head, rattling my skulls and hitting my temples. I felt sick to the gut, but even if I felt like vomiting, nothing would make reappearance since I hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday. Hunger pangs were a common issue now, one that I was very familiar with.

The sound of clicking stilettos met my ears, and I turned just enough to see Safara strutting down the laboratory, with her lab gear on. She had a satisfied smirk on her face, and I dreaded what was to come.

"Good afternoon there, Princess!" She spat the word out like it was poison, "Sorry you had to wait so long. I was just talking to an old friend of mine who seemed to know you too."

I thought to spit back an offending comment, but thought better of it. She had gotten my interest and she knows it. She beamed down at me with those teeth. I could swear her whole face was fake; probably made with those plastic procedures that Celeste had mentioned before.

"Who?" I mumbled tiredly, sick of her mind games.

"Aspen, sweetie. You can come out now!" she said in a singsong voice

Aspen?! Aspen? What?

I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around this, and I craned my neck to see if it was actually him. For all I know, this might just be another one of her games.

But there he was, shuffling down between the pipes in a completely different stark white: a lab coat. He held a clipboard between his hands, avoiding my gaze as I stared at him.

Sweet, loving, strong Aspen who I once loved was here causing me pain? Tears threatened to spill, but I held them in, determined not to show vulnerability in the presence of my enemies. I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

Aspen still hadn't dared to look at me, but I stared at him with such a strong intensity that he finally did, glancing briefly into my eyes. There was remorse, love, but something else; a kind of hardness that glinted in his usually soft green eyes. What did they do to him?

I must've showed some of my emotions, because Safara laughed her tinkling laughter and placed a hand on Aspen's back.

"What a reunion, huh? Two lovers finally together again. What will happen now?" she giggled again. "Too bad he's mine now," And placed a kiss on Aspen's cheek.

Fury boiled up in me; why would Aspen even be with her? I couldn't stand it anymore, and squeezed my eyes shut, willing for the nightmare to be over. I didn't love him anymore, not in that way, but I still couldn't believe he would get together with someone as revolting as her. She was the exact opposite of me, certainly more beautiful, but in an unnatural way, and her personality was pure hysterical.

"Well, well, let's get started shall we?" She placed a cold hand on my cheek.

"Darling, could you get the head pads for me?" she chirped in that sickeningly sweet voive again, as if talking to a puppy.

What caught my attention, though, were the words head pads. It sounded torturous, and I promised myself not to make any noise that would satisfy them if I was met with any pain.

Soon, little gel pads with wires extending out of them were stuck on my forehead and temples, connected to a computer on a counter.

"Princess, are you ready?" she taunted, and I could feel bile rise up the back of my throat with nothing to gag out.

My hands were clenched into fists as I await the upcoming horror, and my anger towards Aspen intensified until I was on the verge of tears. Save me, you idiot, I'm America!

"Aspen, dear, flick the switch on." A decisive click rang throughout the room, and my body was seized with terror, unable to move an inch.

Bang, a sharp but swift pain collided in my head, and I felt my head tip forward, unable to control it anymore. Then a second pain, this time, taking my whole being with it. Every muscle in my body felt like it was on fire, my head was incessantly harassed with sharp pains, each one stronger than before. I could tell my limbs were flailing wildly, hitting objects in the way, but I couldn't control my actions.

I knew I was screaming – so much for keeping silent- but my vocals didn't feel like my own. I felt like I was a separate being from my body, standing by the side filled with pain but unable to control my own actions.

A memory from my childhood flashed into my mind. May was standing on the tallest branch of an oak tree, concentrating on balancing while her tiny six-year-old self tittered with the wind. I looked up from below, calling out for her to be careful. She reached the very end of the branch, and when she was shuffling down back towards the start, a strong gust of air blew her off, and she landed with a sickening crunch on the sandy ground. Her head was twisted in a weird angle, and I screamed for help to no avail. Soon, she was gone, the wind slowly making her figure look fainter with every gust. I could see my tears making dents in the sand, but I didn't care. I needed to find May. Running into what I thought was my house, I found myself in the dining hall of the palace, seated beside Maxon with the King and Queen. There was no Selected, just the four of us enjoying dinner as a family. Just when I was marveling at how peaceful we seemed, a sharp gasp from Maxon made me whip my head towards him, just in time to see him blocking a bullet for me, right through the heart. The Queen screamed, holding Maxon, while the King ordered the guards to have me arrested. No, no, no, no.

I thrashed my limbs, not caring who or what I hit. This nightmare has to end.

Then, my eyes flew open, and I found myself back in the laboratory, sweat dripping down my forehead and drenching me. Safara was behind the computer, watching with smug interest while Roy was holding my legs down with a firm grip. Aspen was scribbling down notes behind Safara, looking a little startled.

Safara turned to me, her eyes gleaming with delight. "Interesting results we've got here! Thank you, America."

She stood up, leaving the room with Aspen trailing behind her, but paused to say, "Next time, shackle her legs too."

Hmm... That played out interestingly. We all knew Aspen was turning out to be a rebel, didn't we?