Morning came too soon and not soon enough. With the wonderful feeling of sleeping next to his personal space heater, he was nice and cozy. But the sharp ache in his hips brought light to the fact that he had slept on the floor with no futon. Laying on his side with no support had done nothing but dig his hips into the hardwood paneling beneath him. Not the worst pain in the world, but annoying all the same.

Sitting up, he could see that both Rin and Rei were already awake. They were kneeling over Nagisa, snickering at his position. Rin started poking him with a pocky stick – a box of which had been one of the many snacks last night. Nagisa only murmured something that sounded like "Rei-chan, I made soup."

When the two noticed he was no longer asleep, Rin smiled evilly with his unnaturally pointy teeth and said, "Have a nice night?" Rei looked somewhat uncomfortable, so he could only assume there was an underlying meaning to that question. It was too early to for Haru to really care. "Yeah." was all he said.

"You certainly looked comfy." He stared pointedly at Makoto's still slumbering figure. Haru raised an eyebrow. "I was cold. You all hogged the blankets." It's not like he had been hugging Makoto in his sleep – why was Rin finding such amusement in such trivial things?

"I thought Makoto-senpai was on the bed?" Rei questioned.

"Nagisa took all the room so he moved." At that, Rei gave a disappointed look to the snoozing blonde.

"What I think," Rin started haughtily, flashing his pointy teeth, "is Haru got bitter at not being able to sleep on the bed with him. So he woke Makoto up and made him come down." He looked undeniably smug.

Haru's brow furrowed. "No. Nagisa took all the room and woke Makoto up." he repeated.

"Is that why you spent a good minute glaring at shorty last night?"

"What were you doing – pretending to sleep?"

"No, I woke up to adjust my pillow and saw you just standing there with a foul-ass scowl on your face."

"So you were watching me. Only children pretend to—"

"No! I fell asleep right after that! Despite what you may think, I don't find your ugly mug entertaining enough to forgo sleep." he growled.

Throughout this back-and-forth argument, Rei had been silently watching. He didn't dare put in any input. Though, to his credit, when he saw Makoto wake up and stretch, he did try to warn them. The two bickering teens just ignored him and continued their quarrel.

"You're just a jealous bastard who doesn't have the balls to admit when he's been found out."

"I am not!" Haru huffed, turning his head to the side arrogantly as if Rin wasn't even worth the effort anymore.

"G-good morning Makoto-senpai!" Rei said loudly, cutting off Rin before he could retort. Both Haru and Rin looked at Makoto and saw a confused expression on his face.

"Good morning." He unconsciously ran his hands through his messy hair. "Did I miss something?"

"No!" Rin and Haru all but yelled.

Makoto raised his eyebrows at their quick answer but didn't question it.

Throughout all the yelling, Nagisa stayed asleep, dreaming of underwater butterflies, singing penguins, and, evidentially, making soup.