Things have gotten better. It's been three weeks since Christian was released from the hospital and I can honestly say that things are moving on. It's taken a while to get back to normal, but I think Christian and I are doing a good job. We both see Dr. Flynn every week or so, sometimes together and sometimes separately. Talking has really helped us move on from these few months of painful scars. Christian has kept the doubled security for now. Taylor accompanies me to work everyday while Sawyer goes with Christian. We're back into our normal schedules for now.

Some days are harder than others. There are times were I need to get things off my mind for a while and Christian respects that. I can also tell when Christian gets into one of his moods. He feels the need to be a listener instead of a talker. I know he wants to be there for me, but I've told him numerous times that he also needs to talk some stuff off his mind. We talk a lot about what happened to both of us. We both agree that it's over now and we need to accept what happened in order to move on.

"Ana? Are you ready?" Christian calls from downstairs. Tonight is our date night. We're going out with Elliot and Kate and Mia and Ethan are joining us at some fancy restaurant in downtown Seattle.

"Coming!" I yell down as I make my way out of our bedroom. I guess you could say that I live here now. Well, at least that's what Christian keeps telling me anyway. It's been a pleasure waking up and going to bed next to Christian everyday.

I make my way downstairs and am met with a dashingly handsome Christian standing in the foyer. My eyes rake him up and down from his tousled copper hair, to the sharp gray eyes and down his suit-covered body. I can't help but smirk when I see the familiar color of his tie.

"Ana, you look absolutely ravishing." He comes over to m and pulls me to his chest. He kisses the top of my head before pulling me away so he can see my full outfit. I choose a soft navy colored dress with some black pumps and the diamond jewelry set that Christian bought me last week.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I lean forward to press my lips to his cheek. "Now, are you going to feed me or what?"

"Ah, Ms. Steele your wish is my command." He takes my hand and leads me down into the garage where Taylor waits next to the SUV.

"Ms. Steele, Mr. Grey." He says while holding the doors open for us to climb into the backseat. We drive a few minutes into the city where we pull up in front of what I'm assuming is the restaurant. Christian climbs out first and takes my hand as we head towards the front door. A massive line of people is out the door, but we walk right up in front and are shown to our table immediately.

I'm pleasantly surprised to find that there are already people sitting at the table. "Ana!" Kate screams first and jumps up to give me a hug. "You look so good!"

"Thanks, Kate." I blush and sit down in the chair that Christian has pulled out for me. We all sit around the table and chat with each other as we all order our food. Christian barely talks. I glance over at him and he offers me a shy smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I lean over to whisper to him. He just shakes his head and takes a sit of his wine before gently reaching for my hand and pulls us up. "Christian, what is it?"

Before I know it the entire table gets silent and everyone looks up at Christian. I watch as Elliot leans back in his chair and nods up to Christian while Kate can't help but smile and clap her hands like a little schoolgirl.

"Anastasia Steele," He watched my shocked expression with guarded eyes. Then he does something that I would have never expected in a million years. Christian slowly slides down onto one knee and maintains eye contact with me the entire time.

"Oh my God." I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. My heart is racing in my chest. My blood is pumping to every part of my body. Is this real like right now?

"Ana, I love you so much, baby. You have no idea how much I owe you. You literally fell into my life out of nowhere and now you've turned my life upside-down in the best ways possible." The entire restaurant is silent now, listening to Christian's words. "I know we've been through some rough patches lately." He swallows hard and reaches out to grab my free hand. "But I want you to know that I will always be here for you. I want the good, the bad, the ups and the downs with you. You've made me into a better person, Ana. I never wanted more until I met you." My vision starts to turn fuzzy as the tears build up in my eyes. "Will you do me the absolute honor of being my wife?"

I take a deep breath in order to find my voice. I nod rapidly. "Yes, Christian, yes!" I rush out and thrown my hands around his neck just as he stands up to wrap me into his arms. Our entire table as well as the restaurant bursts out in cheers and applause.

"Oh, Ana thank you." He whispers into my hair. We pull back and stare each other in the eyes before pressing out lips together softly.

"I would love to be Mrs. Grey." I whisper against his skin.

"I'm going to make you so happy, Ana."

"Christian. You already do." I lean in and kiss him one more time before returning back to the table where we can begin our new life together.