After Angus had told Bec about Solar Blue closing she had phoned Simmo to inform him of the news. Simmo had jumped straight into action calling contacts and making arrangements to enter an offer in a bid to save the surf academy that he and so many others were attached to. The bid went through the following week and as the previous year packed, Simmo was making plans for the new influx. He was shocked to see the mural that Bec Sanderson's group had painted was gone. He knew that changes would have been made but he hadn't been expecting to see so many.

Nobody knew quite why the sale of Solar Blue had been processed so quickly but in the following year much was revealed. Andrew, the former owner and CEO of Solar Blue had been killed in a car accident and the lawyers had taken this as a chance to sell to a company that had been waiting on the sidelines for months. To say that the group was angry would have been an understatement. They were livid. The entire situation was plain inconsiderate. A family's grieving had been taken advantage of.