Welcome to my second installment of the Anti-Fairy Godparents saga. I'm considering doing a parody of the theme song for this...

Anyway, hope you're ready for more antics! Read on my fans!


Timmy sighed as he sat down in his chair. Class was about to start, and Crocker was in his usual mood, ready to give anyone an F.

"Oh well, just 3 more months until sweet summer freedom!" he muttered.

"Way to keep on the positive side, sport!" Wanda, disguised as a pencil, praised.

The bell rang, and the rest of the class took their seats.

"Hello class, I have two very important announcements. One, we have a pop quiz!" Crocker announced.

Everyone moaned, except for A.J., and waited for the next announcement.

"And the other one, we have a new student! Wait…darn it! That's another brat to teach!"

"Oh, a new student! Someone who won't know that we're losers!" Chester exclaimed.

"Maybe he will have friendship bracelets for us!" Sanjay added.

"Oh, or maybe he's smart like me!" AJ piped in.

A knock on the door caught their attention, and the principal walked in.

"Good morning class, I would like to introduce our new student! Come in!" she yelled.

A kid walked in, and Timmy and his fairies gasped in recognition.


"Hi Timmy!" she said with a wave.

"Dude, you know her? A girl? And she actually says hi to you without launching you into the air?" Chester exclaimed.

"Yeah, I met her a few weeks ago, she's cool!"

"Alright, since you're so chummy with TURNER, you can SIT NEXT TO HIM!" Crocker exclaimed.

Deseray happily jumped into the empty chair next to Timmy, and sat at full attention as Crocker started passing out the quiz.

"Deseray, what're you doing here? I thought you said you were homeschooled."

"Well I was, but it was getting kinda lonely around the house, so I talked my parents into sending me here."

"What about Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda?"

As he was asking this, they noticed a few of the other kids and Crocker glancing at them.

"Why yes, I did get new earrings." Deseray hastily replied, brushing her violet hair back a little.

Hanging from her right ear were two dark blue hoops, and if one looked closely, they could see green and pink eyes on them.

"Oh, nice disguise." Timmy remarked.

"QUIET WHILE THE QUIZ IS OUT!" Crocker exclaimed.

"Yes sir!" the duo exclaimed.

"By the way Ms. Lincoln, I have just one question for you,"

Around her, Deseray heard soft mutterings of "Here we go…" and "Why's he gotta do this to every new kid who walks in here…"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Do you believe in the existence of FAIRIES?" Crocker exclaimed, leaning on her desk.

Deseray stared at him for a minute in silent shock.


She spotted Timmy, who was shaking his head frantically.

"Just say no, child!" she heard Anti-Cosmo whispered harshly.


Crocker drew back, giving her a suspicious glare.

"Very well, carry on."

He returned to his own desk, while Deseray glanced at Timmy with a puzzled expression. He shook his head tiredly while doing the cuckoo sign.

Deseray shook her head, before getting to work on the quiz.


The lunch bell rang, and Deseray walked beside Timmy as they headed for the cafeteria.

"Okay, so what's with that Crocker guy? When I was in the office, they saw my teacher, and said 'Do we have to put her with him? She's such a nice girl.' What's going on?"

"He's a lunatic, but he believes in fairies. I don't know if he knows about Anti-Fairies, but just in case, you gotta be careful around him."


They entered the lunch room, and after getting their trays, started towards Timmy's group. However, before they could get very far, another girl with long black hair stopped them.

"Hey Trixie!" Timmy exclaimed.

Trixie didn't respond to him.

"Hey, Deseray, you're like, super rich, right?"

"Um, yes."

"Great, why don't you come sit with me at the cool kids' table?"

Trixie started leading her away before she could answer.

"But…I don't want to-"

Trixie sat her down at a table with a bunch of other finely dressed kids.

"Um, you're very nice, but I'd rather sit with Timmy and his friends." Deseray stammered.

"Why would you want to sit with those losers?" Chad asked.

"B-because they're my friends."

"You're only friends with losers if you are a loser. Guess that means you're a loser!" Brad laughed.

"No, I'd just rather hang out with them-"



The chant rose around the table, except for Trixie, who remained silent. One of the rich kids grabbed a plate full of mashed potatoes, and threw it at her. It hit her in the face, and spread the mashed potatoes through her hair.

While they were laughing, Deseray abruptly stood, and marched out of the cafeteria, tears leaking out of her eyes. Timmy watched her go, before jumping off the chair and racing after her.

"Deseray, come back!" he called.

Trixie watched them, before sighing a little and pulling out her compact.

"Pretty funny, huh Trix?" Chad asked, nudging her with his elbow.

The compact slipped out of her hand, and shattered on the floor.

"Chad, you broke my mirror!"

"Sorry, looks like you got some bad luck comin'!"

"YOU broke it, so it's bad luck for you!"

As they were arguing, they failed to notice the water fountains beside them trembling.


Timmy found Deseray in one of the school's many halls, sobbing, with Anti-Wanda floating beside her and trying to comfort her.

"Deseray, are you okay?" Timmy asked as his fairies appeared, casting sympathetic looks at the younger girl.

Deseray sniffled, trying to dry her eyes with her sleeve.

"Where's Anti-Cosmo?" Wanda asked.

"He said he'd be right back." Anti-Wanda replied.

At that moment, they all heard an explosion, followed by shrieks from the lunch room.

Anti-Cosmo suddenly appeared, looking both smug and agitated.

"Well that takes care of those hooligans. Now then, Deseray, are you quite alright?" he asked.

She looked up at him, sniveling again, and nodded a little.

"Depends, what'd you do?"

"I simply allowed them to go for a little swim…"

"Sweet, we can get revenge on anybody now! Wait, was Trixie okay?" Timmy asked.

He was met with annoyed glares all around.

"Right, sorry; and I'm sorry your first day isn't going so well."

"I thought public schools were supposed to be fun and friendly, like on TV." Deseray mumbled.

"Dude, those aren't real schools, they're just acting."

"…Well that's dumb…"

Timmy couldn't help but snicker at her comment, while Deseray's appearance was fixed via magic courtesy of the Anti-Fairies.

"I'd say let's go back to the cafeteria, but I'm assuming it's a pool," Timmy stated, glancing at the smirking Anti-Cosmo, "So whatta we do now?"

"Is there a library?" Deseray asked.

Timmy blinked, before asking, "Uh, that's the big room with all the books, right?"


"Why would you wanna go in there? It's full of blocks with words! WORDS!" Cosmo shouted, eyes wide with fear.

"WORDS?!" Anti-Wanda exclaimed, before adopting a stern frown.

"There ain't no way MY godchild is goin' into a room full'a big scary words!"

Anti-Cosmo and Wanda sighed, but the intercom buzzed to life, and the principal's voice sounded.

"Attention students, due to the unexplainable flooding in the cafeteria spreading through the school, classes are canceled for the rest of the day."

There was loud cheering, and moments later crowds of kids ran past the hallway, obviously too excited to notice the five floating figures. Timmy seemed just as excited as he turned to his companions.

"Awesome, you got school canceled early! Let's hit the arcade and play some video games!" He announced, racing after the crowd. His fairies quickly poofed after him, and Deseray met her Anti-Fairies' gazes, before she followed with a laugh as the Anti-Fairies returned to their earring disguise.

Meanwhile, a shadowy figure watched them go from the inside of a locker, before vanishing in a puff of smoke...


Guess whooo? No, seriously, you'll never guess who it is.

Stay tuned for more!