summary: It's while he's helping Cas pick out a new couch that he realizes it.

"I need a couch."

Dean looked up from his burger. Across him, nibbling slowly on a fry, Cas gave no indication that he was joking, nor that he was going to elaborate.

Swallowing, Dean prompted, "You need one right now?"

"No," Castiel answered like he was talking to a particularly slow two-year-old (which was totally unfair, given he was the one being all vague). "But I need a new one. Preferably sooner than later."

"What's wrong with the one you have at home?"

"Had," Cas corrected. "It's broken." To the amused, quirked eyebrow Dean shot him, he answered, "Gabriel."

And there went the other eyebrow. "Do I wanna know?" he asked.

"Probably not. It involved a mariachi band."

"Oh, now I definitely wanna know."

But Cas shook his head. "It isn't important. I wanted to ask you if you'd come with me to find a new one."

"Sure," Dean said with a shrug and upon seeing Cas was out of fries, nudged forward his own portion. Cas took them gratefully. "You got any place in mind?"

"Yes, and I have Gabriel's credit card."

And seriously, this was why Dean loved him. "You know, everyone always thinks you're the innocent one, but really..." he teased.

Cas rolled his eyes, though there wasn't any annoyance behind the gesture. "Will you come?" he asked.

"Yeah, just lemme finish and we can go."

And that was how they ended up at Comfort Zone, a local furniture shop(and yeah, Dean actually gagged when they pulled up into the parking lot), surrounded by lumpy armchairs and bouncy sofas, ranging in colours of earthy tones to psychedelic monstrosities, and prices of aw yeah to are you serious that's not even real leather what the actual fuck.

Dean was bored within fifteen minutes, but he bit his tongue because damn it if Cas didn't do favours for him all the time. Instead, he followed the other around, offering opinions on the neon orange sofa that he wouldn't have sex on, let alone sit on, or the fact that vinyl had nothing on real leather.

"It's eco-friendly, not to mention more humane," Cas responded to the latter.

Dean's mind immediately went to his car's upholstery. "You callin' my baby bad names?" he asked.

"Of course not."

The blond grinned playfully. "Well, we'll see about you gettin' a ride home."

Cas' attention was demanded by the employee that had been following them around since they got there, and soon enough, the discussion was back on advantages of vinyl. Dean didn't bother to listen in, opting to think about his previous statement.

What would they be doing later on? He remembered Cas had said something about needing to stop by his office for some papers to take home. Dean himself didn't have a case at the moment and was free if only for the weekend, just had to prep for the court session he had on Monday. Should he swing by Cas' in the evening later to make dinner? They'd spent the past three days at the Novak's place, and Dean didn't really have the heart to go back to his own apartment. Not when Cas wouldn't be there.

The notion was more than a little startling. Was he seriously avoiding his apartment just because Cas was at his own?

Dean snuck a peek at Cas, took in his piercing eyes, the honest look of interest he wore as he listened to an undoubtedly boring lecture on the ridiculously-priced, faux-leather love seat.

Yes. The answer was definitely yes.

Christ, there isn't any going back then, is there? a small voice in the back of his head wondered. And surprisingly, that thought didn't bother him all that much.

And because of the rush of adrenaline the new-found information brought on, the next time Cas turned to ask about the a-little-less-orange-but-still-damn-ugly couch he'd seen, Dean announced, "You know, you could just use my couch."

Cas stopped mid-sentence and tilted his head, brow furrowed slightly. Dean was glad to see the employee took this as his leave. "I don't understand. Won't you need yours?" he asked in response.

"Well, yeah. But we could use it... together."

He was rewarded with a bemused smile. Cas' eyes narrowed. "You're asking me something without saying it outright," he accused, and Dean's heart jumped to his mouth. Oh God what if this is a bad idea. "Although I can usually guess what it is, I'm having some trouble at the mo-"

"D'you wanna move in together?" Dean blurted out as quickly as he could, before he could throw up on one of the sofas or something.

Cas dropped his smile and he stayed like that for a good few seconds. Dean's mind went reeling. Oh God oh God oh God take it back take it back now it's too soon why do you always put your God damn foot in your mouth-

It took him a moment to realise his shoulder was being shaken. "Dean, stop." Cas' voice was gentle, but firm and it somewhat lessened the nausea in his gut. "Calm down, I haven't said no," he said.

"Haven't exactly said yes either," Dean managed, mentally patting himself on the back for not spewing his lunch up. "Look, if it's too fast, I get it, all right? It's fine really, if you don't want-"

"I didn't say I don't want to, Dean. I haven't said anything yet, but if you'd let me, I'd like to give you an answer." When Dean's mouth forcefully clamped shut, he continued, with a small smile that eased the blond's nerves a little, "I apologise for reacting the way I did, you simply caught me off-guard. We came in here with the intention of getting me a new couch, not a new home." Dean moved to speak again, but Cas shushed him softly. "Nevertheless... Yes. I'd love to live with you," he murmured and he actually fucking blushed as he said it. It made Dean ridiculously happy.

He brought their foreheads together and who the fuck cared if they were in the middle of a furniture store anyway. "Seriously-? I mean, yeah. Okay, sure. Good." Jesus, he couldn't believe the speed his heart was thundering at momentarily. It felt like his rib cage was gonna burst, why was it that Cas always did that to him?

"Just one question," Cas said.


A shy, baffled smile crept onto Cas' lips. "Why would you live with me, of all people?"

"What do you mean, why? 'Cause I love you, dumb ass. Don't wanna be coming home to an empty apartment if I can be coming home to you," Dean retorted defensively. "You're my best friend, man. No one I'd rather live with."

"I suppose that's a reasonable answer." Cas' eyes briefly flashed over Dean's shoulder. "I suppose that's a no to the orange couch, then?"

"Fuck no. No way I'm letting you buy somethin' like that."

"Still..." There was that mischievous glint again. "A new couch would have to be christened."

Dean smirked. "What do you have in mind?"

Cas got in real close, whispered against the shell of his ear, carding slender fingers through the hair on Dean's nape, "Something along the lines of copious amounts of indecent sex."

"Well-" Dean licked his lips, all sorts of images already running through his head. "Better get lookin', then."

A/N: And that's the last one for now! I had my French oral exam today, and the rest start next Wednesday. So I don't think there'll be any time to write any more, which is fine. This is a good place to stop.

Hope you guys enjoyed these :) There won't be anything new coming out this month, but Em and I are working on something that should be posted around next month. Maybe? Possibly? We'll see.