Me: Hello minna. This is actually my first story to put on this site and I'm not really sure how it will turn out, but I hope you like it and maybe tell me about it in a review... or such? Haha, okay I fail. Title sucks, sorry for that. Truth is I'm supposed to sleep right now and this was the title that I used to save it as a draft (first typed it in Word, then as a document on here and now finally publishing it). So, yeah... This is it I guess... Oh wait, disclaimer of course! Hmm, now who to ask for that?

Tsurugi: sigh. Lotus Sword does not own Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone or it's characters.

Me: Ow, thank you Kyousuke! ^^

Tsurugi: uhm, no problem? You seemed a bit troubled so I thought I should help you out...

Me: Arigatou! (: Hihi, you're not as cold as you pretend to be, are you?

Tsurugi: err... what?

Me: Hope you enjoy the story, minna!

"The others should be alright again, right?" Tenma asked Fey with a hopeful smile. The other boy nodded.

"Yes, we saw with our own eyes how Beta took off the mind control."

"If only they would give back Endou-kantoku," Shinsuke said with a sad frown.

"Don't worry. We will fight Protocol Omega 3.0 and then we'll just take him back."

"But we need to be careful," Tsurugi stated while looking out of the window. "You say that Beta was much stronger than that Alpha guy, so it's likely that Gamma is way stronger than Beta. If that's the case, we'll need to power up again."

They chatted along like that while Wondeba made the preparations for the time jump back to their present time. Shindou looked out of the window to see Okatsu crying on her brother's shoulder. His heart broke. The girl was sweet, caring, kind and really pretty, and she obviously liked him. He liked her too, but not in that way. She seemed to accept this, but it still pained him to see her like this. He looked at the little wooden box with the pure white tofu that she made for him. He put it in his bag, silently vowing that he would not forget this girl.

"Minna, you should see this," Wondeba called from the front of the Inazuma TM Caravan. He pointed at a little blue light that was flickering. "That light signals an interference from a certain aura in at least one of your personal timelines."

"Do you know whose aura it is, Wondeba-san?" Fey asked. The stuffed bear nodded.

"Yeah, I installed it to look after the aura of Gamma. I thought he was trouble right away, so I recorded his aura noise. It seems that he tries to change your timelines."

"Then we need to go there as fast as possible!" Tenma shouted.

Shindou nodded. "Indeed. We will have to wait to see our friends again."

"Minna, please sit down and fasten your seatbelts," Wondeba shouted. "Since we'll travel without any Artifact, this will probably be a bumpy ride!" Everyone obeyed and Wondeba pushed the little light, which appeared to act as a button. He seemed to push buttons and pull levers at random, and they all felt how the caravan's exterior changed and how it floated up into the air. "Aura Follow Mode, activate! Time jump in T minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, TIME JUMP!"

Shindou cast one last look on the crying girl beneath him before they got swallowed up in the wormhole. As Wondeba predicted, it was a bumpy ride. The Inazuma TM Caravan shook and trembled and seemed at the verge of breaking when they finally got out of the wormhole. Everyone sighed in relieve and unfastened their seatbelts before they got out.

"It appears that the Aura Follow Mode still needs some adjustments before it's perfect," Wondeba muttered before he turned to the group again. "I will stay here and fix the Inazuma TM Caravan up, since I see it took on some damage from the journey. I think it's best if the managers stay here as well, so that they can help me." Everyone agreed with it and the six boys thought about their next step.

"Gamma probably went to this timeline to attack you and your teammates so that you won't play in the Holy Road Tournament and quit playing soccer," Fey said. "Therefore, I think it's best if we split up and look for them to make sure that they're safe. If Protocol Omega 3.0 finds out that we're here as well, they might challenge us for a match. In that case, we'll need some of the Raimon members to form a team."

"What date is it exactly?" Tenma asked and he looked to the sakura blossom that floated through the air. Fey checked the device at his wrist. "It's your first day of school. Now I wonder why they chose this date," he said.

Shindou's eyes widened. "Because today is the day that the Raimon soccer club almost fell apart."

"Yosh, minna, we can't let that happen!" Tenma exclaimed and he put a fist in the air. "Let's stop Protocol Omega 3.0 from whatever they are doing in this time!" Everyone replied with an enthusiastic cheer and they divided themselves in three pairs: Tenma and Shindou, Shinsuke and Nishiki and Tsurugi and Fey.

Tenma and Shindou hid behind some trees as they were looking for familiar faces. Then, Shindou recalled something. He glanced at the younger boy beside him, who was staring intensely at the faces of the people who were walking past the riverbank. "Say, Tenma?"

Said boy looked up. "What is it, Shindou-san?"

Shindou hesitated. He didn't want to do this since Tenma seemed still rather insecure about his abilities as a captain, but Shindou had to do this if they didn't want to get unwanted attention. "You see, in this time, I'm still the… you know, the captain of the team. I think it would be less confusing for the others if I wore the captain mark again."

Tenma perked up and immediately took of the red mark that was on his left upper arm. "Oh yeah, of course. Here you go, Shindou-san," he said while he handed the mark to his senpai. Shindou watched the boy a few seconds longer before he took the band and shove it around his arm.

"I'm not saying this because of your captain abilities, Tenma, you know that right?"

"Sure captain, I understand that it's necessary. Wait, aren't that Sangoku-senpai, Kurumada-senpai, Minamisawa-senpai and Amagi-senpai?" He pointed. Shindou looked up to find the four third years standing on top of the stairs, gazing the soccer field below with nostalgic eyes.

"You're right. Let's go."

The four third years saw them pretty quickly and tried to go their own way, clearly not wanting to talk to the beaming first year and their captain. Luckily, Shindou and Tenma could stop them before they completely turned away.

"What is it, Shindou?" Minamisawa asked in his lazy voice while he flipped his purple bangs, completely ignoring Tenma.

"I wanted to tell you something important, senpai," Shindou answered politely.

"What is it?" Sangoku asked. Shindou looked around nervously.

"Maybe it's better that we go to some other place. We need to find the others first, then I can explain it to you all at once."

"I seriously don't have time for this," Minamisawa answered and he started to walk off.

"Minamisawa-senpai, please wait," Tenma pleaded. "It really is important what Shindou-san has to say."

"Tenma is right. Please, Minamisawa-senpai," Shindou added.

The four third years stared at the duo. "Tenma? Since when did you move on to first names, Shindou?"

"Come to think of it, why are you wearing that uniform?" Kurumada asked Tenma. "Didn't kantoku say that the entrance exam is tomorrow? How did you even get it?"

"Ah, well..." Tenma started and Shindou silently scolded himself because they were so careless. He shook his head.

"Never mind that. Can you please follow us? We're meeting somewhere with a few others. Then, everything will be clear to you."

"You're meeting somewhere with some other people, huh?" Minamisawa stated mockingly with his eyes closed. Then he sighed. "This better be worth it, Shindou." The others seemed to agree with him and they quietly followed their captain.

Three boys were walking alongside each other, not speaking a word. They were all deep in thought, thinking about what happened this very morning.

"Are we really sure about this?" Hayami wined softly. "That Tsurugi is pretty scary. And he is really strong as well. M-maybe we should just obey to Fifth Sector..."

"Yeah," Kurama muttered. "Did you see Shindou this afternoon? He didn't do anything to stop them from leaving... And he seemed rather depressed too. Maybe he'll stop as well."

Hayami's eyes widened. "Aah, I don't know if I can put up with all this if even Shindou gives up."

"He already gave up," Kurama said. "He's a good captain, more concerned about our wellbeing than about his own desire to play soccer." He sighed.

"Ne, ne, don't be so down you two," Hamano pouted. "You'll chase the fish away."

"But we're not even at the fishing spot yet," Kurama complained effortlessly. Even bickering with his friends couldn't cheer him up right now.

"Senpai!" They turned around when they heard the shout. They saw a small, spiky haired boy in the Raimon uniform. The boy smiled and they recognised him as one of the first years that wanted to join the soccer club. Or, as Hamano would phrase it, who wanted to jump back on a sinking ship. The boy sighed in relief and said: "Thank goodness, I'm so happy I found you."

"Oi, first year. I don't know what you want, but I don't have time for you," Kurama said bluntly. He wasn't in the mood for an overenthusiastic kid right now.

The boy's smile disappeared. "Senpai," he said with a sad frown.

"Oi, Shinsuke, you found them I see?"

The three second years perked up when they heard a familiar voice. "Nishiki?" they exclaimed in unison. "Since when are you back from Italy?" Hamano asked.

The tanned soccer player scratched the back of his head and laughed his signature laugh - which was loud as always. "That's a long story, ahaha. But can you come with us for a while? We need to find the others and then tell you something."

"W-we?" Hayami stuttered.

"Yes, we are here with a few others, Hayami-senpai. Like Nishiki-senpai said, we have to tell you something and it's really important, so can you come with us?" Shinsuke pleaded.

"How on earth do you know Nishiki, Nishizono?" Hamano asked.

Now it was Shinsuke's turn to scratch the back of his head. "Ahaha, gomen, Hamano-senpai. Things are a bit hard to explain right now, but if you follow us to the others, then they will explain everything at once."

"... You are acting very strange. Both of you," Kurama commented with a frown. "Nishiki, look me in the eye. This is not some trick of Fifth Sector, correct? You didn't turn in one of them as well?" He looked his former classmate closely. There was only one way the real Nishiki Ryouma would react to a statement like this.

Nishiki blinked while he stared in Kurama's one visible eye. Then he threw his head in his neck and laughed his characteristic - and once again, really loud - laugh. "You haven't changed a bit, Kurama," he snickered. Kurama's serious face turned into a small smile.

"Okay then, lets go."

Shindou and Kirino walked home together in silence. A lot had happened that day. First of all, when they headed to morning practice, they found a beaten up rank B team and an odd kind of soccer battle between two boys, neither of them a member of the soccer club. After that, they got challenged to a match by one of those boys, Tsurugi. He and his team nearly destroyed the rank A team as well, but Shindou managed to rescue it by – believe it or not – unleashing a Keshin. He still couldn't believe that those Keshin legends were really true, let alone that he was a user.

But although unleashing a Keshin may have prevented them from being replaced by members from Fifth Sector, the soccer club was anything but save. All managers, the entire rank B team and two members from the rank A team had quit because they got scared of Fifth Sector, leaving them with only nine members in the rank A team. Shindou gritted his teeth, but what could he do? He had no right to force his teammates to stand up against Fifth Sector and suffer more injuries.

And then there were those two first years. Matsukaze Tenma and Nishizono Shinsuke. They were so gullible and innocent, they would be crushed the minute they set foot in this managed soccer business. Shindou had tried to stop them from joining, knowing they would only get injured, but it seemed like they wouldn't change their minds. Why couldn't they see it? Why couldn't they see that the real soccer, the fun soccer, didn't exist anymore? And all because of Fifth Sector. He sighed.

"What are you thinking about?" Kirino asked. He was worried since his friend seemed very down and hadn't spoken a word yet.

"The soccer club," Shindou replied. Or what was left of it. If that damn Tsurugi hadn't come, than it would be bearable, but now… Tsurugi was someone send in by Fifth Sector, a SEED, to make sure that Raimon still followed Fifth Sector. His team, the Black Knights, withdrew from the match, but Shindou was sure that today wasn't the last time they would hear from Tsurugi.

A snicker caused the two boys to turn around. "So this is the great captain of Raimon? I can't believe you gave all that trouble to Beta and Alpha." The boy snickered again. He had spiky cream coloured hair, a pale skin and some sort of communication device on his right cheek. He stood there with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, an arrogant smirk never leaving his face. He wore a strange looking blue, grey and white uniform that looked somehow futuristic and he had a small disk between his fingers.

Shindou frowned, what was that guy talking about? Alpha? Beta? Who were they? "I'm afraid there's a misunderstanding here, I don't know who you're talking about."

"Of course you don't," the boy remarked. Kirino frowned at his mockery.

"What do you want from us?"

"I don't want anything from you. I simply want to crush you and make sure you don't rise again," The boy said while he opened his eyes to give Shindou and Kirino an angry glance. With those words, he threw the disk in the air. It floated there for a few seconds while blue lines shot out of it, forming the shape of a ball. The spaces between the lines got filled up and in mere seconds, the disk became an odd soccer ball. Odd, because the black spaces on a normal soccer ball were different coloured circles on this ball. The ball drifted back to the foot of the boy, who touched the orange patch. "Strike Mode," a robotic voice said and the ball started to glow. Kirino and Shindou backed away, what was going on? The boy kicked the ball, which hit Kirino in the stomach and caused him to hit the wall of the house behind him. He let out a yelp of pain when he fell to the ground, struggling to get up again. The ball, that still had a lot of power even after knocking Kirino away, hit the same wall and bounced back, only to hit Shindou in the back. Shindou felt how he lost his footing and fell to the ground. He looked up at the boy, who looked down on them with a disdainful expression.

Shindou heard a soft moan behind him and got back to his feet as quickly as possible. He ran to Kirino and helped him up. "Kirino…" That one word expressed all his worries for his best friend, who opened his eyes and flashed him a painful smile. "I'm okay."

"Well, we can't have that, now can we?" their attacker said mockingly while shooting the ball again, only this time, it was solely aimed at Shindou. The ball hit him in his chest and pushed him against the wall, keeping him there until the ball finally lost all of its power. Shindou screamed in pain when the ball collided with his chest and when his back collided with the wall. When the ball lost its power, he fell to the ground, unable to get up again as pain ran through his entire body.

"Shindou!" Kirino knelt by his side to help him up. Then he turned to glare at their attacker, who had not moved an inch. "Who are you?" he asked in a cautious tone.

"My name is Gamma. I've been looking for you."

"Are you another SEED?" Shindou managed to say while he was leaning on Kirino for support.

Gamma flashed an arrogant smile while closing his eyes and stroking his hair. "No. Although we may have the same orders regarding Raimon, our goals are different. They simply want you to obey them…" He opened his eyes and his smile disappeared, "…and I want you to give up on soccer permanently." He repeated his actions from before and shot a bright orange glowing ball at the duo. With the ball's speed and their injuries, Shindou knew they wouldn't be able to dodge it. He prepared himself for the impact when a leg came in his sight, keeping the ball from hitting Shindou's face.

After what seemed like an eternity, the person managed to kick the ball back. Shindou remembered how much power it held before and he admired the power of their rescuer. Since the ball was glowing rather bright, neither Shindou nor Kirino saw more of their rescuer than his silhouette. After he – they presumed their rescuer was a boy – had blocked the ball, he grabbed Shindou's wrist with his left hand, Kirino's wrist with his right hand and made a run for it, dragging the two boys along. There must have been another person, because the loud noises of the strange ball being shot at full force continued behind them.

Kirino and Shindou ran through several streets, following their rescuer, before the boy finally halted and let go of their wrists. Shindou – exhausted from the short sprint and all of the injuries he got today – sank to his knees while panting heavily. Kirino placed his hands on his knees and panted as well.

"Are you okay?" Both boys froze at the voice of their rescuer. They slowly looked up to find their rescuer was Tsurugi. The same Tsurugi that had threatened to replace them this very morning. He wore the Raimon uniform – even though he wasn't in the team – with number 10.

"Tsu-Tsurugi?!" They both exclaimed at the same time. Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped, not believing that their rescuer was the same boy that hurt their team. He glared at them.

"Will you two cut it out? If they find us here, we'll all be in big trouble." He paused to see how his words sank in. The two older boys looked at him in shock, clearly not understanding what he was talking about. He sighed. "We better keep moving. Can you walk?" He asked while he walked towards Shindou.

Said boy got to his feet as quickly as possible and backed away, but he almost lost his balance and needed all his focus just to remain standing. "I'm perfectly fine on my own," he said and he tried to walk away, but his entire body hurt.

Tsurugi simply raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I can see that," he stated straight-faced. Shindou suddenly felt how his arm was lifted and before he realized it, he was already leaning on Tsurugi. The navy blue haired boy turned to his other senpai, who was still awestruck. "What about you? Can you walk?" He turned around when Kirino nodded, muttering: "Come on then, we haven't got all day."

"Tsurugi, what is going on?" Kirino asked after a few minutes.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're acting completely different from before. This morning you hurt, embarrassed and mocked us, now you saved and helped us. What's that about? And that guy, Gamma. Do you know him?"

Tsurugi's serious expression didn't change when he eyed the pink haired defender. "There's actually a lot that we need to tell you, but you should wait. It's more convenient to tell you all in once." His words didn't clarify much to the second years, but they decided to do as he said and keep their mouth shut.

"So Tsurugi, where are you taking us?" Shindou dared to ask. He looked closely at the boys facial expression, still not trusting him completely. Kirino seemed to feel the same way about it. Tsurugi closed his eyes and smiled confidently to himself, but didn't slow down the slightest.

"We're going to meet a few friends of yours," he answered while holding back a chuckle. Kirino and Shindou were anything but reassured by that answer and looked each other in the eye, silently making plans for an escape. They saw a bunch of people in front of them, their backs turned towards Tsurugi, Shindou and Kirino. When they neared the people, they recognised them as their teammates. The said boys stood with their back towards the trio, crowding around a few other people that neither Shindou nor Kirino could see. Tsurugi smiled, brought his right hand to his lips and whistled, causing the group to turn around. They froze at the spot, gaping at the trio as if they saw a ghost.

One of the figures in the middle ran towards them towards them to take over Shindou from Tsurugi. "Shindou-san, what happened?"

"Matsukaze?" The boy wore the Raimon uniform, but why? He wasn't even in the team yet, Kudou-kantoku said that the entrance exam would be tomorrow after school. Something very odd was going on.

"Tsurugi, what happened?" Nishizono asked.

Tsurugi shrugged and frowned. "Gamma. He was attacking them. Fei was keeping him busy while I got those two away from there. I hope he is alright. That Gamma dude might try the same trick on him as Beta did and capture him..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," a new voice sounded from behind them. Everyone turned to see a boy of their age with mint green hair and a bright smile. "Is this everyone, Shindou-san?"

Shindou unfroze because he thought that the boy spoke to him, and he wanted to answer that he had no idea what the boy was talking about, but he was cut off by another voice. "Yes, Fey. On this day, two members quit, leaving us with only nine members in the rank A team."

Shindou's eyes widened as he slowly turned to the source of the voice. What the... He saw himself in the middle of the group. Was he halucinating? Did that soccer ball hit his head or something? Yeah, that must be it. First, he imagines Tsurugi - Tsurugi for crying out loud - to rescue them when the boy would only do the opposite, and now he sees himself.

"What the..." he managed to bring out. "Is... Is this real?" His look-a-like looked at him and smiled an apologetic smile at him and Kirino.

"I think I we have a lot to explain to you."

Me: DUNDUNDUUUUUUNNN! Cliffhanger! :D hope you liked it and keep on reading. Bye!