hi guys. if you're still here.

i'm sorry for the delay in updates and for making you think this story was abandoned. that wasn't the case. since my last update the following excuses happened - my great aunt died in Feb. of 2015, my laptop crashed in April and i lost EVERYTHING that i hadn't backed up on a few external hard drives, i was still addicted to playing destiny (soloing and two manning raids ftw), i went through a battle with getting a drug addicted kicked from my house and took over helping my grandfather with custody of her kids, work, more video games, conventions, and now i'm back.

i feel like this chapter isn't good enough, but i've spent the last month planning for this story because i've been dying to write for a while.

enjoy or not, idc.

If it wasn't for the glimpse of shocking red hair heading back towards the hotel then Mello wouldn't have known which direction Matt was going. It was dark outside, save for the lights of the balcony above him and the dim lighting coming from inside the convention center. Everyone standing around in similar clothing didn't help either, especially since it was hard for his alcohol riddled mind to keep on one track. These people were very distracting.

Matt was faster than he remembered. Much faster. Mello couldn't decide if it was because Matt really wanted to get away from him or if it was because his intoxicated state made things seem the way they did. Maybe it was both. Either way, he wouldn't catch up to Matt by just walking at a normal pace.

"Yo!" a guy called from beside him as he narrowly missed running into him.

Mello shouted a quick sorry as he picked up speed; his only stop being at the crosswalk as he waited with several other people for the light to change. It seemed that everyone waiting with him was ready for the night to be over. They were either just as messed up as he was or they'd had a busy day between photo shoots, walking around, panels, and basic convention shenanigans. There was one common goal between all these people - day two for more con pleasures.

Mello was the only one with something else in mind and this crowd (that was getting larger) was in the way of what he wanted. Matt was getting away from him; having just turned the corner towards the hotel as he was stuck trying to desperately weave his way through people staying grouped together. To make matters worse the group of people crossing opposite him decided they all wanted high fives. Mello wanted to smack the ever living hell out of each of them. They could do that later or tomorrow - just not when he was in a hurry.

"Matt! Wait up!" Mello shouted as he got close to the revolving doors that Matt was nearing. The red head paused momentarily and turned around with a huff, eyes rolling.

However, he didn't move. He stayed in place, to Mello's surprise.

"What do you want?" Matt asked him once he was within range of hearing.

"Give me a minute," Mello told him, bending over and breathing deeply.

"I really don't have a minute to spar," Matt said. "I'm not in the mood for this and I want to go to bed."

Mello straightened up, sliding his hands into his pockets as he did. He tried to look at everything except for the one standing in front of him. It wouldn't do him any good to forget what he came to do.

"I just want to talk, Matt." Mello started. "I just wan-"

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say." Matt told him. Truth be told he wanted to know everything Mello had to say to him, but he didn't want the blond to know that. He didn't want Mello knowing that he thought about them meeting again for the longest time and picking up where they'd left off.

"Please," Mello practically begged, sobering up and finally stilling his gaze on the blue orbs he'd missed so much. "I won't ask for anything else. Just, please hear me out."

"I can't," Matt muttered as he turned his back on Mello. "I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"Okay..." Mello's voice was almost lost in the night. Matt winced at how broken he sounded. It wasn't like him. The boy he'd been in love with had been confident in every little thing he did and said, so to hear him sound so dejected made Matt feel guilty for how he'd been acting.

But, Mello deserved it.

He knew that Matt would be at the dance and he knew damn well that Matt would be watching him. He'd have to be crazy to think otherwise.

"I have to go get my bag from the room and after that I'll be out of your hair," the blond spoke quietly as he pushed past Matt.

They rode the elevator in silence to the floor that Sayu's room was located on. It was one floor above the hotel bar and Mello told himself that if he could pass for twenty one then he'd drown his drunken sorrows with more alcohol and hope for the best.

Whatever the best was.

Mello walked quite a few feet behind Matt. The sounds of room parties could be heard as they headed towards the room - obnoxious laptop DJs were heard trying to pump up a full room of wasted con goers, people were running the hallway dressed in pajama closet cosplays, and Mello's eyes were trained on the back of Matt's head. He couldn't find it in himself to look anywhere else.

They came to a stop at Sayu's room. Mello leaned against the wall, his arms folded across his chest as he tried to keep himself balanced. The horrible music coming from rooms by the elevators couldn't be heard anymore and Mello thanked every deity for that. It meant that they could exist in silence for a short period of time before splitting ways for the rest of the convention.

Mello caught himself thinking that he'd just go home early. It would allow him time to get himself together and get out of his parent's house. They'd already ruined enough of his life.

"Fuck me," Matt hissed, jarring Mello out of his internal struggles.

"What?" Mello nearly choked.

"Not literally, asshole." Matt spat, cutting his eyes at the blond. "Never literally."

"Okay?" Mello questioned. "But, seriously, what?"

"I don't have a key." Matt said in annoyance, inhaling deeply and gritting his teeth. "I fucking forgot to get a spare from Sayu before she left the room earlier. This is why I don't drink. Fuck it all."

"Well, it looks like we wait."

"It looks like I wait. You can go back to your own room. Assuming you have your key card." Matt deadpanned, turning around so that his back was against the door. He slid down to the floor, his legs stretched out on the carpet that looked like it was from the eighties.

"Yeah, I could, but my bag is in there." Mello reminded him, looking down at Matt.

"I'm sure Sayu would give it to you tomorrow," the gamer said, closing his eyes and resting his head against the door. "I'm going to try to sleep, so do what you want."

"You're going to sleep in the hall?" Mello asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have no choice."

"You can come back to my room," Mello began, pushing off the wall and digging for his wallet to make sure he had his key card. He was relieved to see that it was first visible thing. "You'd at least have a bed to sleep in and random people wouldn't bug you to come drink with them. I think it's a better alternative than waiting in the hall, but that's your call."

Matt opened his eyes, watching Mello as he started walking back towards the floor lobby and the elevators. He could stay in the hall and let his annoyance triple as he sat waiting for his group to return so that he could get some sleep. He could remain alone and replay Mello's make-out session in the silence of the expensive as hell hallway until he became angry all over again. That probably wouldn't end well. He'd be more than willing to hop into someone's room for the night in exchange for a few drinks and a spot to sleep, which would be just as uncomfortable as the floor he was sitting on.

On the other hand, he could follow the blond, even though he really didn't want to be around him. Things had changed in the short span of a few hours they'd been reunited. When he first laid eyes on Mello that night his heart nearly jumped out of his chest, his stomach felt like it was doing flips, and as the night progressed he found himself thinking that maybe they would be able to revisit their past. The more drinks he had in his system the more these thoughts surfaced, but then Mello had to screw up.

So much for hoping that he'd get another taste at the best lay he'd ever had. At the only person he'd ever actually been in love with.

"Well?" Mello paused two doors down, his body turned halfway as he looked back, golden locks falling into his face.

"I'll go," Matt said, getting up, "but only so that I don't have to sleep on this shitty floor."

"Okay, it's not that far. Maybe a block away?"

Matt nodded before walking over to where Mello stood waiting. He hoped that he wasn't making a huge mistake.

Mello, however, was trying to figure out how to talk to Matt as they entered the elevator, walked through the main lobby, and around the block to his hotel.

shitty. yes or no? all mistakes are mine.

there is one more chapter for day 1, which should be up fairly soon.

review, plx and thx.


