Italy's health improved rapidly now that he was home. He was quickly becoming a nuisance to Romano, who eventually sent his younger brother to live with Germany for a while. This development greatly pleased both nations.

"Germany! Let's watch a movie!" Italy exclaimed, waking the blond from his afternoon nap at his desk.

"Alright, alright," Germany responded, a smile tugging his lips. He pushed the reports he was working on into a messy folder. This was the first time in decades the self-proclaimed neat freak was purposely not straightening up his desk, and he didn't mind the mess at all.

"What should we watch?" Italy asked, bouncing over to the living room. Knocking over the pile of dvd's Prussia and Canada had set up, he reached for an old video tape.

"Do not make a mess, schatz."

Blushing at his words, Italy put the dvd pile back in order. "Let's watch this!"

Germany couldn't easily view the cover of the tape with Italy waving it back and forth front of him, but did manage to see a white mask on it. "La Fantome de l'Opera?" he asked, surprised. Italy has hardly ever enjoyed watching silent movies.



"Hey Prussia! Wait up man!"

Prussia, who was walking hand in hand with Canada, turned to see America running full-speed toward him.

"Yes?" Prussia said, noting the annoyed green-eyed brit racing after the blond.

"Is it true that Italy and Germany are together again? We should totally do another dance!"

Canada giggled quietly, recalling how his brother had tripped over his own boots. England, finally catching up to them, shot a murderous glare at his date.

"It better not be at my house this time," he threatened.

"It won't be! It could be at my house! We could have another slumber party!"

"After the awesome scare last time, I doubt anyone will show up," Prussia said with a laugh.


"Hey West, you should take Italy on an awesome date!" Prussia whispered to Germany while the latter made dinner.

"Nein," Germany said. The pasta he was making was nearly done; he and Italy had moved to his room and were talking about music.

"Well, Birdie and I were going to an awesome opera, would you like our tickets?"

Italy came bouncing in holding a water glass. "What opera!"

"The HMS Pinafore, wanna go?" Prussia smirked at Germany, who sighed and relented.


"This was a brilliant plan, Birdie."

Canada blushed, holding in a smile. "I-I think th-they'll like it!"

The living room had a number of candles placed strategically around so as to produce a soft light in the space. Gentle music played from the radio, and the air smelled of vanilla. A plate of cookies sat with a bottle of wine on the coffee table, and Prussia stole one.

"Do fou think they fill fufpect uf?" he asked, cheerfully.

"Oui!" Canada replied. "Mais that's alright! They need some cheering up after what they've been through."


Germany took no notice of the candles when he ran into the house that night, followed closely by Italy who was bent at the waist and crying. The pair rushed to the kitchen.

"Prussia!" Germany yelled, startling the albino country upstairs.

When his brother peeked around the corner, Germany began to order for medical supplies.

"West, what happened?!"

Italy was struggling with something trying to wiggle out of his arms, and an inhuman sound was coming from him.