Disclaimer: Tomoyo-chan don't own fairytail


There are no normal family


A little girl no less than 5 years old was running, it was dark. She was running away from the man who made her become like that, a monster, a complete monster from such a young age. She killed hundreds of men, their blood are still on her hands. When. When will this stop?

The scene suddenly changed

Now she's crying, she's being beat up by the same man. A big knife suddenly slashed behind her. A large scar in her back was the evidence. Bruised and broken in that large but dark and lonely room. Will she ever get out from that horrible place?

The scene changed again

She's now outside it's raining hard. Her small frail body is full of bruises, both black and blue. After that beating she was thrown out and disowned by her own family. Her own family only wanted strong people, and she's a girl that will never be strong. She hated, no loathed her real family, all she wanted was to kill them... To get revenge but now she can't. She sat on some alley waiting to die. When she fainted all she saw was black clothes and beside that was a golden hair. Please. Can you help her get out from this cruel and lonely place?

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I looked at the time, it was already 6:30 "That dream again," I murmured to myself. It's been months since I had that dream again.

"Lucy!" the cute voice of my mother shouted. I smiled as I answered.

"Hai, mom I'm coming" I hurriedly put on my new uniform and ran downstairs.

"Good morning dad" I greeted my father, who was drinking coffee while reading the daily newspaper. He has short black hair, and had dark eyes. He was wearing a black office suit. My dad really loved the color black.

"Good morning Lucy," he greeted back with a gentle smile. My dad may look cold but he's a gentle person.

My mother was sitting next to him. She has very long, wavy, pale blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a single lock pointing upwards, large green eyes and a slight child-like build. My mother looked like a child in many ways.

"Good morning mother," I greeted

"Morning Lucy, hurry and eat your breakfast or you'll be late," she said. I looked at my clock again I saw the time, it was already 7 o' clock. I quickly gulped down my food and ran outside.

"Be careful Lucy, okay." my mom shouted as she waved me goodbye.

"Okay mom, I will," I said I waved them goodbye and ran.

I really loved my adoptive parents. They loves me like their real daughter. My mother Mavis Vermillion and my dad Zeref Acnologia was not really my real parents. After my real dad disowned me and leaved me on an alley bruised and already on the verge of death. They took me in; since my real dad disowned me I am no longer a Heartfilia. They changed my name from Lucy Heartfilia to Lucy Vermillion Acnologia, daughter of Zeref and Mavis Vermillion Acnologia. The Acnologia and Vermillion is a well-known family... Mother once told me that their family was once arch rivals but when they accidentally met that's when love blossomed. They even broke the rules just to be together.

Today I'm going to fairy high that my adoptive mom and dad built when they were young after they cut their ties on the vermillion and Acnologia household, when I heard about the school I keep pestering mom for me to attend that school but she told me not to go. But my dad helped me and gave reasons to mom about having a store branch here in magnolia.

I really do love them, they are my everything, they accept me for who I am.

Normal POV

"Oi, Carla-sensei is coming," a woman with long, mid-back length brown hair with varying shades of color, having been seen as bright brown, black, and, ultimately, plain brown. Two shoulder-length strands of hair framed her face, with the left one starting from a prominent, high fringe stated as she hid her few beers under the table.

"Looks like she's with the new student, I hope she's kind," a little girl with shoulder-length blue hair, which had eyebrow-length bangs, which was tied up with a colourful bandana around her head said as she returned to her book.

"She?" they all stared at the girl.

"Oh, so you didn't hear that the new student is a…" she was cut off when Carla-sensei came in.

"Ohayo minna-san" she greeted, everyone stood up and bowed.

"As I told you yesterday today we will have a new student," she waved to Lucy to come in.

Carla-sensei picks up the chalk and writes Lucy's name on the board "you can introduce yourself now," Carla-sensei said. Lucy bowedand started to introduce herself.

"I'm Lucy Acnologia, nice to meet you all," Lucy said with her gentle smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Lucy-san," they all said in unison.

"Acnologia-san you can sit next to Natsu, Natsu raise your hand." then a man with salmon pink hair and onyx pair of eyes raised his hand. Lucy walked toward the man.

"Hello, I'm Lucy Acnologia, nice to meet you" lucy said to the man.

"Natsu Dragneel, nice to meet you, how about I tour you round the school it's rare to have new student in this school." he said as he shookLucy's hand and smiled at her. She smiled with tinted pink on her cheeks "Sure…"

After the introduction they started the class.


After class lunch break; in the principal office.

Lucy knocked on the door "An old man is the principal here mom said... And I must call him master why I guess?" lucy thought. "Hey! That rhymes!" she thought again.

She was waiting for an old man's voice to call her in but a girl's voice answered "Come in," the voice was like an angel's voice.

"This old man must be a total pervert bringing women in school?" Lucy again thought while having some weird fantasies.

Lucy entered and saw a white hair girl sitting on the principal's chair beside her was a yellow haired man that in many ways was really scary.

"Are you the principal?" Lucy asked the man beside the white haired girl. The girl laughed.

"Hey, Mira the girl thought you're gramps, maybe it's the hair," the scary man said. Lucy just sweat dropped when the man flinched fromthe girl glaring at him.

"I'm Mirajane Strauss I'm not the principal I'm his personal assistant and this is Laxus Dreyar he's the principal's grandson," miraintroduced as she smiled at Lucy. That made lucy smile back "She's so beautiful!" lucy thought "We're seniors in fairy high." the white haired girl, Mira, continued.

"I'm Lucy V. Acnologia, nice to meet you Mira-senpai, Laxus-senpai," Lucy said politely then bowed.

"How polite new fairy keep it up, but I wonder how long?" Laxus said with a smirk.

"Laxus!" Mira said with a gentle voice but made Laxus flinch. Lucy looked at the two helpers curiously. "Be Nice, she's a new fairy"Mira said again.

"Be nice? is he a dog/What am I?" Lucy and Laxus thought.

"By the way, you, new fairy did you already get your fairy mark?" Laxus said, Lucy just shook her head.

"Oh, that's bad come here," she waved to Lucy to come closer. Lucy walked closer to her "you know it's dangerous to walk here without a fairy mark." Lucy tilted her head in confusion.

"What color would you like?" Mira asked

"Pink," Lucy answered. Mira stood up and got a pink stamp from the nearest closet.

"Where would you like to place it?" Mira scanned Lucy's body questioningly.

"Back of my right hand?" Lucy suggested as she offered her hand to Mira. As Mira stamped it she felt a little sting but ignored it. She stared at her hand that now had a fairy mark and smiled at it happily.

"Laxus how about you give her a tour around the school?" The white haired girl continued.

"Why wo…" he was cut off when Lucy spoke.

"Ano…Mira-san no need to Dragneel-kun already offered to tour me around the campus…" she said Mira almost fainted but who knew why?

"That man is a trou…" again cut off now by the opening of the door that left Laxus ticked off but who wouldn't be, cut off two times in a row.

"Oi, Acnologia still alive, hope Laxus didn't eat you yet!" a pi… *ehem* salmon haired man, Natsu shouted.

Laxus who was really irritated punched him. Unconsciously it invoked a big fight.

Mira cleared her throat in a way that even Lucy flinched. "what's that sound, my body moved by itself?" Lucy thought looking at Mira who smiled at her, now she was trembling. "Did Mira-senpai just do that?"

"Let's go Acnologia!" Natsu shouted, pulling the trembling Lucy out the room but before they could leave Lucy waved at Mira.

"Bye Mira-senpai, Laxus-senpai," she shouted.

"Be careful, lucy-chan!" Mira shouted back. Then they left earshot of the three back in the principal's office, off to go tour the school.


"So Acnologia, you got your fairy mark, you're a fairy now" Natsu said with his signature grin.

"Yes and please stop calling me Acnologia Dragneel-san" Lucy said with a hint of a sarcastic voice.

"Sure, sure…So where do you want to go first?" Natsu continued.

"You're choice you're the tour guide" Lucy said with a proud smirk.

"Okay then, first up the canteen." Natsu shouted but before lucy could retort he pulled her and ran.


Lucy was now standing in the center of a huge crowd. Natsu was now nowhere in sight.

"Lucy!" she turned and saw Natsu waving at her. The blond ran towards him quickly, trying to catch up.

"Why did you leave me!" Lucy shouted at Natsu angrily.

"It just slipped my mind," he said. Lucy just glared at him irritatingly and sweat dropped.

"Yo, flamehead who's the chick?" a boy with dark blue hair said. He was sitting near Lucy and Natsu.

"She's Lucy" Natsu answered, quite irritated as how the boy stared at Lucy. Natsu pulled Lucy behind him.

"Hey Gray, Natsu!" an orange haired boy shouted at the two boys. He ran toward them but when he noticed Lucy heautomatically changed directions to Lucy.

"You must be the new fairy right?" the orange haired boy inquired to Lucy who nodded but blushed furiously when the said man kissed the back of her hand. Natsu growled in an irritated way and pulled Lucy away from the two boys.

"What's his problem?" the blue haired boy asked as he walked to the opposite direction than where Natsu and Lucy had gone to. The orange haired man just shook his head.


"So where are we going next?" Lucy asked Natsu who looked at her puzzled. Then he suddenly stopped.

"So any suggestions?" Natsu asked with a grin across his face, Lucy put her hand on her chin and thought.

"Uhmmm….Library I guess?" Lucy said with a smile.

"So you're a bookworm?" Natsu said with a curious look.

"Nope." Lucy said.

"You like books but you're not a bookworm," Natsu said while Lucy nodded "Then you need to meet Levy, she loves book more than anything she will like you,"

Lucy gleamed at the words as they ran toward a really big building behind the school. When they are at the front of the building Lucy's mouth gaped open. The building was humongous. It was a ten story building.

"T-t-this is the library?" Lucy stuttered. Natsu just shook his head.

"Nope." Natsu said as he pointed at the top of the building. "The last floor is owned by the scariest person in the world, the school council president," Natsu said, he began to tremble while Lucy cocked her head curiously.

"The 4 floor below that is the library, the others is secret since your new" Natsu said while Lucy pouted. Natsu ruffled her hair as he laughed at Lucy.

Natsu looked at Lucy and smiled. "So off we go!" he suddenly pick her up bridal style, making made lucy flush red.

"Hey Natsu put me down, I can walk you know!" Lucy shouted but Natsu looked at her.

"Nope, can't do that," Lucy looked at him puzzled. She was still blushing "Why not?!" Lucy asked.

"This Floor is off limit for newbies so can't put you down till we enter the elevator," Natsu said in a lamely serious voice, Lucy just sighed and took it.


After entering the library Natsu put down Lucy. She gleamed as she looked around the place. Then a loud explosion shattered the quietness of the place.

"What's that?" Lucy asked "It's nothing, but I guess the afternoon classes are suspended," he said as she pushed Lucy toward the library.

"You can stay here for a while, I'll just fetch you later," Natsu said while Lucy nodded. Then Natsu ran toward the elevator. Lucy justfacepalmed and groaned.

"Wait! I forgot to asked who is levy?" Lucy thought as she ran her finger on the top of the books as she walked to the stairs. But she heard another loud sound. She began to run towards the source of the sound and saw a group of men circling around a little girl with blue hair.

A dark yellow haired man smacks the table where the girl was sitting. The mountain of books that cluttered the table flew as the man smacked the table again.

The little girl glared at the group of men. "What do you want, yotsuba-san?" the flustered man glared at the little girl.

"Like I said earlier, I want to ask you out," the other man said, he had a green hair, tall and was quite muscular.

The girl returned to reading her book. "If you're thinking of using me as a bait to get Redfox-san then you're wasting your time, Ren-san" the green haired man laughed haughtily at the little girl.

Lucy who was eavesdropping at the conversation gained chills at the laughs of the man... it was both a mockery and pure anger. Lucy was shocked when the man suddenly grabbed the little girl and threw her across the room. The girl stood up and bristled with anger. The manthrew the book that they had just ruined then laughed loudly.

Lucy who was also red in anger tried to run toward the place where the girl was and save her but two big hands stopped her. She turnedaround and saw an old man wearing priest like clothes and wearing a big cross necklace. The old man walked towards them. The group of men walked backward as the old guy stopped.

"No fighting in the library," the man said calmly "who are you old man?" the man smiled.

"I'm Crux the Librarian," the men laughed.

"This midget is the school's librarian, can you believe it?" the yellow haired man, yotsuba said.

"Nope. He's the head librarian," Levy said, glaring at the group of men.

"This girl is the sub librarian, and from the things I saw here today you brutes are never to enter this place again or I shall tell the student council about this... Mistreatment." The men shot Levy glares of death as they turned and stalked away, fuming silently from the interruption of their fun.

When the elevator closed Lucy ran toward the girl. "Are you okay?" Lucy asked. The girl nodded as she picked up her books Lucy kneeled down and helped her pick up the books.

"By the way I'm Lucy, Lucy V. Acnologia," Lucy said as she stretched her hand for a handshake. The girl held her hand and shook it tightly. "I'm Levy McGarden but you can call me Levy," the girl said with a smile.

After they picked the entire set of books that was thrown about they sat on a near empty table near the exit.

"Oh, so you're my classmate." Levy nodded and smiled at Lucy.

"So lu-chan you like books?" Levy said observing Lucy who nodded "What about you Levy-chan?" Levy suddenly gleamed "I love them!"

"You must be the Levy that Natsu was talking about."

Levy suddenly stiffened "What do you mean Natsu?"

"I mean Natsu Dragneel" Lucy said out loud. It turned out to be a bad choice however as everyone near her stared at her like she was crazy or something. Levy suddenly turned serious and everyone near them began to walk toward their table.

"You're the new fairy?" Lucy gave a slight nod and they gasped.

"Remember new fairy, never go near Natsu Dragneel and his group," the people said in a dark and threatening tone.

"In his group there is Loke Celestial, Gajeel Redfox, Jellal Fernandes, Gray Fullbuster and their leader Natsu Dragneel" one of the people said Lucy suddenly stiffened when she realized the word 'celestial'. When she was a Heartfillia she always heard the word celestial family, the celestial family was loyal to the Heartfillia's. she hated them except for some others like virgo. Who came from the Celestial family and now was a part of the Vermillion family and plue her loyal dog who was also once a part of the Celestial's.

"So we're telling you, new fairy be careful," they again said except Levy who was nowhere in sight.

"Lushi!" Natsu shouted. Lucy stood up hurriedly. The group of fellow students who were talking to her... Well more like threatening her... Quickly sped off as the salmon haired guy began to walk near her.

"What happened Lucy you're pale?" Natsu asked as he stared at Lucy who was pale after the talk about Natsu and his group.

"Oh before I forgot the class is suspended so we can go home now." Natsu said as Lucy nodded


~couple of blocks away from the school~

"So where's do you live?" Natsu asked.

"It's quite near just a couple of block before the tails dorm." Lucy said as she walked infront of Natsu.

"I lived at the tails dorm" Natsu explained. Lucy turned around to see Natsu grinning at her. She smile back warmly.

"Oh is that so…." Lucy said with a worried tone. Natsu caught that tone.

"What's the matter?" Natsu asked but Lucy just kept smiling.


Few minutes later they arrived at the Acnologia mansion.

"As expected in Acnologia family this house is big." Natsu murmured then the gate suddenly opened.

"So I'll be going now" Natsu said as he turned around.

"Ok" Lucy said with a sad, worried tone made Natsu instinctively turn and look at her.

"What's the matter Lucy?" Natsu asked as he turned to look at Lucy who had her head low and her hair covering her face.

"Nothing," she smiled but her hair was still covering her eyes then she ran toward the gate.

Natsu who was worried stayed there as the gate closed. Looking at the back of Lucy as she walked toward the house.


Tell Tomoyo-chan if you like the story and then Tomoyo-chan will continue this story..

A big thanks to darkwarrior1010 for the big help