Title: Stronger

Author: Kate Anderson

Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Not mine. Not mine. Not mine.

Rating: PG

Spoilers: 'Lights Up' and 'The Chosen Few' (kind of)

Summary: Another post 'Lights Up' fic. Bosco goes to see Faith and they talk.

Author's Notes: I know, I know...another 'Lights Up' fic. It's a little bit late in coming, but I heard this was required writing ;-)


He wasn't quite sure why he was there, or if she'd even want to see him. Something inside of him had told him to go to her.

He found her beside the bed, chin propped up on her hands, gazing down at her husband. Her kids were asleep in chairs and he moved quietly past them, careful not to disturb them.

He placed a hand on her bare shoulder, feeling the warmth of her skin radiating onto his hand. She moved slightly but didn't turn around.

Bosco looked at Fred, lying there, completely motionless except for the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. He felt a surge of emotion and realized it was the first time that he'd actually felt concerned for the other man.

The shoulder under Bosco's hand began to tremble. A muffled sob escaped from Faith's carefully closed lips and she buried her face in her hands. Bosco began to rub her shoulder, trying to soothe her without opening his mouth. He didn't trust himself enough to say what he really wanted to,

Bosco watched as Faith's tears darkened the bed sheets and her body shuddered. She moved then, shrugging his hand off her shoulder and standing up. She bolted towards the door, leaving Bosco to stare at her empty chair, wondering why she always pushed him away.

He decided to follow her and she wasn't hard to find. He found her sitting in the hall, knees to her chest, sobbing. She looked up at him, with a tear stained face and asked, "Why did you come back?"

Bosco sat down beside her. "I wanted to see you." he replied. "I had to know if you were going to be alright."

Faith wiped a hand across her face and sniffled. "I'm fine."

Bosco shook his head. "No. No, you're not."

"I will be." was Faith's response.

Bosco moved his arm and put it around her shoulders. He half expected her to shake him off and was surprised when she didn't move.

"Is he going to be okay?" Bosco asked. He had to know.

Faith shrugged. "They did some tests." she said. "They'll know more when they get the results back."

"Want me to stick around? I can drive you and the kids home so you can shower and change." Bosco offered.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" Faith asked, looking at Bosco's face.

"I'm not tired." he replied, knowing full well it was a lie. He knew Faith knew as well.

"Look Bosco..." Faith started to say. "I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. I was way out of line."

Bosco closed his eyes but didn't reply. Faith continued, "Thank you for getting the kids. I didn't even think of them. I was so caught up with Fred, I didn't even think of my own kids. How terrible is that?"

"Not terrible." Bosco replied, rubbing his hand on Faith's shoulder again. "It's how it goes."

"I'm going to be taking some time off work." Faith said. "I have to be with Fred and the kids need me."

Bosco nodded. "I heard there's an undercover unit looking for some cops. I thought I might sign up for that. Just until you're ready to come back that is."

Faith looked at Bosco and smiled. "That sounds perfect for you." she said.


Faith looked up and saw Charlie hovering by the door. He was rubbing his eyes and looked a little unsure of what he should be doing. "Hi sweetie." Faith said. "Is Emily still asleep?"

Charlie nodded. "So is daddy." he said.

Faith stood up and went over to her son. "We should wake Em up." she said. "Bosco's going to take us home so that we can get cleaned up and change our clothes, okay?"

"We get to ride in his car?" Charlie asked, looking up at Faith.

Bosco put a hand on Charlie's head. "Yep, you get to ride in my car." he said, ruffling Charlie's hair a bit.

"Cool." Charlie said. "Can I sit up front?"

Faith looked at Bosco and smiled at him. "Why don't you take Charlie out to your car? I'll get Emily and we'll meet you in the parking lot." she said.

Bosco nodded and led Charlie down the hall. "Of course you can sit up front." Bosco said. "You'll be there first, your mom and Emily will just have to sit in the back, unless they wanna wrestle you for the seat."

Charlie looked up at Bosco. "I could take them." he said.

Bosco pushed the button for the elevator. "I don't know, your mom's pretty strong."

"Stronger than you?"

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. "Yeah, she's stronger than me." Bosco said. "A lot stronger than me."