Authors note: Just to let you know, this story will not just be about one Sonic characters events, but about all of them, so it obviously going to have multiple chapters. I just want you to know that. Also, review or email me at least once a chapter, so I'll know if anybody is reading this. Well, I'll say more things when I think of them. In addition, I'm going to do the best I can on this fic, so suggestions, comments, and praises are welcome. Please don't flame me. I'm writing this fic to the best of my ability so it can have a good plot, storyline, and still have all of the categories I mentioned in the summary. I'll shut up now and let you read it.

Disclaimer: Sonic and Co. are the property of Sega and Sonic Team. They are the ones making the money off of this, not me, although this story is free as well.

Sonic Tales Chapter 1 Twinkle Park

It has been a year since the Biolizard event. Eggman hasn't done any type of attacking, which is strange, but the weather is too nice for Sonic and Tails to be worrying about it. The weather's been so nice, that they are taking a leisurely walk in Station Square, which has been rebuilt, due to the tremendous amount of teamwork the fair citizens have did. After all, a city CAN be rebuilt in a year.

"Today is a great day for a leisurely walk, and coming from me, that's saying a lot." Said Sonic as he examined the newly constructed buildings.

"I can't believe it's only taken a year for Station Square to be rebuilt." Said Tails, also looking around at the buildings. "I have an idea! Let's go to the beach for some ice cream and chili dogs!"

"You read my mind Tails, and with a peaceful day like this, nothing can ruin it. Not even Eggman."

Just then, Amy came from around the corner, and gave Sonic a tight hug.

"Hiya Sonic!" she said in her normal happy tone. "I haven't seen you in a while. I was looking all over for you."

"(Me and my big mouth)!" Thought Sonic as he tried to free himself of Amy's grasp. "How did you sneak up on me like that without me noticing?"

"I went to visit Shadow first." She answered. "He said that if I leave him alone, he'll tell me how to find you easier."

"That ungrateful hedgehog!" exclaimed Sonic. "And after I pulled him out of that rubble, brought him to the hospital, and even paid for his medical bills, he betrays me like this!"

"Oh, you're so sweet Sonic, taking care of Shadow like that!" said Amy cheerfully as she hugged him even tighter.

Tails noticed that Sonic was turning into another shade of blue. "Um, Amy," he started, "I think you should release Sonic. He's changing into another shade of blue, which isn't a good thing."

Amy noticed this, and quickly released him. "I'm so sorry Sonic!" she exclaimed, propping him back to his feet. "I just lose control whenever I see you!"

"It's.alright.Amy." Sonic said as he was catching his breath. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I was looking for you." She answered, smiling. "Wherever you go, I'll help you."

"Is this going to ruin our time at the beach?" asked Tails

"Tails!" exclaimed Sonic.

"Wow! The beach is a wonderful idea!" beamed Amy. "Just let me get my things out of the car."

"You have a car now?" asked Sonic.

Amy nodded. "I finally decided to buy one. In fact, how would you two like a ride?"

"Um, no thanks." Said Sonic, and then came up with a plan. "Hey, Amy. How about you go get your things, while we wait for you."

Amy's eyes lit up. "Wow! I'm so excited! I'll be right back!" Then she ran to the car to go get her things.

"Alright Tails," said Sonic as he grabbed Tails' hand, "I'm going to get us to the beach at a faster than normal speed."

"Okay." Said Tails. "But Sonic?"


"I can't help but feel a little guilty about leaving Amy like that."

"Would you rather eat her cooking? You know that she couldn't cook to save her life, and I believe I saw a picnic lunch in her car."

"On second thought, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

And with that, they took off to the beach at lightning speed. When Amy finally got her things out, she looked around, and saw that they were nowhere to be seen.

"Oh no." she said to herself, her tone a little sad. "He left me behind. I guess he didn't want me interfering with his time with Tails. I guess I can understand that. Oh well, I'll just go to the new café that was built."

So she got her things together, put them back in the car, entered the car, buckled her seat belt, and drove to the café.


Rouge was already at the café, drinking a latte, thinking about her future.

"(I wish that getting a good job wouldn't be so difficult)!" she thought. "(If I don't pay the rent by the end of this month, I'll get evicted. I guess slapping that perverted partner of mine wasn't such a good idea, especially when I didn't have another temporary job lined up. Perhaps I should do one more score to tide me over until I find a job. Hmm, let's would take too much time to go on a treasure hunt, and I don't want to rob any banks.Hey! I know! I could steal the master emerald from Knuckles, sell it, and use the money to pay my bills. He shouldn't mind too much. After all, I'm doing it for a righteous cause. Besides, I can always steal it back for him. The only problem is that he won't let me get 3 feet towards him, much less the emerald. You'd think that after I helped with the Biolizard event, he'd at least trust me a little."

She thought for a bit.

"(What I need is someone he could trust enough to leave its sight for just a moment. All I need is a few good minutes, and then I can steal the emerald. But who can I get that's gullible enough to help me)?"

Rouge continued to ponder the situation. During this time, Amy stepped into the café. She ordered a French vanilla latte, and then took a seat, reading a daily horoscope from the newspaper. Rouge's peripheral vision caught eye of Amy.

"(Her timing couldn't be better)." Thought Rouge as she stood up, walked over to Amy's table, and sat down across from her. "Hi Amy. What brings you here?"

Amy sighed. "Just sitting here by myself, reading the paper."

"This has to do with Sonic, doesn't it?" asked Rouge.

Amy nodded. "He left with Tails to the beach. He said he would wait for me, and even told me to get my things, but when I came back, he had already left."

"What a jerk! What do you see in him anyways?"

"No, no. Sonic is really quite nice. I think I just get in his way a lot. He once said that I try too hard when I do things. I know he's right, but I can't help the way I act whenever I'm near him. It's like, whenever I'm with him, all of my problems go away."

Rouge had an expression of disgust on her face. "You know what Amy?"

"What, Rouge?"

"That was really pathetic. You don't get the guy of your dreams by clinging on to him. You have to be around him, yet pretend you could care less for him."

"I don't think I'd be able to do something like that on my own."

"Then I'll help you."


"Of course. After all, what are friends for?"

Just then, Omochao flew on the middle of the table.

"Hi. I'm Omochao. I'm here to help you."

"Go away!" exclaimed Rouge.

Of course, it didn't listen, and continued to talk. "Did you know that Sonic has a large ego?"

"Tell us something we don't know." Rouge said agreeably.

"Okay." Said Omochao. "To make Sonic notice you, do something out of the ordinary."

"Like what?" asked Amy.

"Did you know that Rouge knows everything there is to know about catching guys? Ask her for help, and I'll support you."

"If I help you," said Rouge, "you have to help me."

"In what way?" asked Amy.

"Oh, nothing big." Continued Rouge. "All I want you to do get Knuckles to say something positive about me. Nothing sarcastic either. Oh, and make sure he's facing you when he's answering."

Amy agreed. "Sure, but why would you want him to say something nice about you?"

Omochao interrupted. "So she can st-" was all it could say before Rouge picked it up, and threw it far, far away into the streets.

"Never mind that machine." Said Rouge, pretending to be calm. "So, will you do it, or are you going to let Sonic slip from your fingers?"

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" exclaimed Amy. "I'll do anything for my Sonikku!"

"Good." Said Rouge. "I'll meet you at Twinkle Park tonight, by the Ferris wheel. Be there, or be square."

Then Rouge stood up, walked outside the café, and drove away in her car (the one from SA2).

Amy was ecstatic about Rouge helping her. "I can't wait until tonight! Oh Sonic, you'll finally notice me!" Then she noticed everybody staring at her, giving that weird expression. "Oops! Sorry to interrupt you guys. I'll be going now." Then she got into her car, and drove off.

(The Beach)

Sonic was leisurely sunbathing on the beach, watching the people go by. Tails was surfing the waves, constantly telling Sonic to see what tricks he can do.

"Hey Sonic!" shouted Tails from the sea. "Look at this new trick I learned!"

Sonic sat up and watched Tails perform many tricks. His vision immediately became blocked by a huge purple figure.

"Get out of the way, Big!" exclaimed Sonic. "You're blocking my view! I can't see Tails, or anything else for that matter!"

But of course, being the dense cat that he is, wasn't registering what Sonic was saying, and continued to look around for his Froggy. Just then, Omochao appeared next to Sonic.

"Hi. I'm Omochao. I'm here to help you."

"Can you help get Big out of the way?" asked Sonic.

Omochao answered. "To get Big out of your way, push him out of the way."

"Are you crazy?! He might fall on me!"

"To make Big go away, tell him Froggy is another direction."

Sonic just shrugged his shoulders. "I guess it's worth a shot. *Clears throat * Hey Big! Froggy ran into the water!"

Bigs eyes lit up. "Duhh.You seen Froggy? He in ocean? Thanks Blue furry!"

And without warning, Big ran towards the ocean, tripped on a sand crab, and fell in the water, causing Tails to lose his balance. Tails fell into the water, but flew back out, and went to Sonic. When he reached him, he saw Sonic holding three tickets.

"Hi Sonic." Said Tails. "Big sorta made me lose focus. So, what'cha got there?"

"They're tickets to Twinkle Park." Answered Sonic. "Big must've dropped them. Oh well. His loss is our gain. Wanna come?"

"You bet! I love carnival rides! But there are three of them. Who else should we take?"

"The question is, why did Big have three tickets? Hm.Well, I guess we could take Amy. After all, we did kinda ditch her back there."

Omochao interrupted. "To get to Amy's house faster, just fly there using the Tornado."

"I didn't bring the Tornado." Said Tails.

, Omochao continued to talk. "Did you know that Rouge is right behind you?"

"Stop playing games with us!" exclaimed Sonic. "We all know that Rouge isn't behind us!"

"Actually, I am." Answered Rouge.

This made Sonic and Tails nearly jump out of their shoes.

"What brings you here?" asked Sonic. "Hopefully, you're not here to steal any chaos emeralds."

"Don't worry." Answered Rouge, giving that hand gesture used to tell somebody to perish the thought. "I've given up jewel hunting, remember?"

"Then what is this about?" asked Sonic, a little suspicious of her unexpected visit.

Rouge simply pointed to Sonic. "This is about you. I've noticed how time and time again you always gave Amy the brush off. What's wrong with being with her anyways?"

"It's not something you would understand." Answered Sonic. "Nor is it something I'm willing to share with someone like you."

"Fine, be that way." Answered Rouge, grinning. "Then you won't be interested to know that I've set her up with somebody to go with her to Twinkle Park tonight."

This statement nearly made Sonic stumble. "What?! That's surprising. With who?"

Rouge grinned. "Be there tonight, and see for yourself. She'll be waiting for him at the cotton candy stand.but you wouldn't care about that, now would you?"

" course not!" he stammered a bit. "I'm just curious, that's all."

Rouge snatched the first ticket from Sonic's hand. "Information like that isn't for free you know. Thanks for paying for my ticket."

Omochao spoke again. "Did you know that Rouge is planning to st.." was all it could say before Rouge kicked it into the ocean.

"Planning to what?" asked Tails suspiciously.

Rouge thought of something quickly. "Um, I'm planning to stay silent about Big breaking your surfboard."

Then she quickly flew off as Tails was trying in a desperate attempt to convince Big that his Froggy was not inside his surfboard.

(Angel Island)

Knuckles was just sitting there, bored as usual, guarding the Master Emerald. He was quite surprised that Eggman, Rouge, or anybody else has been trying to steal it that whole year. Still, he was bored.

"Is there anything better to do right now?" he said to himself.

Just then, Omochao appeared.

"Hi. I'm Omochao. I'm here to help you."

Knuckles looked at Omochao. "You know, I'm so bored right now, I'm willing to listen to what you have to say."

"To relieve your boredom, come to Twinkle Park tonight. Everybody is going to be there, including Sonic, Tails, Rouge, and Amy."

"Well, since Rouge is going to be there, that means I won't have to worry about my Master Emerald being stolen."

"Did you know that Sonic is jealous because Amy is going out with another guy?"

"Really? I've got to see this! Anything else?"

"Did you know that Rouge likes you?"

This statement made Knuckles blush. "Um, I don't know what to say. I couldn't trust her though. She'd probably steal my Emerald the first chance she got."

"Did you know that she want's your Emerald?"

"Thank you for stating the obvious." Said Knuckles sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Answered Omochao, and then flew off.

Knuckles continued to think aloud. "Hm.Twinkle Park...tonight.everybody will be there.I guess I could show up. After all, I deserve a break. Besides, who's going steal the Master Emerald right now? Eggman hasn't been heard from for a year now, and Rouge is going to be at the park. That's it, I made up my mind. I'm going to Twinkle Park tonight."

So Knuckles hid the Master Emerald in a new location, and got ready for his visit to the park.

(Station Square apartments)

Shadow was in his living room, watching the news. He didn't go out much, and did most of his training at night. He was also thinking about how Sonic and Tails saved him that day, how Amy and Rouge helped him find a place and a job, how Eggman hasn't been heard from, how Knuckles is so devoted to protecting the Master Emerald, about Maria, and how annoying Omochao can be.

"(This is so depressing)." Shadow thought to himself. "(How is it that they find happiness when there are so many people suffering? *Sighs * I guess it's because of hero's like Sonic, helping them when big dangers are about. If helping people is what Maria meant by bringing them happiness, then I'll do it. I won't go to the egotistical lengths that Sonic usually does, but I'll help them in my own manner)."

While Shadow was thinking about this, who should drop by next to him but Omochao.

"Hi. I'm Omochao. I'm here to help you."

This nearly made Shadow fall out of his chair. "What are you doing here?! How did you get in?!

Omochao just continued to talk as usual. "To help people, come to Twinkle Park tonight."

"Why would people need help there?"

"Amy wants Sonic to notice her, Rouge is in debt, and Tails' surfboard is broken."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"You can help them, as they have helped you."

"Hm, I didn't think of it that way. I suppose I do owe them for all of their generosity. Yes, I'll get out of here!"

And with that, Omochao flew out of the window, which Shadow promptly shut.

(Twinkle Park: Nightfall)

Tails is standing in front of the entrance with a stopwatch. Rouge flies by and notices this, so she lands right next to him.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "You look really stupid."

"Oh, hello Rouge." He answered. "Sonic wants me to time his speed arrival. I'm supposed to start as soon as I hear the phone ring."

"I see. Is he still trying to go faster than the speed of light?"

"He says he wants to be the fastest thing alive, no pun intended."

Before he could speak further, the phone rings. Tails quickly starts the timer. In an extremely short amount of time, the blue hedgehog stops right in front of the two.

"2.59 seconds, Sonic." Confirmed the golden fox.

"Is that all?" he asked, sounding a little surprised. "I must be slacking off. I can do 'much' better than that."

"Always the showoff, I see." Inquired Rouge, giving an unimpressed look.

"It's not showing off when you're the fastest." Quipped Sonic as he made his winning pose. "C'mon Tails. Let's start having fun!"

And so they left, going faster than when they came in. The white bat just grinned as she thought to herself: "(This is going to be interesting. But how am I going to get that master emerald without Knuckles noticing)?"

As if to answer her question, who should she spot entering the park, than the same echidna that was supposed to be guarding the master emerald?

"(I guess even guarding the master emerald requires a break sometimes)." She said to herself. "(All that's left to do now is to give Amy a quick fix on her problem, and sneak out of here before Knuckles notices I'm gone)."

She smiled, and then went to the Ferris wheel, where Amy would be waiting.

(Ferris wheel: Ten minutes later)

Amy was at the Ferris wheel, waiting patiently for Rouge. After a few more minutes, she finally arrived.

"What took you so long?" Asked Amy with a look of glee. "I saw Sonic, and he talked to me, and said something about hearing me with a date. When I said that I didn't have one, he smiled, whispered something to Tails, and left."

Rouge raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you happy? You just ruined any insecurities he might have had. What is there to be happy about?"

The pink hedgehog smiled even deeper. "Because he said that he'll ride on some rides with me, just as long as I don't go with anyone else. He said that it's dangerous to be alone with someone you don't know, but I know him better than that. He was actually worried that I was with someone else. I told you he cared!"

"I'm happy to hear that." Answered Rouge, more so glad that she didn't need much of an excuse to leave now. "I need to go tend to some much needed business, and now I can do so."

"But what if I need your help on something?" Amy asked. "Unexpected things could arise."

Just then, as if to answer "her" question, Omochao flies in-between them.

"Hi, I'm Omochao. I'm here to help you." It answered.

"(Talk about great timing)!" Thought Rouge as she was staring at the little robot. Then she spoke aloud. "Omochao can help you with any loose ends in case you need it. Oh, and before I go, if you see Knuckles, tell him I had a bad snack, and I'm in the bathroom."

"But that would be dishonest." Said the robot, looking up from where it was standing.

"If you keep silent about it," grinned Rouge, "I'll find things for you to help me with."

This made Omochao's eyes light up in delight. For some strange reason, it always loved to help people. "Okay, thanks."

"What's dishonest?" asked Amy, a little puzzled about the situation. She shrugged it off, then waved goodbye to Rouge as she flew low out of the park. After that, she turned to Omochao. "Ready to help me?" She kindly asked.

"Ready and waiting!" The little robot beamed.

So the two went to search for Sonic.

End of chapter 1.

A/N: So, how do you like it so far? I would've made this chapter longer, but I wanted to wait until I got some feedback first, just in case I didn't get any reviews. If you have any suggestions on how the next chapter should be, please let me know. Any questions, comments, compliments, and (constructive) criticisms are welcomed. Please, no flames. If there was something about this chapter that you didn't like, please let me know. Well, see you next chapter.