Hey :) So trying out a little fic here, I've been reading so much Derek/Spencer slash lately and I decided to give it a go and we'll see how it goes I guess!

I swear, I'm still having withdrawal symptoms to not having Emily around any more, so, in this chapter at least, Blake's personality is kind of Blake and Emily combined. Sorry to the Alex lovers! But I also wasn't sure how to portray her effectively, so I'm claiming my share of poetic licence on this one guys!

Obviously slash, don't like, don't read. Disclaimer, don't own anything, blah blah, you all know the drill.

Reviews would be awesome, cause I'll keep going if you guys want me to :)

Side Note: English isn't my first language, so if there are grammatical errors (or just plain typos) it would be awesome if you let me know throughout the story. But I am trying my best to correct as many as I can!


Morgan refused, refused, to look up from his paperwork to see what he knew was happening. What had been happening for a few weeks now and it was driving him mad.


Morgan ground his teeth and he heard Blake snickering quietly at Morgan, knowing how much this was infuriating him.


That's it. Morgan thought to himself. He looked up and stared hard at Reid, who was completely oblivious to Morgan's glare, his concentration fixed on his phone as he quickly typed a message. A few seconds later, he got one sent back.


"Okay that's enough!" Morgan stood up and basically shouted at the young agent who stared up at Morgan in shock, like a deer caught in the headlights. "Please, for the love of God, Reid; can you wait to message your little girlfriend when I'm not here trying to do paperwork?" Morgan begged aggressively. "It's pretty damn annoying to hear your stupid phone go off every five minutes." Reid said nothing, but nodded quickly and hastily turned his phone off and slipped it in his pocket. He looked down at his almost finished pile of reports to complete and chewed his lip, something Morgan noticed that Reid only did when he felt nervous or was thinking hard about something.

No one really spoke until it was time to leave, all working to try and finish as much as they could so they had their weekend free.

"Well, I'm going to go." Reid announced. He smiled at Blake and glanced at Morgan. "I'll see you both on Monday, unless a case pops up."

"Bye Reid, have a good weekend." Blake replied politely and Reid nodded and left. Blake turned to Morgan and raised her eyebrows when she was sure Reid was out of hearing range. "Well." She began, staring pointedly at Morgan, waiting for him to look at her.

"What? It was annoying as hell. Sorry I'm not a genius here like Boy Wonder, I need a little more quite to finish my reports." Morgan snapped angrily.

"Woah! Looks like somebody's in a bad mood." Blake remarked under her breath and Morgan snorted. "And since when do you work in silence? Come on, what's really going on." Blake had a way of phrasing things that was only gently persuasive, slowly prodding Morgan to reveal the secret behind his sudden temper.

"It's just, why does he have to text her all the time?" Morgan finally said after a minute of silence, pushing himself away from his desk. "We went out the other night for drinks and I swear, every time I turned around he was texting her." Morgan growled, making his jealous feelings obvious. Blake laughed quietly.

"What makes you say it's a girl he's texting?" She teased, but Morgan just rolled his eyes.

"Please, the day Reid comes out as anything but straight, I'll come to work in my boxes." Blake raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to make a bet on that?" She asked. "I'm sure Garcia would be thrilled." When Morgan didn't respond she sighed and turned back to the last report on her desk. "Why don't you just ask him who he's texting?" She asked like it was the most obvious thing. And it is. Morgan thought to himself. It would just be a lot simpler if you shoved your jealousy aside and just asked who Reid was messaging.

But even though Morgan knows this, his stubbornness persevered and instead he just huffed and turned back to his table, wanted to finish this report before the weekend was over.

"Hey, Baby Girl." Morgan called when he saw Garcia the following Monday. The team had managed to get through the weekend before a serial killer demanded their attention, so Morgan had to wait till Monday before he could talk to Garcia.

"Gorgeous, how was your weekend?" She sang as she walked to her office.

"It was good, quiet, but we all needed a little quiet I think." Garcia hummed in agreement. "So, I need a favour." Morgan began.

"Anything for you my Chocolate God of Thunder." Garcia purred and Morgan tried to suppress his smile but failed.

"I need you to find out who Reid's been texting lately." Morgan decided the best way to approach this was to just cut to the chase.

"Derek!" Garcia gasped in shock as she pulled him into her office and closed the door. "Who Reid wants to text is his business, and I will not go behind my friend's back, search through his phone history and give you a life story of who he is texting, that's just rude and a betrayal of trust and I would never, ever, do something sneaky like that." Morgan stared deep into Garcia's eyes. She had a far too innocent expression on her face for her to truly believe what she is preaching.

"You already know, don't you?"

"Maybe." Garcia responded. Morgan pointed his finger at her.

"You have to tell me! How come Reid told you and didn't tell me! I'm his best friend!" Morgan cried in outrage and Garcia ran to him, shushing him as she went.

"Be quiet! Reid doesn't know that I know…" Garcia whispered, looking around her office as if Reid was just going to jump up from behind one of her computers. Morgan opened his mouth to cry in outrage before Garcia promptly shoved her hand over his mouth. "You need to shut up, okay?" She hissed. Morgan raised an interested eyebrow at the tone of her voice, but remained silent. When Garcia was sure he wasn't going to blab, she removed her hand. "This is definitely something I am not meant to know…or JJ." She added in afterthought. Morgan widened his eyes but from a look from Garcia kept his voice to a shocked whisper.

"JJ knows?"

"Well she was there when I snooped in Reid's phone." She said matter-of-factly. Morgan shook his head wildly.

"YOU WENT THROU-!" But after a glare from Garcia, lowered his voice dramatically. "You went through his phone!?" He hissed. "When? And where?" Morgan paused for a moment. "And how?"

"Remember last week when Jayj and I dragged Reid to the club?"

"Yes…" Morgan said slowly.

"Well when Reid went to the bathroom, he forgot his phone. And it made that stupid dinging sound it does when he gets a message; and I mean, Derek, he had been on the thing all damn night! We couldn't have a proper conversation with him! So…curiosity got the better of us." She finished. Morgan shook his head.

"I can't believe you talked JJ into snooping through Reid's phone." He said, shocked.

"Actually…it was her idea." Garcia said slowly, and continued at the outraged look on Morgan's face and she pointed her index finger at him. "And hey! You came in here wanting me to go through Reid's messages and to find out who is was so you just shush!" Morgan closed his mouth and scowled.

They were silent for a little while, and Morgan watched as Garcia got herself settled into her chair and start up her computers.

"Will you-"

"No." Garcia cut him off before he even got his question out. She turned in her chair and looked at him with the most serious expression she had worn throughout this conversation. "I wasn't joking when I said this wasn't something Jayj and I are meant to know. Like, we're talking mega-private." Garcia made hand gestured to emphasise her point. Morgan rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Come on Baby Girl! Just a name? What's so secret about this girl he's talking to anyway? Who is she, Jennifer Lawrence?" Garcia made a face at him that Morgan couldn't decipher, but made no comment. "Baby Girl? Garcia?" No reply. "Really? You're giving me the silent treatment?" Morgan said in disbelief.

"Sorry my sweet, but you're gonna have to get your answers elsewhere; because these lips are sealed." And Garcia made the motion of zipping her lips and chucking the key. Morgan groaned, but retreated from her office.

He may have lost this battle, but there was still one person who knew who Reid was messaging…


"No? Come on JJ just tell me! What's the harm? I can keep a secret!" Morgan was past being polite and sweet; he was very close to falling to his knees and begging.

"Morgan, I can't! I'm guessing you went to Garcia first? She must have told you 'no' as well. We made a deal that we wouldn't say, and if, by chance, Reid does decide to tell us who he is talking to, we will both act genuinely surprised about it and nobody will be any wiser." It sounded like JJ had this speech all sorted out, like she knew Morgan was going to come and try get it out of her at some point. JJ looked out her door, as if checking that nobody was within hearing range of what she was about to say. "But, I suggest, you be a little more open minded about who it might be that Reid is talking to." Morgan must have had a confused expression, because JJ just smiled sweetly and pushed him out of her office. "Lots to do, so little time. Talk you later Morgan!" And she shut the door.

Well. Morgan thought as he walked to his desk, disappointed and not the least bit informed about Reid's new girlfriend. That wasn't successful in the slightest.

The day dragged on slowly, the team hadn't been called in for anything, so it was just more paperwork. Apparently, Morgan had been delaying completing these reports for longer than he realised. He worked studiously, which was strange in itself because if you could count of anything, it would be that Morgan was doing something to delay the inevitable paperwork, whether it be grabbing a coffee, sneaking a few files into Reid's pile, or just flat out distracting others. But today, he worked through the whole day, only getting up to get his third round of coffee when JJ invited him to lunch with Rossi, Blake, Garcia and Reid.

They all went to a little coffee lunch down the road; kind of a hole in the wall really, but it was good. The team usually all went here together, but Hotch stayed back to finish up as much as he could so he could get home as early as he could. Everyone ordered their usual drinks and lunches, and were eating pleasantly, talking and laughed in-between bites of food.

Morgan had been waiting for it all through lunch. In fact, he had been waiting for it all morning, since he stepped into the bullpen and saw Reid sitting at his desk already, talking animatedly to Blake. And sure enough, it happened.


"That's it!" Morgan pounced on Reid who was sitting next to him, and snatched the phone out of Reid's hand before Reid even knew what was happening. It all seemed to happen in slow motion after that.

First thing Morgan noticed was Reid's eyes. Confused hazel orbs quickly morphed into round, horrified ones as he reached pathetically for his phone but Morgan held it out of his reach. His cry of "NO!" surely had the eyes of all the occupants the café trained at their table, but Morgan didn't notice it. Instead, he unlocked Reid's phone and looked at who he was messaging.

Reflecting back on it, Morgan thought he could have handled the situation with a little more grace; starting with him not attacking his best friend and, for lack of better term, publicly humiliating him in front of most of the team.

His brows furrowed as he read the contact's name. That didn't make sense, maybe somebody else had texted Reid. But as his eyes involuntarily looked at the previous messages, the most recent ones saying 'I love you', and 'I can't wait for tonight ;)' which confirmed it. This was the person Reid had been messaging, but Morgan just couldn't process it.

"Reid?" Morgan asked in a puzzled voice. "Who's 'James'?"