Ok so these will just be a bunch of ghost hunt one-shots written by me, requested by you guys. All you have to do is comment a word and a pairing then I will write a one-shot based on it. Sound easy?

Dedication: NaruIsAwesome

Word: Cookies

Pairing: Mai/Naru

Anime: Ghost Hunt


Naru was sitting in his office when an unfamiliar smell wafted through the air. He looked up and called out "Mai, Tea!" to his girlfriend Mai Taniyama.

She came in seconds later and he decided to find out what she had been up to. "Mai? What have you been doing?" he asked.

Mai smiled cheerfully. "Baking!" she answered, "Want some?" Naru sighed, "No" he replied. Mai pouted, "Why not?" she whined.

Naru rolled his eyes, "Because I don't like sweets. You of all people should know that" he stated.

Mai sighed and looked at him with big eyes. "Not even for me?" she asked.

This time, her only response was a shake of the head. "Fine then, Lin will have some right?" she asked as Lin walked into Naru's office. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his girlfriend once again as Lin shook his head at her antics.

However, none the less he answered her. "If you mean the choc chip cookies that you recently finished baking, Taniyama-san, then I think I will."

Mai grinned and poked her tongue out at Naru. As Mai grabbed Lin's arm and dragged him to the lounge Lin wondered how such a small girl managed to be that strong.

Shaking the thoughts from his head he nodded to everyone as they walked into the room. Figuring Mai called them just to annoy, he rolled his eyes in his mind.

"Hey guys! Take a seat, I'll go make some tea and grab the cookies. They should still be warm" Mai greeted before disappearing into the kitchenette.

While in there, she noticed a second set of footstep. She turned around, only to find herself caught in Naru's ocean blue eyes. Mai quickly snapped out of it when she noticed Naru smirking. "It's rude to stare" he teased. She shot him a half-hearted glare, before turning and placing the kettle on the stove and moving around to place the cookies on a tray.

She stopped when she felt Naru's arms wrap around her waist. "Naru!" Mai squeaked in surprise. She didn't even need to turn around to know that he was smirking again.

After a bit of futile struggling, Mai slowly relaxed into his arms. "You know, maybe I will join you for tea and cookies" he whispered in her ear. "Success!" Mai grinned , turning around and kissing him. Naru instantly responded. Not long after, the kettle whistled, alerting Mai that the hot water was ready.

Untangling herself from Naru she quickly finished making the tea before grabbing the cookies and placing it all on a tray and walking into the lounge together. As they walked in Naru was greeted by a lot of noise and Yasu waggling his eyebrows at him. After ignoring them, they all settled down, spending the afternoon chatting and for once, no-one complained about the noise.

So how was it? Please review and tell me so I know how to improve. I apologise if you think it was rushed, this was originally written in the middle of class *innocently whistling*. Anyway, it's been edited to the best of my ability but feel free to ask any questions.

