Chapter 20: Not So Bad

Everyone was gathered around in the local bar. JJ had gotten out of the hospital a few days ago, and looked a lot better. She still had a bruise on her cheek, and she would always have some invisible scars that would never heal fully, but with the help of her team, no her family, she would never truly break.

Her arm was around Will, as she leaned into his embrace. JJ silently watched each of her friends interacting with eachother. Blake and Emily were laughing about something. JJ was glad that maybe now Blake wouldn't feel like a replacement because she was so much more than that. Garcia and Morgan were using their usual "inappropriate" slang that was no longer allowed in the office because it made other workers uncomfortable. It only made JJ laugh. She noticed Reid telling Hotch about some sort of medieval film festival coming up, and for once in a long time Hotch was smiling a genuine smile. It wasn't forced or fake it was real. JJ looked at Rossi just as he tapped his glass to make a toast.

"You can't always control what happens in this world, but you can control who all this stuff can happen with. To JJ," said Rossi as he raised his champagne glass.

"No, to family," said JJ because without them she wasn't sure she'd be standing here right now.

"To family," everyone said in unison.

Emily pointed at her watch and said that she'd have to get going soon, but maybe for a long time in forever the team wouldn't miss her. They wouldn't because even though Emily worked in London now, running Interpol, in reality she would always be a part of the BAU, and a part of this family.

No one knew what would come next, but they knew one thing for sure. They would never forget those who they lost, but instead lead by their example. In a world where they battle so many monsters it was nice to know that no matter what happened in the near future they would always stick together.

JJ knew that she probably would never be the same naïve girl she once was, and that she and this team have changed throughout the years, and for once that wasn't such a bad thing. The saying what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger is not true because what doesn't kill you can only bring you closer to those you love and those who love you.

As a great profiler once said "Sometimes there are no words or clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day. Sometimes, the day just… ends," and maybe, just maybe this ending wasn't so bad.

So this is the end. the 200th episode finally airs tonight and although I know I will be nothing like this fic, I am glad I wrote it anyway. I hope everyone reading enjoyed this as much as I did, an there are many more to come:)