Thank you guys for the cute reviews! I hope you enjoy the plot twist, if not…oops.

"It's official. You've lost your mind, friend. Goldfish for children? Are you insane? You told the chick that you loved her? All in one conversation? There's something wrong with you, Eaton," Uriah says. I laugh. It did come out very quickly, but…I can't take it back now. I meant every word that I said, but still...I hope I didn't freak her out.. "You didn't freak her out," He says, reading my mind. Yes, I mean literally reading my mind. Uriah has that capability. Just like I have a natural leadership ability and Chris has the capability of persuading you to do almost anything. Tris hasn't figured hers out yet, and neither has Caleb. Its kind of a secret thing that goes on at this school. The school is divided between people with what we call "Capabilities" and the people that don't have capabilities. Lately there hasn't been a lot of time to explain the school, since the revelation that Tris was here. The people who don't have Capabilities are called "Factionless," and the people that do are broken into several groups. The only two that are really important are the Dauntless, (My group) and The Erudite. (The geniuses) My leadership skills help me to lead the Dauntless. The Dauntless are the people who just don't care. They're brave and they're willing. Caleb will be more fit to lead the Erudite, due to his intelligence. You're probably wondering what the purpose of these two groups are. The way I remember my mom explaining it, was that "It's to form a better future society." Since Tris has had a rough time finding out who she is as a young adult, her Capability is a bit stalled. "I just mean that you're really moving fast. You freaking canceled on your first date..yet you told her you love her. That means you haven't even had a first date, and you told her that you loved her. Mushy dude, mushy. You've gotta keep up your game!" Uriah exclaims. I sigh. I don't want to play the game anymore. He fake coughs, "Whipped." I roll my eyes and plop onto the couch. I'm not whipped, I really care about Tris. There's more to life than 'playing the game'. He laughs. "You know I'm right," He says and walks toward the kitchen. "How about a party tonight?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders. There would be alcohol at this party, and I didn't want to expose Tris to something that she doesn't want any part in. "Just chill. Tris isn't going to relapse from the sight of the alcohol. She's stronger than that. You and I both know it," He says. He's right. "I guess you should get to calling people," I say with a grin. This could be fun. I pull out my phone and call Tris. "Hello?" She asks, trying to stop laughing. This makes me smile. I hear more laughing in the background. "Hey, Uriah and I were thinking about throwing a party tonight! I was wondering if you'd want to come? If not we could chill out at your place or go out or something tonight," I quickly suggest. "Four-CHRIS STOP," She laughs. "Four, I'd love to come. Mind if I bring Chris and Will?" she asks. I sigh in relief. "Yeah, that's cool. Tell Will to bring his own beer this time!" I laugh. "Will do," She laughs. "I've got to go, Chris insists that we go shopping for new outfits for the party," She laughs. "Okay, see you at seven," I say and hang up, still smiling. She's having a good time, and that really makes me happy. She deserves a second chance at being the person that she wants to be. "Tris, Chris, and Will are coming!" I called to Uriah. He gave a devilish grin and I became slightly terrified of what he had in mind.

Tris POV:

After 3 torturous hours of shopping, Chris, Will, and I piled into my her and drove back to the dorms. When I opened the door, the phone was ringing, so I ran to the kitchen to answer it. "Hello?" I ask. "Hello, Beatrice. Its been a while since you've talked to your mother, don't you think?" She asks. "Whatever. What do you want? I don't think you understand that this is my life now. You don't have control over me after next month. Will and Christina convinced me to have Aunt Vivian have your rights to me signed over to her. It seems to me, that you're pretty unstable. Gramma has papers that certify that you were admitted to rehab when you were my age. You did a pretty good job at trying to hide that, didn't you, Mommy? You're a liar, and a cold hearted bitch. I think we're done here," I say and slam the phone down on the counter. I turn around and slide to the floor, sitting against the cabinets, looking out the window. "I really miss you, Dad," I whisper. I hear footsteps and the front door open, so I swiftly pick myself up and go to the fridge to grab a snack. I don't want to draw any attention, so I'll pretend that everything's going fine. I grab the tub of ice cream out of the freezer and a spoon out of the drawer. I walk into the living room and plop myself down on the couch, turning on the TV. I've not done much today, but it just feels like one of those days. I look around me, noticing that Chris and will must have left. I scroll through the guide, trying to select the right reality tv show. I turn on 'Keeping up With the Kardashians" and begin to eat my ice cream. I know that I don't have to be alone. I know that I don't have to mope around all the time. I just…don't feel the need to be around everyone. Its like I'm sad, but I'm content with being alone. I feel like right now, all I need is my sad tub of ice cream, a stupid but interesting reality series, and a couch. Now my mind is racing. What have I been doing with my life? I've wasted all of this time on drugs and feeling bad for myself. I need to distract myself. Maybe I should join a club? Or maybe I should trry doing something for the good of society..Maybe I should get a job? It would distract me and help me to make some better friends. Ahh Volunteer work. The phone in the kitchen rings again. "Ugh. Stupid ass phone. Why won't everyone ignore me?!" I ask no one in particular as I set my ice cream aside and make my way into the kitchen. "Hello?" I answer. "Hello, is this Beatrice Prior?" A woman asks. "This is she," I answer. "Ah, hello ! I'm going to be your civics teacher this year, and I was wondering if you wanted to form a group with a few people of your choice and set up for the Civil Rights Debate tomorrow?" She offers. I should. We should. "I'd love to! I'll call a few friends and we'll be there bright and early tomorrow morning. Say 8 am? What was your name, by the way?" I ask. "I'm , but I ask my students to call me Marge. It makes me feel younger, and 8 am would be perfect!" She laughs. "Thanks for the call, Marge," I say cheerily and hang up. Ugh. Debate? Why'd I say yes? Ugh.

I'm going to Mississippi with my family this weekend, with no wifi :/ But, it'll give me time to write up a few more chapters and I should be able to post them on Monday!

Tris is interested in the Kardashians? Interesting.. I've got a huge writer's block right now.. Don't know what to do. Suggestions?