Acceptable Risk

At First Sight

Author's Note: So I've decided to write some shorts (some might not be so short) from the perspective of April/Raph. Originally for the 2012 series Raph was supposed to be in love with April, not Donnie. Since the series presents him as a guy who can't really be honest with his feelings I figured that Raph would be the ultimate tsundere type guy.

I decided to start off with the first time they saw April but from Raph's perspective. In this alternate universe Donnie isn't in love with April, not because I don't like the pairing (I do it's my favorite) but because it would likely get messy.

The night air was cool against Raph's skin as he, and his brothers raced across the roof tops. The feeling of freedom was exhilarating. With a whoop of excitement he twisted through the air as cement and alleyways passed bellow.

Finally all four came skidding to a stop. The view from the rooftop way amazing. The city was aglow making it look like a sea of lights.

The four stood in silence for a moment and Raphael was struck with a thought. Would he ever again be content with living in the dark sewers? Knowing what was just above them, of the lights and freedom, of the open air?

"Alright guys," Leo said finally, breaking the silence. "It's getting late. We should probably head back home."

There was a chorus of groans.

Of course Leo would be the killjoy.

They all turned to leave when Donnie pulled up short.

"Guys, look at that." He pointed to something on the street bellow where some people were walking.

Raph was about to comment on how absolutely shocking it was to find humans in a city, but catching sight of the shorter figure he found himself unable to do so.

Once, when they were young and first learning to use their weapons, Mikey had accidentally hit Raph in the throat with one of his nunchuks. For a moment Raph found himself unable to breathe, his heart was beating so fast it was almost painful, and if he had tried to talk any sound would likely have come out as garbled nonsense. All in all, the feelings were disturbingly similar.

"It's a human female," Donnie said, tilting his head to the side. "Fascinating."

Fascinating?! What the heck was Donnie looking at? That wasn't just a "human female". They had all seen women on television and in magazines, but this girl was more beautiful then all of them, in fact she was probably the prettiest girl Raph had ever seen. With her bright red hair, wide blue eyes, and soft pink skin, Raph couldn't do anything but gape.

Suddenly, the sound of squealing tires filled the air. From seemingly out of nowhere a white van careened around the corner. From out of the back popped a group of men in suits. While the four were new to the whole "being on the surface" thing but they were trained ninjas, they knew a threat when it rolled up in weirdly glowing vans.

Raph tensed, preparing to jump down and stop whatever was going on. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder.

"Sensei's instructing were very clear" Leo's tone was stern and it set Raph's teeth on edge. Who did he think he was, acting like he was in charge or something? "We're supposed to stay away from peopleā€¦and bathrooms."

"Dude, I thought you wanted to be a hero." Mikey piped up helpfully. "Since when do heroes ask permission?"

"T-they don't," Leo stammered, indecision clear on his face.

Raph looked down to see the girl struggling fiercely against her captors. The man she had been walking with, probably her father or uncle, was already hanging limp between two of the men.

All this waiting and debating was stupid.

Without another word Raph leapt to the streets below. The girl needed his help and he was going whether Leo liked it or not.

So this was something that was rattling around in my little brain ever since I first learned that April was originally supposed to be Raph's love interest. I'll probably post some more if people seem to like it. Some are based on specific parts of the show, some are of my own making. If you like them or have any ideas feel free to message me or send me a review. It would make me super excited if I knew that people were actually reading my babbling.