I sent this chapter to Shadow-Star Hatake who had asked permission to re-write the chapter, after reading through it i deemed it absolutely perfect so here it is,

i did notice that the last paragraphs were mine so i guess i still had part in it :) also i have removed the old chapter so anyone who read it already don't be confused

It has been 2 months since everyone from the future. Raph still replays everything that happened the day they returned. Raph blocked the fatal attack intentioned for Leo; he glared at the foot soldier in the eyes as he blocked the sword with one of Leo's katanas. Donnie and Mikey ran to Leo just as he began to succumb to his wounds; Splinter and Raph dealt with the foot soldiers. For Raph; he wasn't leaving any soldier that dared to cross his path alive.

Don started to make tourniquets out of their pads and belts, trying to keep the bleeding to a minimum. Mikey was doing everything he could to keep Leo awake and talking. Raph ran over panting with Leo's blood soaked katana still in his hand. His entire plastron was covered in fallen foot soldier blood. Splinter was right on his tail, when he came into view of his eldest son all he could do was stand there whispering, "Leonardo"

"Guys we need to leave now. He's bleed out too fast and I need to operate on him or he could die." Don said urgently. "Mikey call April and Casey just say we will explain later but we need to bring Leo to their place."

Mikey was still holding Leo's head in his lap; trying to understand everything that was happening. "MIKEY DO YOU WANT HIM TO DIE?" Don yelled snapping Mikey out his trace. He walked over to a corner of the roof and made the call, Don had Raph get ready to carry Leo.

"Ok, April freaked out a little but understood, she's getting everything ready Don." Mikey said placing his shell cell in his belt. He looked at his three older brothers, "Is he going to die?" Mikey asked. Mikey sounded like a scared five year about to lose their parent.

"No Mike, Leo is stubborn as a bull. Do ya think he just give up right after seeing us?" Raph said trying to reassure everyone; including himself. Mikey gave a weak nodded.

"Come my sons we need to get Leonardo to Miss O'Neil's place quickly." Splinter said leading his sons to the fire escape. Everyone followed with Raph carrying Leo in his hands into April's apartment.

The meet and greet was cut short as they lay Leo on the spare mattress April acquired from a past customer. Don and April started to prepare for emergency surgery and Casey and Mikey were in charge of getting all the necessary equipment from April's storage room for surgery. Don started stocking up on medical equipment before they disappeared at Aprils' encase they were unable to make it back to the lair.

Don setup Raph up next to a transfusion line and blood bags for Leo since they were the same type. After everything was placed in the spare room and Leo was placed under heavy sedation Don kicked everyone but April out. Though Mikey and Raph protested, Splinter was able to get Mikey and Raph out of the room and into the living room. Everything was silent except for the clock ticking back and forth in the living room, only the faint sound of Don and April talking could be heard from the spare bedroom.

Mikey was sitting next to Splinter holding his oldest brother's katanas and mask in his arms. Raph was between pacing back and forth and staring out the window. Casey was leaning against the door frame of the spare bedroom, Don had Casey on duty encase they needed anything.

"He's going to be alright, right sensei?" Mikey asked breaking the silence.

"I hope so my son. Leonardo is now in the hands of Donatello and Miss O'Neil. All we can do is wait and hope all is alright." Splinter said closing his eyes. Though they just got back a few hours ago it seemed like a lifetime for everyone.

The burden of not only leaving Leo alone but believing that his family was dead was bad enough but just as they returned to him, Leo was almost taken away from them without him know that they were alive.

Mikey continued to hold onto Leo's katanas and mask as if they were his only lifeline to his older brother. Raph looked back from the window to his youngest brother and father; he turned to look at the door that was keeping him away from his big brother.

Raph was trying to be strong for his family but everything was weighing down on his and the pressure from everything was started to break him. Losing a family member would be hard but losing not only his only big brother but his best friend just as they return from the future would kill him. Raph believed that if Leo died tonight then he would die with him.

Meanwhile in the spare bedroom:

Don and April continued to work furiously on Leo. They determined that an one of the Elite's ax went dangerously close to Leo's spine almost paralyzing him from the waist down. Beside that Leo had a shoulder wound that was bleeding very heavily, smaller cuts and lacerations were being disinfected and bandaged up by April.

Don placed a steel plate into the open wound on Leo's shell to support his spine while it healed. Don hoped and prayed that Leo wasn't paralyzed from the ax and would still be the same Leo they left behind for a year. Don peered over to his unconscious brother

Please be alright Leo. We need you more than you think. Please wake up so we can show you that we alright and still alive. You never fail us; it was us that failed you when we got transported to the future without you. Don thought.

For the next three hours April and Don continued to operate on Leo, repairing and closing anything that was still bleeding or was broken. In the end Don deemed Leo stable but in critical condition, his entire torso was bandaged along with both his shoulders either bandaged all the way to the arm or in a sling because of dislocation.

Leo's right leg was encased in plaster because of a broken femur, so he was going to have to use a wheelchair and assistance for a while. Don remained in the spare bedroom getting Leo hooked up to a ventilator, heart monitor and IVs while April went to give everyone an update on Leo's condition.

April stepped out and walked over to the living room to give everyone an update on Leo's condition. For about a half hour April went through the procedure on what both herself and Don had to do on Leo, leaving the possibility that Leo could be paralyzed for the rest of his life. She looked back to the spare bedroom as Don came out and walked over to his family, collapsing into the chair he looked over to the ten eyes that were staring at him.

"For now we just to have to wait for Leo to get stronger and to see if he is paralyzed or not."

April said placing her right hand on Don's shoulder. Don looked up to see April giving a sympathetic smile. Don closed his eyes and looked down his plastron, he was still covered in blood; Leo's blood. Don tried to shake away the last day away from his mind but he could still picture Leo about to be taken from them by a foot soldier just as they pasted the pathway from the future to their present.

"Come my sons let us go see Leonardo while Miss O'Neil and Donatello get clean up." Splinter said placing his paw on Don's knee.

"Hai senesi." Don said getting up and walking into the bathroom. Don turned on the water for the shower and just stood under the water as it poured onto his reptilian skin. The water was loud enough that no one could hear him begin to breakdown wishing none of this ever happened; that all of this was a dream.

For the next few weeks Leo's condition remained the same. Mikey remained glued to Leo side clinging Leo's mask between his fingers; waiting to return it to him. Raph lean against the door frame; never taken his eyes away from Leo's still form laying on the spare mattress. Don would to try and keep himself busy; checking Leo's vitals and medical equipment that was keeping Leo alive. Splinter stayed in one of the room's corners mediating so he could someday make contact with Leo's spirit on the astral plane.

Weeks turned into a month with nothing changing, the only thing that helped was when Don would remove some of the bandages and stitches that cover Leo. His leg was still in a cast but everything else beside his shell was almost completely healed.

It was on the day that marked their one month return that Raph started to snap from waiting and started to take it out on his family and any foot soldier and purple dragon he and Casey would find that night. When Raph came home with Casey full of small little cuts and bruises; Don was standing in the middle of the room waiting to start a battle between brothers.

"Where the hell have you been Raph?" Don demanded. "Been out bustin' heads" Raph spat trying to brush pass his angry immediate younger brother. But Don wasn't going to give up so easily this time. Taking care of Leo and trying to keep the family together was wearing on Don and with Raph becoming his vigilante self during this hard time, pushed Don to the edge.

"Look at yourself, coming home around this time of night with cuts and bruises from God know how many people you slaughter to quench your blood thirst." Don stated. Raph turned around and pinned Don to the wall with his forearm.

"Fuck ya! I don't need ya ta lecture me about nothin'. Ya ain't Leo and ya ain't the boss of me." Raph yelled.

"I may not be Leo but at least I'm taking care of my family. What are you doing? Going around bashing heads and coming home like this" eyeing Raph all over "I have enough to deal with Leo I don't need my hot headed brother to add to already long list I have." Don spat back. Raph released Don and they stared down each other for what felt like forever.

"Don't ya dare bring Leo inta this!" Raph roared. Don started to back up; the only person that could calm Raph down when he got this angry was Leo. "Leo got hurt cause of us. Leo is like that cause of us. Leo believes that we are dead and hate him because of us. Leo may have got hurt and almost killed by the Foot but we are the reason he was there. So don't ya dare try ta drag him inta this argument cause ya ain't nothin' ta help ya."

Don looked wide eyed at his older brother as he stormed off into the spare bedroom with Leo and Mikey. Don looked down to the ground and started to understand why Raph was acting the way he was.

Raph blames himself for everything, just like Leo. It's sad to say that everything he said was true. If we weren't transported to the future without him then none of this would've happened. We would be in the lair watching television or something, not here in April's apartment watching Leo deteriorate in front of our eyes. Don thought.

Don walked over to the spare bedroom and cracked the door open just a bit. Don peered into the room to see Leo still unconscious on the mattress with Mikey lying next to him. Don looked over to the other side to see Raph holding Leo's free good hand between his whispering to him. All he could make out was "Please wake up. I need you more than you would believe."

Don closed the door and placed his shell against the door. He slumped to the ground and started to breakdown once again.

Please Leo you need to wake up. We are starting to fall apart, please big brother we need you.

Two days after the fight between Raph and Don, Leo condition started to improve. He was already off the ventilator and didn't have to wear an oxygen mask. He still had to have an IV and heart monitor but besides his mid torso he was almost back to normal. Don took the cast off yesterday and told everyone that Leo had full range of motion still in his leg. Though he still wondered if his brother could still feel his legs and still be the ninja everyone knew. It wasn't until later that night did everything change for the Hamato family.

Everyone was sitting on the kitchen table eating pizza for dinner when they heard a crash from the spare bedroom. Every bolted up and ran to the door, Raph didn't wait for everyone and instead of opening the door like a normal person, he acted like his usual hot headed persona and kicked the door wide open.

"Raphael" Splinter yelled. Raph flinched as he looked at the anger boiling off of April's face. He turned and ran into the dark spare bedroom with his brothers; weapons at the ready they continued to survey their surroundings until someone broke the growing silence.

"Y-you know…. you are g-going to have to… fix that l-later, right?

Everyone turned towards the sound of the voice. Though the room was almost pitch black, the moonlight crept into the room though the window. The moonlight illuminated the forest green skin of the turtle what was sitting up with his right hand on the mattress, his left leg was pressed against his plastron with his left arm resting on the top of his knee, and his right leg was out straight under the blue comforter that was half on the mattress half on the floor. The stand that held the IV had fallen to the ground with the needles dripping blood off the tips. The heart monitor still stood near the bed but the sensors were laying off to the side.

Everyone stared; wide eyed and in disbelief.

"W-what? Klunk got y-your tongue?" Leo joked.

Mikey was the first to drop his weapons, he ran over to his brother and pulled him to a big bear hug; crying out Leo's name over and over. Soon Raph and Don joined in with their baby brother, trying to convince their selves that it wasn't a dream.

"G-guys you know I still need to breathe right?" Leo asked. The guys released Leo from the group hug and sat on their knees on the mattress. April, Casey and Splinter joined in after getting Leo situated and water for his dry throat.

"I miss you guys so much, believing that you guys were dead was better than believing that you guys abandoned me. When it came down to that battle on the roof top I thought that me dying that day would pay for the sins that I committed and that you guys would be returned if I did die." Leo said, never taking his eyes away from his family and friends. "

"Leo we can't tell you everything that happened to us but what we can tell you is that we would never abandon you. No matter the price we worked day and night to return to you and show you that we didn't abandon you." Don started to choke up.

"I-I know that I speak for everyone that w-we need y-you "Leo smiled at his brothers; Don and Mikey had tears coming down their cheeks, staining the rims of their mask. Raph was visibly shaking, trying to keep his tears at bay but the dams soon burst with his tears trickling down his face and onto the top of his hands.

"I love you guys." Leo said with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"We l-love ya too, L-leo. Never question that." Raph said with a slight hiccup.

For the next week everyone worked to help Leo in any way they could think of. Leo had to us a wheelchair since his spine was still recovering from the Elite's ax. Raph had somehow became Leo's unofficial aid. Raph also became extremely overprotective of Leo and deemed himself Leo's unofficial bodyguard. While Don worked on Leo's recovery and his physical therapy, Mikey was pretty much glued to Leo's side; talking to him about anything he could that happened in the future.

Finally everyone agreed that it was time to them to return home. Leo still had to remain in his wheelchair but with the help of future technology they were able to turn the wheelchair into a hover wheelchair. Raph helped push Leo though the tunnel they made in the basement of April's apartment back home while Don stayed behind for a bit to help April and Casey move all the medical equipment back into storage. Mikey took all the turtle's personal belongings home with the help of Splinter.

When everyone walked back into the water pump station Raph helped Leo into the living room while Mikey went to everyone's respective rooms and returned their belongings. Don walked over to Leo and checked his still covered mid chest plastron, going over the bandage he walked over to Leo's legs and tested his reflex for the eighth time that day.

"Donnie for the last time Leo's legs are fine. " Raph said leaning his arms against the arms of Leo's wheelchair. Leo looked up at his younger brother.

"It's ok Raph; Don just wanted to make sure I'm alright." Leo said. Don stood up and looked at his two older brothers.

"Yeah I think everything will be alright." Don said smiling at his two brothers. The harmony between the three brothers was soon cut short when their hyperactive baby brother came storming in.

"Guys, guys do you know what tomorrow is?" Mikey said as ran into the living room.

"No bonehead. Just tells us before ya give us a headache." Raph spat resting his head against his left hand. Mikey began jumping up and down with excitement which was getting onto Raph's last nerve.

"Well Raphie" Mikey said with childlike voice. Raph was starting to get aggravated not only because of the annoyance by Mikey but mockingly calling him by childhood nickname. "Tomorrow will be our birthdays." Mikey shouted.

"Oh yeah, with everything that has happened I guess I just completely forgot." Don said.

"Well are we going to do something or not?" Mikey asked jumping onto the couch. Raph, Don and Leo looked at each other and then at their baby brother.

"I guess we could Mikey but, it's going to be a little different this year." Leo said.

"Yeah Mike, its last minute plus we need to make up for last year for Leo." Don said looking toward Leo.

"Guys its fine, I spent it with April and Casey so you really didn't miss much." Leo stated.

"No way bro, we're gonna do somethin' fer ya ta make up fer everythin' that happened." Raph said placing his right hand on Leo's shoulder. All Leo could do was sighed and shake his head.

'It's going to be a long day tomorrow' Leo thought.

Leo woke up early the next morning. Leo rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked over to his right side. Raph was sleeping in the spare cot right next to Leo's bed. Leo shook his head; he pulled the covers off himself and placed them over Raph's sleeping form. Leo was about to try and get over to his wheelchair when Leo felt someone place their hand on top of his.

"Don't think ya makin' a breakout without me, do ya?" Raph said cracking his right eye open.

Leo chuckled "No, just didn't want to wake you." Raph sat up and stretched his arms and back.

"Come on Leo let's get ready before Mikey starts his endless sing of 'Happy Birthday'." Raph yawned getting Leo's wheelchair. Raph wheeled the chair over; perking his head yelled "UGH! He started already" Outside of Leo's room they could faintly hear someone singing at the top of their lungs the 'Happy Birthday' song.

"Hold on Leo, I'll be right back" Raph said running out of the room "Come here Mikey I wanna teach ya a new song called 'Fist ta ya Face'." Leo was holding his side as he bursted into laughter.

'I missed this so much.' Leo thought.

Raph wheeled Leo into the living room where everyone was getting ready to celebrate the turtles 16 and 17 birthdays. It was a small gathering with just Casey and April as their guest. By the wall of televisions laid the mountain of presents.

"So who wants ta cut the cake?" Casey asked. April glared at Casey as she finished setting the table with Don. "What just wanna know who's-"April silenced Casey with an elbow to the ribs.

"Let's have Leo cut the cake." Mikey said jumping at the opportunity to see Leo hold his katana seen he was attacked.

Before Leo could answer, Mikey ran into his room at full speed to get his katana. All Casey and April could see was a blur running by them. When they looked back at the cake they saw Leo sheathing has clean katana while Don was holding a piece of cake.

"Whoa! What the hell? How did ya…when did ya…" Casey trying to wrap his head around what just happened.

"Come on Casey don't ya want a piece" Raph snickered handing Casey a piece of cake. Casey took the piece of cake while scratching his head.

"Come on guys" Mikey said in a low voice. "LET'S OPEN SOME PRESENTS!" Mikey yelled running over to the mountain of presents. Every sighed and shrugged walking over to the couch, Raph placed Leo between the couch and the chair he was going to sit in.

"Wait guys I have a little something for the three of you that I want you guys to open first." Leo said pointing to the presents that were wrapped in blue wrapping paper with their respective colored bows in the middle. Raph, Don, and Mikey grab their gifts and started to rip the wrappings off in a quick fury, all they could say was "Whoa"

"Leo had did you-"Don tried to say grabbing ahold of his gift. Leo gave them their weapons that they created with their minds from the future.

"While when I mediated I saw you guys with these, so I drew up the design for each of them and gave them to Leatherhead who created them for you guys encase you ever returned." Leo stated. Each of Leo's brothers held their weapons in the light.

"Leo you are the best big brother ever." Mikey said smiling proudly at Leo.

"Come on you guys, you have more gifts to open" April said trying to hold back her laughter.

Finally after 6 months of physical therapy Leo was not only able to walk and run again but he was also back to patrolling and sparring with his younger brothers.

Some nights everyone would sit down and have a movie night together with three of them cuddle around Leo to ensure both him and themselves that they were together, that none of them were missing. Surprisingly Leo and Raph didn't argue for a whole YEAR, making Donnie and Mikey wonder if they were in right time line or universe.

Not that they complained, they had gotten used to the arguing that it felt weird not to hear them fight...that was until Mikey pulled a prank on Raph and gave Leo the blame, that fired them on. Mikey danced around while Donnie just sitting in the couch just listening to the sweet sound of two big brothers beating each other. That until they figured out who actually setup the prank and started to double team beating up Mikey, Donnie was holding his side from laughter as he watched his two older brothers chase their baby brother around the lair threating him with bottley harm.

Things were finally back to normal.

i'll be posting one shots for a while before taking on a chapter fic again frying my nerves xD