Wow I haven't updated at late. Sorry guys :/ I wish i could say I'll update once a week like i use to way back in the day but school has my attention more. I will finish this story it'll just take me forever.

I haven't been good with replying to reviews (and i don't remember who I PM and who I didn't) so i'm just gonna respond to some now.

fanniepeeniss: Cato the conceited jock and Clove the prettiest girl in school otp tbh lol. Pretty cliche tho but I agree there is something there. Gloss is a good guy so I wouldn't think he would hate Clove if nothing ever happens between them. "if you like something you should let it go" damn you got DEEP but that is something that is for sure going to happen in the story.

Guest: Oh there is so much more Enobaria to come :D and Brutus too. I have a plan for them just you wait.

Also I get lots of comments about Peeta not trusting Katniss with his problem with his mom. I'm getting to it guys I promise. That's gonna be addressed in like 3 chapters don't worry.


Chapter 7 "Ready"

Katniss' POV

Hearing the last bell ring on Friday has me both smiling happily down the hall as I make my way to my locker and freaking out internally realizing today is the day.

Tonight, at dinner, I am introducing my mother to Peeta Mellark as my boyfriend.

Last week after the cheer squad's carnival, Peeta and I decided it would be best for this dinner with my mother to happen sooner rather than later. Instead of worrying about it for weeks, why not just get it out of the way as soon as possible? It seemed like a good idea at the time, but as more days passed, the more Peeta and I stressed. Now that it's finally Friday, I'm panicking more than ever.

"You're freaking out, aren't you?" Cash asks me as I stare mindlessly into my locker.

"No," I mumble. Annie, who I didn't even realize was next to Cash, raises her eyebrows at me with a frown. "Alright, I am."

"Don't worry about the dinner. It isn't even until eight," Annie reminds me. "You and Peeta are coming over at six, remember?"

It was Wednesday when Peeta and I reached the peak of our stress. We had considered making up some ridiculous excuse to avoid Peeta ever having to meet my mother until Finnick and Annie clamed us down. That's when Finnick offered to give us advice for the dinner. Considering that Finnick has been to the Crestas for dinner almost every Friday night since freshman year, Peeta and I gladly take him up on his offer.

"We'll definitely be there," Peeta answers approaching us with his gym bag over his shoulder. Gloss and Finnick follow right behind and greet us all.

"You ready?" I ask Peeta.

"Not at all," He says and then gives me a peck on the check. "But hey, we don't have Panem's power couple helping us for nothing."

"Well, aren't we flattered," Finnick says wrapping his arm around Annie. "You two are in good hands. I promise you. Right, Annie?"

Annie nods with a smile. "Have you guys heard from Johanna today?"

Cecelia and Blight are visiting friends back in Seam Town for today. Johanna couldn't convince them she could handle being alone for two days, so she went with them. They left yesterday morning and should be back by tomorrow morning.

"She called me last night to complain about how boring it is in Seam Town," Peeta says. "Says there isn't much to do."

Johanna has a point. I lived there my whole life before moving here. That town was nothing but dull, but it was home. Sometimes I forgot no one knows I use to live there. Well, no one besides Gale.

"She and I were texting earlier," I mention. "Haven't heard from her since lunch, though."

I don't miss the way Annie frowns and looks at the ground. I don't think anyone misses it.

"You okay, Ann?" Finn asks.

"Yeah I just—"


Clove comes rushing down the hall with her hair in a messy bun, sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a gym bag over her shoulder.

"I've been looking for you since class ended," she says then reaches into her bag and pulls a black item out and throws it at Finnick. "The new dance jackets came in."

"Yes!" Finnick says excitingly and pulls the jacket on. The jacket is a solid black with red strips down the sleeves, the school logo on the back with dance team written in gray on the back along with Finnick's full name on the front on the right side of his upper chest. "I was worried they wouldn't come in time for the pep rally."

"Speaking of, remember, we have practice in five minutes."

"Shit! I haven't even changed yet. Amber is gonna kill me if I'm late again. Got to go guys." Finnick gives Annie a quick kiss before running down the hall towards the boy's locker room.

"What an idiot," Clove mumbles with a laugh. "Are you all going to Amber's party tonight?"

"Katniss and I already have plans," Peeta says and I nod in agreement.

"I wasn't aware cheerleaders were allowed," Cash says with a bitter tone in her voice.

Annie rolls her eyes at Cash's obvious lie. "The whole squad will definitely be there."

Clove turns her attention to Gloss and smiles. "What about you, Gloss? Coming to the party?"

Gloss instantly sends a smile back to Clove. "Of course."

"Great. Well, I better get going before I get in trouble with Finnick. See you guys later."

The second Clove walks away, Cash punches Gloss on the arm.

"Ouch!" Gloss exclaims. "What the hell did I do?"

"Stop pining over her already," Cash says. "It's gross and pathetic."

"I am not pining."

"Good. Marvel is happily with Clove now, so get over it and move on," Cash spits out. "Cheer practice in five. Annie, come." With that Cash is storming off down the hallway with a quiet Annie following behind her.

"What the hell was that about?" I ask. Cash is almost never a bitch to Gloss.

"Looks like Gloss isn't the only one pining," Peeta says. "Well, I should get going. Have some cakes at the bakery that aren't going to frost themselves."

"What time do you open the bakery tomorrow?" Gloss asks. "My parents want to order Cash and mine's birthday cake already."

"At nine sharp." Peeta gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Katniss. Bye, Gloss." Peeta leaves.

"Speaking of your birthday," I say. "Why is the party in, like, two weeks when your birthday is next week?"

"Because nobody is going to go to the party when homecoming is literally the next day. Plus, our parents are going out the Friday after homecoming for date night. Speaking of homecoming, did you make your nominations for king and queen yet?"

"Gloss, you, for sure, are going to be on the ballot. You don't need my vote. I thought you didn't care about being king anyways."

"You can never be too safe, Katniss. And I don't, but Cash will kill me if I'm not her king."

I don't understand the appeal of being homecoming king or queen. What's the point? To worry the whole dance about winning a piece of plastic and not even enjoy yourself? I'd rather spend my time at the dance laughing and smiling with Peeta the whole night than worry about who gets to wear a crown. But Gloss and Cash are my friends, and if they want the crowns, then they have my vote.

"When is the last day to submit nominations? Sunday, right?" I ask and Gloss nods. "Now, would you grab my bag and walk me to the football field?" Gloss wordlessly grabs my book bag while I take out my bow and arrow from my locker. "I can't believe I let Cash talk me into this."

"My sister means well."


Towards the ending of summer, Cash was trying to convince me to join the cheer squad. She said things like 'it'll increase your popularity, Katniss', 'the uniforms are so cute', 'you'll be on the field for pep rally', and the classic 'Katniss, you're a Victor, you have to be on some kind of team'. I managed to block her out, but Monday came and she wouldn't let me alone.

Cash managed to talk me into being on the archery team she set up this year. She said I wouldn't have to worry about getting materials, finding a coach, posting flyers, or finding places to practice because she would handle all of that for Gale and me. All I had to do was show up. I didn't want to give in. I really didn't, but she got to me. She went through all the trouble, the least I could do was give it a shot.

When Gloss and I get to the field, Gale is already setting up targets and there are about a dozen people standing nearby watching Gale. I assume they are here to try-out. There is a good mixture between guys and girls but when it comes to grade levels, mostly all seem to be underclassmen.

Gloss gives me a hug before leaving and wishes me luck with try-outs. I set my stuff down and go help Gale set up some targets.

"How many targets do we need?" I ask Gale while setting up another bullseye near Gale.

"There are fourteen people here, but we only have six out of eight targets set up right now."

"So we set them all up. Have eight go at a time. I focus on four and you focus on the other four."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Gale says. "Hi, by the way."

I smile. "Hi. Do you want to start with them while I finish setting up the other two targets? Also, where is the teacher who is supposed to be supervising us?"

"Yeah, sounds good. On the way, I hope. We could get in trouble without him here."

"Who is it, anyways?" Gale shrugs at my question. Cashmere set up the team for us but you'd think she'd tell us who our—

"Everdeen! Hawthorne!" I whip my head around to see the entire cheer squad approaching the field with Glimmer leading everyone. "Do you mind if we use the other half of the field to practice?"

"What?" I respond.

"The dance team took the gym from us," Glimmer says. "Cash is in the gym right now arguing with Amber about it and told me to take the squad to practice on the football field. She said you wouldn't mind but we can go somewhere else, if you want."

"Go ahead," I mumble.

I watch silently as Glimmer walks away with the squad right behind her. When Glimmer was talking to me, she was so polite. I'd figure she would tell me the squad would be practicing here, not ask me if we could. That was odd, or maybe it wasn't. I've only known Glimmer for a few months; I haven't been here that long.

"That was weird," Gale says. At least I wasn't the only one to think so.

Gale introduces himself and me to the group of students while I set up the other two targets. He talks about the different types of archery but focusing on the archery we will be practicing today: target archery. Gale goes on to explain the basics on the bow and arrow but stops himself before going too much in depth.

"We'll have plenty of time for that later," Gale says. "This isn't your typically try-outs. Katniss and I have already agreed to take anyone on the team as long as you're willing to commit yourself to learning about archery, come to practice, and take this all seriously. This try-out is for you to decide if archery is for you. That doesn't mean you have to be good right now. We are here to learn." I grab my bow and arrow knowing exactly where Gale is going with this. "You'll go from not knowing how to hold the bow properly to this," Gale gestures to me.

I take one quick glance at everyone before turning my back to everyone and facing a target. I take my stance, draw my arrow, aim, and release. I watch as my arrow goes flying start into the target and hits the center, bullseye. There's clapping and I can't help but blush as I turn back around to everyone.

"Let's get started."

"We're going to be needing practice a lot," Gale states while sitting down next to me on the ground. I simply nod in agreement.

Gale and I are watching everyone take practice shots over and over again. About half of them couldn't even make it onto the target, but after some help from Gale and me, they are all hitting the target now. None of them are hitting the actual bullseye, just the section around it.

Our coach came about half an hour into practice because he is new this year and wasn't sure where the football field was. He told us to address him as Coach Boggs. He told Gale and me to take a break while he watches the students for a few minutes.

In an attempt to avoid having a conversation with Gale, I turn my attention to the cheer squad. Cash, Glimmer, and Annie are watching the squad practice their steps. I can't hear anything from over here, but since the squad has suddenly stopped and

Cash has her hands on her hips while Glimmer is crossing her arms over her chest in disappointment and Annie is just staring at the ground, I'm assuming their practice isn't going to well. Annie then goes on to do the routine by herself—as a demonstration, I assume. Instead of staying with the squad, Glimmer sees Gale and me and makes her way over to us.

"Are you two dying to go home as much as I am?" Glimmer asks taking a sit in front of Gale and I. Gale nods while I stay silent. "Cashmere is being impossible right now."

"You guys only have a week until the pep rally," I say. "It's understandable why she is being hard on the squad."

"All we've practiced today has been the first thirty seconds of the routine. We haven't practiced the whole routine since Monday." I don't say anything else. One, because I don't really care about the cheer squad and two, I don't care for Glimmer.

Glimmer continues to ask questions about the archery team, which I ignore, but Gale answers them for her.

Annie comes over adjusting her bag's strap on her shoulder. "It's going to be five thirty soon, so do you wanna just catch a ride to my place with me?"

"You don't need me to stick around, do you?" I ask Gale. He shakes his head.

I grab my bag and follow Annie off the field towards the parking lot. Annie talks to me about this new cheer routine they have for pep rally that she actually choreographed herself along with Glimmer.

"Of course, Cash had final say in everything but it's all my routine. I'm so proud. I never would have thought I could contribute so much to a team that I originally never wanted to be a part of."

That takes me by surprise. "You didn't want to be a cheerleader?" Annie shakes her head. "Then how did you become one?"

"It's kind of a long story that happened back in freshman year. I'll tell you about it someday."

"Do you think this could be Cash's way of preparing you for being captain?"

Annie seems surprised by my question. "Me? Captain of the cheer squad?"

I nod my head. "Why so surprised?"

"No one has ever mentioned me being captain one day. It has always been about Glimmer. Glimmer is totally going to be captain next year. She is ready for it. Everyone knows that."

It makes me sad that Annie doesn't see herself as captain one day. From what I've seen, Annie puts as much effort into the squad as anyone else.

"No one knows anything," I tell her. "It was Glimmer and you who worked on the routine. It was Glimmer and you who helped Cash at cheer try-outs. You have just as much of a shot at captain as Glimmer does."

Annie shakes her head repeatedly. "I could never do that to Glimmer. She'd be crushed."

"Annie, what about what you want? Do you want to be cheer captain?"

Before Annie can answer, a car beeps several times in the distance. Then I hear a voice shouting Annie's name. It's Cato.

"You didn't say you were getting picked up by Cato," I say bitterly to Annie.

"I didn't want to be in a car with just him. It's too weird."

"Then let's walk."

"And have to hear from my parents how rude I am being to family? Pass."

Annie and I walk over to Cato's car. He gives me a look that basically says 'what the hell are you doing here' but he doesn't say anything to me. In fact, during the whole ride, Cato barely says two words. Annie tries to get Cato talking but all he does is answer with one-word sentences. Thankfully, the car ride is only about ten minutes.

"Do you know what time everyone is coming back?" Annie asks Cato as we enter their house.

"They left at the same time I did to go pick you up. Considering where bride-zilla took them to try cakes is about an hour and a half away, I'd say they won't be back anytime soon." Annie lets out a deep breath as if she is relieved to hear that. "Whatever reason Everdeen is here for, keep it down. I'm gonna be in my room."

"Wait," Annie shouts. "I thought you weren't going to be here today. Didn't you have a date?" Cato doesn't answer her as he continues to go up the stairs and disappears when he turn the corner into the hall. He didn't even bother to acknowledge Annie. What a jerk. "He wasn't supposed to be here. I'm so screwed."

"Why?" I ask. "Cause Finnick is coming over?"

"That's part of the reason."

"Annie," I sigh. "Why are you walking on eggshells around Cato?"

"I'm not walking on any shells."

"The fact that you planned for Cato not to be here when Finnick gets here says you are."

"Katniss," Annie whines. "I just want some peace, okay?"


"I don't want any trouble. As much as I wish I was, I'm not like you or Johanna or any of you guys. Can you just drop it?" Annie doesn't wait for me to answer before pulling out her cell and going outside.

I don't see why Annie acts the way she does. There isn't anything wrong with Annie, but she doesn't stand up for herself, ever. It's never about what she wants, only what others want. Annie is selfless, and that's a quality that I've always been jealous of. It never occurred to me that someone as sweet as Annie might just want to be selfish sometimes. If that's what she wants, then why not act on it?

"Where did Cresta go?" Cato asks coming down the staircase.

"Her name is Annie," I say.

"Last time I checked, her name was Cresta, too, and I'll call her whatever I want."

"What the hell is your problem with her?" I nearly shout. "Annie doesn't deserve your shit, Cato."

"Did Cresta ever say I was being a dick to her?" No. Annie never said he was, but even if he was, she wouldn't tell anyone. "Alright then. Considering that you don't know anything, I suggest you back off and don't open your mouth again. Mellark is probably the only one who gets enjoyment when it's open, anyways. Just like he did with Glimmer."

God, what a jerk! If Cato wants to be a dick, well, so can I.

"At least I can hold on to somebody unlike you. Tell me, Cato, how does it feel knowing Clove would rather be alone than be with you?" His silence says it all.

The door swings open with Annie and Finnick come walking in with smiles on their faces.

"What is he doing here?" Cato asks Annie and her smile drops.

Alright, maybe getting Cato pissed wasn't the best idea.

"I'm here to see Annie, dumbass." Finnick says, not helping the situation at all. "Problem?"

Finnick and Cato start raising their voices higher with every word and seem to be getting more frustrated with each other. Annie tries to calm them both down but it isn't working. I pull Annie away from them because they look like they are about to fight.

"What the hell are we going to do with them?" I whisper to Annie.

"Don't worry, I got it covered."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? What did she—

"What's all the shouting about?" Clove steps inside the door frame. She takes one look at Finnick and Cato and rolls her eyes. "Of course, it's you two idiots. Why am I not surprised?"

Finnick and Cato both step away from each other as Clove walks inside. She doesn't address either one of them again. Instead, she pulls Annie and me into a hug.

"We leave at seven?" Clove asks Annie while pulling away.

"Yup," Annie says. "I told Cash and Gloss to meet us here."

"Cool. I told Marvel on the way here. So, are you gonna show me to your room so I can change or what?"

"I'll show you," Cato says. "She's busy with Everdeen and Odair, anyway."

"Lead the way, then." Cato heads to the staircase and before Clove follows, she winks at Annie.

"What the hell was that?" I ask as Cato and Clove disappear upstairs.

"Me calling in a favor and handling this problem peacefully," Annie says with a smirk on her face.

"I see you have your money on Cato then, Annie." Finnick says and what?

"I'm not in on any of that."

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, so very confused as to what they are talking about.

"You don't know?" Annie asks very surprised. "Someone had the bright idea to start betting on who Clove picks, Cato or Gloss."

What the hell? This is a thing? That is the most stupid thing I've heard. Who the hell cares about Clove's love life?

"So far, it's half and half between Victors and Careers," Finnick says. "Gonna settle the tie, Katniss? Get in on this bet going on."

"I'll pass."

Annie smiles at that. "Nice to know I'm not the only one of us with morals around here."

"Hey," Finnick says. "At least I'm going for Gloss. I'm being supportive."

"Oh, supportive," Annie says sarcastically. "How nice of you, Finn. Tell me again how much money do you have on Gloss?"

"Thirty, which I'll be using to take you out with so you better hope I win or we're just going to go to the Hob and eat dollar soups."

Annie playfully hits Finnick on the shoulder which Finnick responds by tackling her on to the couch then tickling her. I smile while watching Annie laugh and try to tickle Finnick back without success. Annie ends up pushing him off the couch and he lands right on his ass. She then grabs a pillow off the couch and begins to hit him with it, all while Finnick is trying to get up from the floor.

The doorbell rings and clearly Annie isn't going to answer the door, so I do.

It's Peeta already dressed for dinner with my mother. He is wearing black dress pants with a greyish-blue button up shirt and a grey jacket.

"Someone is dressed to impress," I say then give Peeta a kiss. "Is that why you took forever?"

"Yeah, I may have just spent twenty minutes on the phone with Jo picking outfits… or an hour, give or take."

I laugh. "Time well spent."

"Damn it! I surrender," Finnick shouts in the distance.

Peeta and I go inside to find Finnick still on the floor with Annie sitting on his chest and two pillows in her hands ready to swing them at his head.

"Say it," Annie says. "Or you're gonna get two pillows in the face."

"I, Finnick Odair, have been defeated by the great Annie Cresta."

Annie drops the pillows and gets off of Finnick but not before kissing him on the nose.

"Do they do this often?" I ask Peeta.

He nods. "You'll get used to walking in on this. By the second time, I realized this is a thing."

"Peeta," Annie exclaims and goes straight to hugging Peeta. "Finally, we can get started."

"Let's try this again," Finnick states. "Annie, ask your question."

"So," Annie says taking on a very formal tone. "Peeta, how are you doing in school?"

"I do well. The school year just started so I'm trying my best to start out strong."

"Straight-A student?"

"Wouldn't that be nice—"

"No," Finnick's voice fills the dining room.

"You didn't even let him finish," I state slightly annoyed with Finnick at his point.

For the past half an hour, all he has done is criticized every little thing Peeta has said. I know Finnick is just trying to help, but at this point, it is taking everything in me not to reach over the dining table and whack Finnick's head with the fruit bowl on the table.

"Didn't have to," he says. "He was going to tell a joke."

"Yeah," Peeta says. "Lighten the mood."

"Cracking jokes while talking about school doesn't send the right message. Annie, ask me the same question."

"Are you hoping for straight A's this school year?"

"Definitely a goal of mine for this year. I know my mother's encouraging me for it."

"That is exactly what he said to my parents," Annie says with a smile. "Then, when Finnick excused himself from the table, all my parents could tell me was what a dedicated young man he was. They'd certainly be okay with me studying for classes with him."

Finnick smiles brightly.

"Alright," I say. "Peeta and I should get going in a bit, so can we hurry this along?"

"Right," Finnick says. "Annie has to change before we go too, so how about you go help Annie with that while I talk to Peeta alone for minute?"

I'm about to disagree and tell Finnick he can say whatever he needs to in front of both of us, but before I can say anything, Annie is pulling me out of my chair and straight into the hallway. We silently walk pass Cato and Clove on the couch and head to Annie's room.

"Alright," Annie says stepping into her room and heading straight for her closet. "You have to help me pick an outfit out for Amber's party." Of course I do, because I'm just so fashionable with my basic white tee and sweatpants.

I lay on Annie's bed while she begins to throw some outfits together. She shows me a few outfits and when I reject one of the outfits, she doesn't. After four outfits, she stops asking me.

"You nervous?" Annie asks while changing into a dress.

"Not as much as before," I say because honestly I'm more annoyed at this point.

"You know Finn is just trying to help," I raise my eyebrows at Annie. "I saw the way you were looking at him like you wanted to hit him on the head with the peach in the fruit bowl."

"The peach would have been too soft."


"I know. I know," I say while getting off the bed and going to zip up Annie's dress.

"Just don't be too hard on Finnick." Annie twirls for me. "This good?"

"It's perfect." Annie smiles at me. "Finnick really prides himself on how well he won over your parents, huh?" Annie's smile disappears. "What's wrong?"


"Annie, you aren't very good at masking your emotions." She groans then goes to collapse on her bed face first. I go over and join her, falling straight on my back. "Come on, tell me."

Annie rolls over on to her back. "I told my parents about Finnick breaking up with me, because they obviously would have questioned why he didn't come over anymore for dinner. Now that we are back together, Finnick keeps asking me when he can start coming back over for dinner, and I've been using Grace's wedding planning as an excuse so far."

"So your parents don't want him to come over for dinners anymore now that you're back together with him?"

"More like they don't know we are back together."

I shoot straight up on the bed and stare right at Annie. "You haven't told them?"

Annie sits up with me. "I was going to, honestly. But Cato's parents obviously found out that the reason Cato was sent home early from the summer trip was because of a fight with Finnick. Cato didn't say anything about it, but obviously when he stopped mentioning Clove, they put two and two together."

"So his parents and your parents think something happened between Clove and Finnick?" Annie nods. "Then just tell them the truth."

"That is the truth, Katniss."

Okay yeah, technically that is.

"But it's not how it sounds," I say. "Even though the kiss is why Cato broke up with Clove in the first place."

"Not helping."


"I don't care what my family will say about Finnick. I care about how upset Finnick is going to get, that's why I don't want to tell me. It's just so—"

"Annie," I interrupt her because I just realized, "that is the same reason Finnick never told you about his parents."

Annie stares at me with her eyes popping out at me in shock. "I have to tell him."


After helping Annie with her hair, I head back downstairs. Peeta and I better get going or we'll be late to dinner. Not the best way to start out the night. I text Peeta to hurry up and I'll be waiting in the living room for him.

On the top on the stairs, I can see Clove pacing back and forth in the living room with her phone glued to her ear. She is already dressed up for the party tonight. She is wearing one of Annie's dresses and heels that make her almost a couple of inches taller. I can hear the heels click against the floor as she walks, but I can't really hear what she is saying, but the closer I get, the more I can make out. Definitely hear Gloss and Cato's name. Finally, at the bottom of the staircase, I can hear her.

"—almost," Clove says. "I choked, okay?" There's a pause, a rather long one. "Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm doing. It's Cato, how can I just forget about him like that? Yes, I know he hurt me—So, I did the right thing?" This isn't something I should be hearing. I clear my throat. "I—" She finally sees me. "I gotta go, Glim. I'll see you at the party." She throws her cell on the coffee table and then collapses on the couch.

I stand there awkwardly for a moment. Not sure if I should I apologize for listening in or not. Not sure if I should tell her about the bet going on. Glimmer is in on it, so taking advice from her is probably not the best thing.

"So," Clove says. "Peeta's meeting your mom, huh? That's a pretty big deal."

There's a moment of silence while Clove waits for my response but I don't say anything.

"Peeta seems nervous," Clove continues on. "That's understandable, even though he obviously knows your mom already. When Cato officially introduced me as his girlfriend to his family, wow, was I a mess." There's another moment of silence.

"Cato was more of a mess than me though. He didn't show it, but I knew. Cato relaxed me and I think that's what got me through a painful dinner. His parents loved me, but his brother… not so much." Again, I don't say a word.

Clove rolls her eyes and gets up to leave—

"Don't listen to anyone," I say before I can even think about it. Clove looks at me confused but before she can ask, I explain. "There's a bet going around on who you'll pick. Almost everyone is in on it, so I wouldn't ask anyone for advice on what to do, cause odds are they want to win."

I expected Clove to be furious hearing this. Instead of throwing a fit over it, she looks hurt. She sits back down. "How long has it been going on?" I shrug because I have no idea. "Everyone? Even Glimmer?" I nod. "I can't believe everyone is making a game out of this."

"I'm sorry." I only say it because I truly mean it. Knowing she can't trust anyone's advice about her situation with Cato and Gloss can't be easy. A difficult decision for her is just some kind of sick game for everyone else.

"You said almost everyone. Who isn't in on the bet?"

"Besides me that I know of? Annie."

Peeta comes in from the kitchen looking more anxious than before. God, what did Finnick tell him?

"We've got to stop by the bakery first," Peeta says running out the door before I can even ask why. I move to follow right behind him—

"A word of advice," Clove says causing me to stop at the front of the door. "What would help Peeta right now more than anything is knowing you support him. Let him know you support him."

I nod and say, "Thanks."

"I know I'm not your favorite person in the world, but thank you for telling me what I needed to hear."

I pause before saying, "Right back at you, Clove."

As I leave out the door, I can hear Clove let out a small laugh and I can't help but smile at that.

"Remind me why we're here again?" I ask Peeta as we enter the bakery.

"I can't show up empty handed, Katniss! You heard what Finnick said," Peeta says while running behind the counter.

I sigh. I think Peeta's talk with Finnick did more bad than good. All Peeta could talk about on the way here was getting my mother to like him. It's not that I don't want my mother to like him, it's just now that seems to be all Peeta cares about.

"Okay, I got pies. Which would your mother prefer, apple or blueberry?"

Mom hates blueberry pie. "Ap—" Peeta's favorite is blueberry, though. "Get the blueberry one."

Peeta smiles for a moment before opening and closing drawers around him. "Dad," he shouts. "Where are the to-go boxes?"

"In the back," I hear Mr. Mellark shout from upstairs.

As Peeta runs to the back, Mr. Mellark comes downstairs with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Katniss."

"Hi, Mr. Mellark."

"How've you been? Been putting good use to those baking lesson, I hope," he says fondly. "Thanks again for helping out at the bakery."

"It was my pleasure," I say truthfully. "I loved helping out in my free time. Finally got to see why Peeta loves baking so much."

"You know, Katniss, without Delly here, the workload around here has been getting a bit too much for only three people. I'll have to talk to Peeta's mom, but what would you say about having a job here?"

I'm stunned, unsure of what to say. A job at the bakery, that's a big commitment. I only helped Mr. Mellark out for a few weeks at the end of the summer. I'm not expert on the place, but I'm no stranger either.

Before I can answer, Peeta comes back with the pie in a to-go box. "Katniss, let's go. We can't be late." Peeta says, running out the front door not even waiting for me.

"Well, he's nervous about meeting your mother," Mr. Mellark says.

"Definitely," I say then head towards the door. "Bye, Mr. Mellark."

"Think about what I said."

"I will," I shout as I exit the bakery and attempt to catch up to Peeta who is already halfway down the block.

The closer we get to my house, the more I regret agreeing to the help from Finnick and Annie. Before today, Peeta and I were nervous and it makes sense that we were. Meeting my mother is a big deal, so of course we were nervous, but now Peeta doesn't just seem nervous anymore. He doesn't seem to be acting like himself. Sure, he is smiling as we walk to my door, but it isn't real.

Peeta and I freeze in front of my door. This is it.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Not even slightly," Peeta says. "No turning back now. Let's do this, Katniss."

Clove's words come back to me in that moment. Let him know you support him.

"Peeta," I say and I put my hand on him stopping him from knocking on the door.

Peeta looks at me curiously before putting his arm down and just holding my hand. "Yeah, Katniss?"

"I want you to forget everything Annie and Finnick said."

"What? Why?"

"Because we aren't them. I know Annie and Finnick were just looking to help us and we both wanted their help, but I've come to realize we didn't need it. Yes, I want my mother to like you, but not because of how Finnick told you to act. I want you to be yourself, completely. I want you to be the real Peeta Mellark. The kind, steady, and warm Peeta I know and—" I choke on my own words, at the sudden realization of what I wanted to say. Love.

Peeta stares at me like he knows what I was about to say, but at the same time like he doesn't. As if he is hoping I do, but doubts it all together.

I wish I could say it. I wish I could tell him I love him, so I can see the happiness in his eyes but I can't. I don't know if I love Peeta. I haven't known him for even a year yet, how could I be sure I love him? I know he's one of my best friends. I know I care for him. I know I trust him. I know I always want him by my side. I know I support him, but love? The only person I'm sure I love is Prim.

"The Peeta I know and support," I continue on. "I know my mother is going to like you but in the end it doesn't matter to me what my mother thinks of you because I only care about what I think. I want to be with you Peeta Mellark, no matter want."

Next thing I know, Peeta has his arms around me in an embrace and I quickly wrap my arms around him, as well.

"Thank you," he whispers in my ear. "I needed that."

I pull away slightly to give him a kiss on the check.

"You ready?" I ask

He nods with a smile. "I'm ready."

With that, I raise my hand and knock on the door, then I take a hold of Peeta's hand again; this time for comfort.

I wanted to squeeze some everlark feels before the next chapter because the next chapter will be focusing on Cato/Clove/Gloss. The next chapter is going to be Amber's Party and the before (at Annie's/Cato's during this chapter) and after (the next morning). Clove is going to make a decision next chapter but you'll have to wait have see who she picks! Any guess before then? Plot twist maybe she just stays with Marvel lol (gosh no).

Please a review and let me know what you guys think of this chapter. Any relationships (platonic or romantic) you want me to show more of? Let me know.

Since I have been really bad at updated I decided to throw in a little spoiler for the next chapter. Cato isn't going to be at Amber's Party but he will definitely interrupting some Clove/Gloss moments at the party (like an almost kiss).