Chapter 1

Okay so this is my first Fanfic please be nice this story is about Aria and Ezra. I hope you guys like it. I do not own PLL or Aria and Ezra.


What am I going to do? I'm seventeen and pregnant with my ex-English teacher's baby, what are my parents going to think? Better question what will Ezra think or my bestfriends? I knew I had to tell them soon but I was so scared, I mine as well get it over with!

I walk down the stair and out the front door of my house. I had to tell Ezra first, and then I would worry about my friends and family. Once I got to his apartment I knock on the big brown door, I wait with fidgeting fingers awaiting my future with Ezra. He opened the door and I automatically knew something was wrong.

"We need to talk." was the first thing he said. The only thing that I can think of is did A get to him, does he know, id he mad?

"What's wrong Ezra? You're scaring me." I said with panic in my voice.

"I think we need to break up" I was completely in shock I thought he loved me.

"What, why, Ezra we love each other! Why are you breaking up with me?"

"Because I don't love you, I never did and besides my mom made a point, I don't need a student teacher relationship over my head, you're not good for me! You're too immature and naïve sorry you can't see that." As soon as the words left his mouth I couldn't hold back my tears any more they were streaming down my face. How could he betray me like that and call me immature and naïve, what did I do wrong for him to not love me? This is not the sweet Ezra I know. I glanced at him one last time through my wet eyelashes and left, I was so distraught. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

I went home, curled up in my big fluffy comforter and cried myself to sleep. I couldn't think about telling my parent's right now, I was to upset.

1 Week Later

I was still really upset, I haven't eaten much, just little things like crackers. All I do is lay in bed I haven't even talked to my friends they have called several times but I don't feel like talking to them. I decide its time to get up and get on with my life if Ezra doesn't want me then oh well. I need to tell my parents and let my friends know that I'm not dead or that A hasn't gotten to me.

After I take a shower and get dressed, I hear my parents down stairs. "It's now or never." I mutter quietly to myself.

"Mom, Dad, are you there?"

"Down here sweetie!" mom shouts from down stairs.

"Hey I need to talk to you guys about something, please don't be mad!" I am so nervous I could feel the clamminess of my hand radiating of my skin.

"What is it Ar?"

"I'm pregnant." Complete silence the opposite of what I was expecting. I was expecting a full on outburst but nothing.

"What?" my dad finally speaks.

"I'm pregnant." I say again.

"I heard what you said Aria, how did you get yourself knocked up at seventeen you know what happens to pregnant teenagers! They're low life's. By this point I had tears cascading down my face I was so upset.

"I didn't mean for this to happen but it did I can't do anything about it!"

"I think you need to leave, get out of my house and don't come back!" I never thought that my family would ever abandon my but I guess I was wrong. I look to my mom how has said nothing thus far.


"Leave Aria you heard your Father!" I couldn't breathe I was so shock, so taken back I ran up stair got all the stuff I needed, and wanted packed it all up and left. I drove to Spencer's maybe I could stay with her for a little while till I could find my own place. Once I get there I get out of my car and go ring the doorbell she answers almost immediately.

"Hey Spence, can I say with you for a while?"

"Hey, sure but why? And why haven't you answered your phone in a week?"

"It's a really long story, and I'd rather not talk about it right know."

"Okay yeah, whenever you're ready to talk about it I'm here." She smiles at me.

"Thank you Spence you're the best, I don't know what I would do without you or Emily and Hanna." I say with a small smile.

We walk in to the Hastings, it's very quiet as always. Peter and Veronica are most likely out of town like normal leaving Spencer all by herself.

"Spence I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back, okay."

"Okay, are you sure you are okay, you look kind of pale?"

"Yeah I'm fine!" I say and run to the bathroom. I get in the bathroom slam the door and vomit, whoever named it morning sickness was clearly mistaken, it hits you at all freaken hours of the day! After I finish up I flush the toilet and wash my hands, I look at myself in the mirror and notice how red and puffy my eyes and face are. I quickly splash water on my face and instantly feel relief.

I walk back down stairs and see Spencer sitting on the couch. "Hey, I'm back."

"Do you want to talk now?" she asks

"Yeah actually I do."

"So what happen, when you got here you looked like you have been crying for days."

"That's because I have been, for one Ezra broke up with me, he said he didn't love me and never did, and I wasn't good for him, that I am too immature and naïve. Also my parents kicked me out!"

"Aria I'm sure that's not true I know Ezra loves you, you can see it in his eyes when he looks at you and why did your parents kick you out?"

"I can't tell you why my parents kicked me out, but I know Ezra doesn't love me, I've never heard him be so cold with anyone except his own mother."

"I'm so sorry Ar, I wish I could give you answers, have you talked to him since?"

"No even if I wanted to I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me."

"Hey so I'm supposed to be going out with Toby tonight, I can cancel if you want me to?"

"No no, go out with Toby and have fun, I'll be fine here."

"Are you sure, I don't have to go"

"Yeah I'm sure. I'll just read or something maybe call Hanna or Em to come over and keep me company."

"Okay, well do you want to help me get ready? It might help you take you mind of everything."

"Sure, that sounds great."

It's been a few hours since Spencer left, I decided not to call Han or Em, I just wanted some quiet for myself. It was nice to have some peace and quiet for once. I notices I had a text from Spencer and checked it.

Aria, how come you didn't tell me you were pregnant! I just ran into your parents, they said that's why they kicked you out! I couldn't you just keep your legs closed, why are you such a slut! I want you out of my house before I get home. Why don't you do everyone a favor and leave we would all be better off! – Spencer (not knowing the text was really from A)

I read the text over and over again with tears streaming down my face. I didn't know how much more I could take I felt like I was going to brake. My heart was shattering into millions of pieces.

I left Spencer's house like she wanted me to, tomorrow I was going to talk to my guidance counselor. Turns out I had more than enough credits to graduate early. I had also gotten a free ride to U.C. Berkeley, which was one of my dream schools, plus it's far away from this hell hole! Tomorrow starts my new life.

Hope you liked it leave a comment in the review box! Thanks! - Lizzie