A/N: More Frederick and Lissa, because they're adorable. I do ship them with other characters too, but I always love the knight and his lady trope. So here's a little nod to their adorableness.

Words: 464
Characters: Frederick, Lissa, Chrom
Time: Slightly pre-game
Genre: Friendship/Romance

He woke to the sound of teeth chattering, barely audible above the howls of wind. Their campfire was merely smoke and embers now, and when he blinked his eyes open, he could see his breath as a white cloud in the moonlight.

Nearby, Lissa, was curled under a thin blanket – the thickest one between the three of them, but it was still threadbare. Being Shepherds had never been a glorious job, but Lissa never complained. Still, it was her small body that trembled the most, and her lips that were tinged with blue. Frederick rose and hurried over to her, kneeling, and he couldn't help but cup his hand to her cold cheek.

"F-F-Frederick?" she mumbled, her lips barely able to form the word.

"I am sorry to wake you, milady," he said, dropping his hand at once. "I only wished to give you my blanket."

Before she could protest, he tucked the thin cloth around her shoulders and arranged it so it covered her all the way to her toes. Her eyes were wide and shining. "Won't you be cold?" she asked.

"No, milady. I will be comforted more by knowing that you are warm."

She closed her eyes, her lashes fluttering against her pale skin. "Aww, Frederick. You're too nice to me."

As her breaths slowed and her shivering body stilled, Frederick found himself leaning toward her, ticking away the hair that had fallen across her cheek, his gaze fixated on her lips, still blue and cold. They deserve to be warm. He was leaning forward, captivated, enthralled –

But he caught himself just in time.

I'm sorry, milady.

He made to stand up. But Lissa's hand emerged from the blankets, and her fingers wrapped tightly around his, unyielding.

"Don't go, Frederick. You're… you're blocking the wind."

Frederick smiled, a spark shooting through his veins at her touch. "Of course, milady. Of course."

He laid down next to her on his back, staring at the distant stars. When the wintry air rushed across them, Lissa curled into his side for protection. Closing his eyes, Frederick tried very hard to keep his breaths even and steady, his heart racing from the proximity of her body, pressed so close up against his. Soon, however, her warmth began to calm him, soothe him to sleep.

For once, he wasn't the first one to wake that morning. But as soon as he heard movement around him, Frederick leapt to his feet and began to clean up camp alongside Chrom. If the young lord had noticed his knight and his sister sleeping side by side, he didn't say anything, for which Frederick was grateful. But for the rest of the day, there was a knowing gleam in Chrom's eye whenever Frederick spoke to or even looked at Lissa.