'I dare you'

'Im not playing your stupid games Haymitch, let go'

'Not til you do it. Just once, go on'

'I will not!'



He smiled

'You? No!'

'Yes you are, your scared of me'

'I most certainly am not!'

'Then do it'



'Haymitch let go, Youre drunk!'

'That the only reason?'

'No. there are plenty more reasons! but if you insist on me naming a few, well, for starters You're...you're crass! and mean! You're only nice when you want something, in fact, no, I take that back! Your slightly less mean when you want something, you constantly pick fights with me, you ignore my schedules and make up your own, your always late and you never apologise-'

'Is that all?'

'You asked for reasons!'

'Do I frighten you?'

'What? No!'

'Liar, look at you, your quivering'

'I am not!'

'Yes you are, and your heart rate has excelled twice its normal pace in the past minute. Your either frightened of me or...excited?'

'Why on earth would you ever frighten me?'

'Excited then?'

'Oh! Get over yourself Haymitch! LET GO!'

'Look at me'

she did

'What'll it take?'

'sobriety for one!'

'I can do that!'

'Ha! Highly doubtful!'

'Wanna bet?'

'Ok...yes! I do! I DARE YOU! I dare you to be sober for an entire evening!'


'seriously Haymitch? All this for a stupid k-'

'So you will?'

'Yes FINE! I will! Anything for a little peace!'

'One whole evening? Thats all you want?'

'You sound so sure you can do it'


'We shall see! Now will you please LET GO'

'Wait...If I do this for one whole evening you have to do that for one whole minute'

'You cant change the rules now!'

'Just did!'

'A Whole minute? Thats torture!'

'You sound so sure that you wont enjoy it..'

'Ha! Of THAT, Haymitch Abernathy, I am sure!'

'I bet, after that one minute, your knees are buckling'

'I BET they do not!'

'Shall we?'

'Shall we what?'

'Bet on it?'

'Bets? Dares? Suddenly my Sunday night in got so much more interesting'

'Sarcasm doesn't suit you Trinket'


'Trinket! I BET I can make your knees buckle'

'IF you stay sober! Im still doubtful'

'Oh I will, the stakes are too high!'

'Fine, what do I win?

'You wont be winning'

'BUT IF I DO! you have to clean this apartment for a whole week!'

'Ooh! harsh!'

'Sarcasm doesn't suit you either, Abernathy'

'Fine but If I win'

'You wont'

'If I win, I get to kiss you again. 'I' get to kiss 'YOU' wherever I want'

'What do you mean by 'Wherever'?'

'You take the bet?'

'Answer my question!'

'You'll find out soon enough'

'Ugh! Whatever! Yes, fine! I take your bet! challenge accepted! you're on! Now let go!'

He did.

'See you at dinner Princess'

'Go to hell!'

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