Hi guys, this is The Fallen's Mistake, the sequel to The Past Always Returns, which is the sequel to A Change In Plans. It would probably be best if you read those first, else ya'll will be very confused. ;p

Thanks a bunch to everyone's support, and mah lovely reviewer harem! ^^

- Until All Are One -

Summary: The adventures continue! How will all the changes affect the events of the 2nd movie as we know it? Sage and her family are going to go through some more difficult and troubling events in this sequel to The Past Always Returns.

Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Transformers, else I'd have the kiddie version, and the adult version. LOL Plus I'd not be broke right now. XD

Chapter Warning: Dismemberment of a Decepticon, and Judy attacks with a purse, wait, what?

- Until All Are One -

Title: The Fallen's Mistake

Chapter Twelve: Bee kicks aft and Ravage, finally finds her?

- Until All Are One -

Previously from The Fallen's Mistake:

"Lennox's team has the latest in quantum crypto gear. Can somebody tell me why we can't establish simple radio contact?" Morshower asked, irritated.

"We're hailing them on every frequency and mode in the book, sir."

"Our satellites in the area have gone blind. We're working it, sir,"

"Damn it. Something's not right. It doesn't add up. Contact the Jordanians, see what air assets they've got in the area, and get Egypt's General Salam. Ask him to clear some USV overflights in Egyptian airspace. We need an assist in confirming visuals now." While everyone was distracted with their own work, they never noticed the secret messages being sent from several different stations, the technicians and soldiers unaware of what could be considered several 'leaks.

- Until All Are One-

"We've still got a mile that way,"

"Sam, please shut up," They raced down the last dune, running through an old ruined temple, coming out into a courtyard.

"This way. This way."

- Until All Are One -

"One man, alone…"

"Stop saying that!"

"… betrayed by the country he loves!"

"Oh, my goodness. I'm in the car, okay? You're not alone."

"Just relax. You're with the maestro." They pulled into a quarry, pausing as they parked by a large construction vehicle. Climbing out, Simmons looked around worriedly, not hearing or seeing the alien jet.

"I don't think he's still following us." Leo pointed out.

"That's what you think," he muttered darkly, not going to underestimate this particular Decepticon. He remembered how easily he had taken out several fighter jets in mere seconds. Moving further away from the Bots, they heard the scream of a jet before a transformation sequence. Whipping around, they spotted Megatron land on the tip of a nearby pyramid. "Uh, oh," Starscream joined him seconds later.

=Master, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the soldiers brought the body of Prime.=

=The boy must have the Matrix. We cannot let him reach Optimus. Decepticons, begin our assault!=

- Until All Are One-

"We've got incoming!" the soldiers readied themselves as pods shot down from the sky, making the ground rumble with each impact. Epps lost track around eleven, but he was positive at least thirteen made it.

"We've got a whole lot of fight coming our way."

"How many?"

"About 13 of them,"

"This ain't good. This ain't good." They heard the metallic trills and noises, despite the distance, as the Decepticons moved in, "We're about to get our asses whupped!"

"Bravo-Charlie, kneel!"

"All right, those Decepticons are searching for Sam. Whatever he has, he thinks it'll bring Optimus back to life, so our mission is to find him and get him to Optimus. All right, we're gonna draw fire from the left flank. I need a scout team."

"I'm leading," Ironhide stood, grasping Ratchet's shoulder as he passed. =I will bring our Femmeling and the other sparklings back safely,= he promised.

=You better, or I will be using your scraps for my inventory,=

"Go up through the middle with Arcee and Ironhide! All right, when you see the precious cargo, I want you to pop green smoke and come back through those pillars. We'll have the ambush set. All right. Let's go. Move out!"


- Until All Are One -

Simmons whipped around when several other vehicles approached. He recognized a dump truck, a cement mixer, and an excavator. A low growling voice nearby had him looking, to see a familiar Con being forcibly dragged by two mechs, in chains, towards the approaching vehicles. A mobile crane swung into view, smacking Bonecrusher and sending him flying face-first into the ground as he snarled obscenities. One of the mechs, still retaining his Cybertronian form and not having taken an alt mode yet, yanked the Con up and did something to his helm, making his optics glow before scanning a nearby bulldozer. Shuddering, he automatically reverted to the new alt mode, frozen for precious moments as his systems recalibrated to the new shell. In that time, the two mechs yanked the chains away, moving a safe distance away as the rest of the construction vehicles parked next to the Con.

"You ever see that film Gunfight at the O.K. Corral?" Simmons asked.


"With Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglass?" Simmons spotted more movement, seeing various alt modes as Decepticons surrounded the lip of the quarry, locking them inside.

"No, why?"

"Looks like we're right in the middle of it."

"Is that good?" A high pitch trilling filled the quarry, a familiar noise that they knew meant the transformation sequence was being initiated.

"A lotta people died," Just as he finished, the crane split, despite the shouted protest from Bonecrusher, as metallic tendrils reached out, latching onto various mechs and yanking them into place. They could only watch, startled and awed, as the six mechs combined. With Bonecrusher's protest, however, they didn't form their usual Devastator, but a more feral, animal-like combiner. The other mechs transformed while he did, giving plenty of room to the enraged Gestalt, including the mech that Skids and Mudflap had parked near. With startled cries, all of them ran, the twins transforming in their rush to escape the giant transformer.

"Vamonos, amigos!" Leo shouted to the workers.

"Oh, my God!" Simmons yelped.

"Hit the deck!" they dove behind a small van, as the final bits clicked into place, the feral Gestalt roaring.

- Until All Are One -

Sam paused, looking around a corner, Mikaela nearly running into him, as he looked to see if the coast was clear. Neither noticed when Sage's eyes shifted to golden optics, the sign that a Cybertronian was nearby, before she grabbed her chest. She felt her Link to Bonecrusher flare up hotly, the first time she'd felt him in months, before he was suddenly surrounded by five others. They all poked and prodded at his Link to her, but were gentle in their explorations, lightly Pinging the Link and sending small bursts of information to her. She blinked when she felt Mixmaster's aloofness, giggled at Scavenger's childishness, calmed at Scrapper's patient croons, chirped to Hook's curiosity, and cuddled against Long Haul's steadfastness. For one split second, she felt Sideswipe be drawn in, all their Links closing in on her, flickering gently and protectively, but there was still a gap, someone missing from their Link, which made them all withdraw unhappily.

"Sam! Sage!" Blinking her eyes open, realizing only a few seconds had passed, she followed Sam and Mikaela into a house.

"I don't think they saw us," Sam shut the door behind them. "Get down. Get down. Get down." If they weren't running for their lives, Sage would have appreciated the artistic decorations of the house. "Okay, listen. Once it's clear, we run for Optimus as fast as we can, okay?" he squeezed their shoulders, glancing between them. They nodded, still panting softly from their run, before settling back to wait.

"What if it doesn't work?" Mikaela asked after a moment, looking fearfully at Sam.

"It's gonna work," he reassured.

"What if it doesn't?"

"It's gonna work. It'll work."

"Do you two need a moment?" they jumped, forgetting that she was there, watching them.

"No, we're good, sorry Bree,"

"Uh, huh, sure," she leaned her head against the cool wall as Sam shifted around. All of them froze, Mikaela covering her mouth, as something large banged against the house, the loud steps clearly audible. Sage's optics focused, listening in to the Cybertronian.

=Did you find them?=

=Not yet, but they are close,= Sam used a saber/sword like object to poke a hole through the dirt wall, hoping to see a bit outside, only for it to backfire. A tiny insect-sized Decepticon flew inside, crawling in and making Sam jerk his head away. Before Sage could protest, he had ripped its helm off, making it let out a dying gurgle. They heard all the mechs outside pause, it going absolutely silent, before the roof was ripped off, revealing Starscream. The Seeker stared down at the three as Sam grabbed the two girls, shoving them to the back. When he reached into the house, they stumbled back and went through a weakly covered opening, sending them tumbling out of reach.

"Up, up, up!" they crawled down the semi-covered walkway, rushing to get away. Starscream paused, scowling, but didn't immediately go after them. He scowled as he followed their movements, lightly whacking at the wall, to make them move faster, as he glanced over his shoulder. The three didn't notice his preoccupied or half-hearted swipes, running up some stairs as another Decepticon launched a spinning flail behind them. Unfortunately, they had been chased to a rooftop, Mikaela stopping just shy of falling off. "Get ready to jump!"

"Are you out of your-!" they glanced back before Sage grabbed Mikaela's hand, jumping with Sam right behind them. Starscream carefully aimed his shot, hitting the rooftop, propelling them across the gap to the next roof, and away from the yellow Decepticon, Cheapshot. They rolled from the momentum, onto a weak straw canopy that couldn't hold their weight, hitting the ground with yelps of pain before Sam was yanking them up. They lost their pursuers for a few minutes, pausing to catch their breath and look for where the soldiers were.

"We got a half-mile. I don't think the soldiers know we're here,"

- Until All Are One -

Sideswipe fired several times, before he spun, ducking a shot and calling to his human team. "Fall back! Ironhide, up the middle!"

"Ironhide, move it!" Will called, making the Weapon Specialist move, carrying his scout team. "Let's go! Go, go!" The three Arcees maintained a circular formation, covering the sides and rear of the black mech, and the fragile allies he carried.

- Until All Are One -

Megatron observed the quarry, detecting the Youngling Autobot twins' bio-sigs, and smirked to himself. Despite how annoying they were, he knew their off-lining would be a blow to the already grieving Bots, not to mention he was pleased to see that Bonecrusher had caved under his brothers' will. He wasn't too surprised at the more feral form Devastator had taken, since he had taken that form on when one of the Constructicons had been unwilling or damaged when the combiner transformation had been initiated. He didn't care, either way the Gestalt would unleash devastation and leave a fiery warpath in his wake.

=Devastator!= he called out. Pleased as the combiner began advancing on the Autobots and the humans, he turned his attention elsewhere.

"We're trapped! There's nowhere to go. We're gonna die." Simmons really wondered how many times Leo was going to mention his upcoming death.

"If we're going out, we're going out like men, understand?" he demanded, shaking him violently. They heard the loud stomps and screams of the workers, before a group of them fled past them. Several moments of silence passed before they hesitantly peeked out from behind the van, only to stare as the monster of a transformer merely sat there quietly.

"What, what the slag is he doing?"

"Beats me," For a long moment, the twins just stared at him, before his green optics flickered and a rumbling purr came from his powerful chassis.

"Uh, ya don't think he's purring at us, do ya?"

"Primus, I hope not!" After a moment, his purr came to a stop, before his optics flickered and he growled. Before the twins could yelp and back away, he was moving above and past them, climbing up the quarry wall towards the pyramid. Leo and Simmons stared at his back, wondering what had just happened.

- Until All Are One -

Sam dove onto a car, sliding over the hood, as the two girls raced from behind, all of them trembling and panting from the run. He was thankful that he was able to guide them in roughly the right direction, especially with all the turns and obstacles in their way, not to mention the hunting Decepticons after them. None of them noticed the Seeker scanning them from above, waiting as he contemplated, before receiving an irritated Ping. Opening the Com, he reluctantly sent the order.

=Rampage, spring the trap,= He remained aloft, observing as the mech approached the unaware humans, and the Little Voice. Rampage settled into his position as Ravage climbed down from his cockpit, opening the tight space he had shoved LadiesMan217's Creators into. The mech ejected them quickly, making them cry out before they were herded towards their son and the two girls. Ron was the first to spot Sam, grabbing Judy as she whacked the Decepticon with her purse, and yanking her with him.

"Sam! Sam!"


Ravage followed at a distance before he finally came within visual range, pulling back once he had gotten a good look at the three kids. The boy held trace amounts of energy, an almost Prime scent to him, while the dark-haired girl seemed perfectly normal to his sensors. It was the second girl, no femme, that caught his attention, however. He compared her to the visuals Frenzy had sent him, confirming that she was the Little Voice, but something else made him pause. Her scent was very familiar, and her bio-sigs matched the ones he had originally been ordered to seek out, the other half of his Carrier. Keeping his distance, as the humans converged on the kids, he sent several very annoyed Pings up to his Chief, before practically ordering HIM to look at Frenzy's previous data packets.


"Dad!" As they got close, a strange metallic springing sound had them freezing, before Rampage bounced down, swinging his ammo links violently like whips. Ron and Judy both hit the ground, cringing away, Mikaela got thrown into a building with a warning shot right by her head, Sam hit the sand before raising his hands up towards the Decepticon, as Sage was shoved behind the red mech, pinned against another building. "Wait! Wait!" Sam shrieked, standing in front of Mikaela as the mech aimed his weapons at his parents and towards him.

"Please listen to me! I want you to run! Run!" Ron ordered, "Take Mikaela, take Sage, and run!"

"Dad, just stop! They don't want you, they want me!"

"Oh, God!" Rampage didn't like the conversation, whipping his ammo link near the parents and silencing the argument. His other ammo link whipped and slammed into the building above Sage's head, making her shriek as she covered her head and neck.


"Sam Witwicky," Rampage's voice crackled with a faint accent.

"Don't hurt them. This is what you want. You don't want them." Sam pulled out the sock, holding it up.

"Go! Go!" Judy ordered.

"Please, stop! Stop!"

"Listen to your father!"

"Just get out of here!"

"Just don't hurt them." Sam tilted his head, hearing a sharp whistle, and spotting Bumblebee hiding behind a building. Turning back to Rampage, he continued on, "I know what you want." Sage peeked up, spotting Bumblebee creeping around, setting himself up in the perfect position.

"Go! Just go!"

"And I know that you need me because I know about the Matrix."

"Don't do it, Sam…"

"Please, Dad," he moved, making Rampage move as well, until the Decepticon's back was facing the Autobot scout.

"They're going to kill us all anyway!"

"Here's what you want, right here," Sam spotted his friend climb up, before yelling, "Bumblebee!" Rampage didn't know what hit him, he was suddenly pummeled from behind as the scout thoroughly showed his displeasure. Flipping off the rooftop, he sent Rampage flailing into the ground, luckily missing the humans. As Ron and Judy ran to Sam, Mikaela darted out of the way as the two started pummeling each other. "Kill him, Bee, kill him!" Bumblebee lashed out with his fists and pedes before leaping up, using the Decepticon's chassis to kick off, and kneed him right in the face-plates, making him fall flat on his back. The Autobot used his momentum to land on the Decepticon, forcing him deeper into the ground, before grabbing one arm, twisting it with a snap, and wringing a cry from his opponent. Kicking the shoulder-joint of the same arm, he nearly took the appendage clean off. Continuing their fight, neither noticed the feline-mimic stalking forward.

With a quick leap, Ravage was poised in front of Sage defensively, ducking and protecting her from a spray of debris, before using his helm to shove her out of the danger area. She grabbed onto his neck, letting him guide her out of the way, as Sam grabbed Mikaela and his parents and moved the other way. With several insistent nudges, she found herself lying flat on his back, holding tight as he maneuvered around the area to creep close to her family.

"Stay tight, Ma."

"Come on. Get in here," Sam looked up in time to see Bee flip over Rampage, delivering a sharp blow to the face, before grabbing both arms and kicking him repeatedly in the back. His blows were so powerful, he ripped his arms clean off, sending him flailing to the ground.


"Yeah!" the scout cheered, proud of defending them, before Mikaela yelped. He charged his cannon, aiming at Ravage, before Sage popped her head up, waving at them.

"It's okay, he's nice," she insisted. Bee warbled in distress, lowering his cannon, as Ravage hissed, letting her slide off before nudging his helm against her. She laughed quietly, rubbing and scratching at his sensor finials. "You're Frenzy's brother, aren't you? He told me about you guys," Ravage purred, rubbing against her, careful of his weaponry.

"Sage, you are NOT bringing home any more Decepticons," Judy denied.

"But Aunt Judy!"


"But look at this cutie face!" To Sam's utter mortification, Mikaela's amusement, and Bee's utter amazement, she cupped Ravage's face and wiggled it, while Ravage continued to purr like a motor boat, not minding at all that she was acting like he was an overgrown kitty cat. He was just happy that he had finally found her, alive and relatively safe, after millennia.

"This is all fine and dandy, however, we need to move." Ron interrupted, tugging on Judy's and Sam's arms. "We will discuss this later!" that said, they started moving again, Ron ignoring Sam's calls.


"I don't know what's going on, but we've got to move!" A missile shot overhead, making them stumble forward. "There's got to be a way out of here! Judy, get back, get back, get back." They stumbled back into the alcove, leaning against a car for several moments.

"Against the wall! Against the wall! Against the wall. Against the wall." As they huddled down, feeling the rumbles of missiles and plasma bursts, Ravage paced back and forth, trying to map out a safe route.

"Bumblebee! You get them somewhere safe, all right?" Sam asked. The Autobot warbled, nodding, but worried about him. "You've got to get in the car and get to safety." Ron protested.

"No, this isn't up for discussion! You're my son! You're my son!"

"I know,"

"You're my son!"


"We all go together!"


"We're all going together!"

"Dad, stop, okay? Get in the car. He's gonna get you to safety. You know, you run. You don't stop, you don't hide, you run. You hear what I'm saying, okay? I'll find you when you're safe."


"You've got to let me go, Dad. You have to let me go. You have to."

"Ron," Judy pleaded, seeing Sam's determination. "Ron. Ron, let him go."

"You come back! Come on."

"Ron! Mikaela! Sage!" she called, as they moved towards the scout.

"Go with my parents, Bree, you too,"

"I'm not gonna go without you,"

"Forget it Sam, we're not going anywhere," Sage waved to Bumblebee as they darted off in the opposite direction, Ravage remaining beside them, as the scout took them to safety.

- Until All Are One -

Yay, another chap finally published. Thanks for everyone reading this. Much love, Iridian.