A/N: Here's another chapter/episode/you know the drill.

Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy, and unless a string of bizarre events occur that place it in my possession I never will.

To residents, our interns are like our children.

"Okay," Chief Hunt announced. All of the interns were gathered in the lobby, ready for today's special assignments. All of their residents, meanwhile, stood up with Owen on the steps. Zola glanced over to Sofia who was standing a few feet away and not making eye contact. "Today, you are going to take everything your resident has taught you so far and use it on the service of an attending. Assignments are first come, first serve. Dr. Shepherd has a list of all-attendings who have cases together today, so get to it." He stepped out of the way and as soon as he did, Zola saw a swarm of interns rush up towards her. They all flooded towards her, shouting and making demands.

"Can I have neuro?"

"I want plastics!"

"Dr. Shepherd, I really really need to get into ortho-"

Zola looked around, as if silently begging someone to help her. The only non-intern she saw was Sofia, who smirked at her. "Better get to it, Dr. Shepherd." She said teasingly, before walking away.

Sometimes, they embarrass us.

Megan quickly walked into the bathroom, where she had the water running for a shower. The water was still cold, so she started to reach up to pull down her hair, allowing her towel to drop as she did so.

There was the sound of someone at the door. "Occu-" Megan began, but she was cut off when the door flung open anyway. Bailey froze, eyes wide, when he saw her. Megan promptly screamed, and reached to cover herself with whatever was closest - in this case the shower curtain. "Bailey! What the Hell are you doing?"

"I'm sorry," Bailey began, his expression still looking shocked. "I didn't know you were in here. I was just -"

"I'm naked and you're standing here making small talk?!" Megan spat.

"What?" Bailey said, his eyes getting even wider - if that was possible. "No, I mean yes, but uhh...I didn't see anything I swear! And I'm glad I didn't, this was an accident! Not that I'm saying I don't think you have a nice body, I'm sure many guys enjoy seeing you without your clothes. Well, not many guys, I mean, many guys would like..."


The door opened again and Wyatt walked in, having heard the commotion. He still looked half-asleep - he was in nothing but plaid pajama pants, his hair was mused, and a half-empty cup of coffee was in his hand. He looked around the room, suddenly alert now, from Bailey's look of horror to Megan covering her nakedness with the shower curtain. A grin slowly spread across his face. "Oh my God," He said. "My best friend and my sister, who would've thought..."

Megan was not amused. "Get out!" She yelled. "Both of you!"

Wyatt smirked. "You're funny when you're mad, Megs." He said. "You know, when you're not mad at me." Megan chucked a bar of soap at his head, and he barely dodged it.

"I'm sorry," Bailey said again as he started to back out of the room. "Sorry."

"Just get out!"

"Right, sor-I mean, bye. Bye." Megan was still giving him a 'what the Hell' look as he finally stepped out of the bathroom and shut the door.

Bailey sighed, while the sound of the shower running started inside the bathroom. Wyatt was now sitting on the arm of the couch, drinking his coffee and still grinning. "Oh Bailey. Bailey, Bailey, Bailey..."

Bailey scowled at him. "Just shut up. And go put a shirt on, why don't you?"

Sometimes, they do stupid stuff.

Connor tried to focus on pulling his pants back up and doing the buttons, which was hard when a pair of stunning blue eyes were currently watching him. He glanced up, seeing his latest conquest – Liam, his name was Liam – lying in his bed with dirty blonde sex hair and a pair of uncovered abs. He'd been a real catch, and Connor could only lick his lips and hold back a request for a second round.

"So," Liam said, adjusting the blanket so that it dipped a little lower, exposing a hip. Damn. "I had fun last night. You were…good. Very good."

Connor felt his cheeks blush bright red. He scavenged the floor for his T-shirt. "Last night was a mistake." He said. "I'm not ready for…for any of this."

Liam smirked and rolled over. A moment later he sat up again and extended his hand, offering Connor something. Connor finishing pulling his shirt over his head and then took it – written on the paper was a phone number. "In case you change your mind." Liam clarified.

Connor smiled and nodded, before grabbing his phone and heading to get his shoes so he could leave. He had to admit, the offer was tempting.

Sometimes, they make a mess.

Bailey, Megan and Wyatt walked into the hospital in absolute silence. Every time Bailey glanced over at Megan he saw she was trying her best to not look at him, while Wyatt had to keep himself from laughing every time he looked at the two of them. Once they finally reached the lobby, they spotted Connor, standing at the end of a slowly dwindling line of interns.

"What took you guys so long?" Connor asked. "We're on the service of attendings today! It's first come, first serve!"

"Sorry," Bailey said as the three of them joined Connor. "We had an...incident, this morning." At this, Megan shot him an annoyed look while Wyatt couldn't refrain himself from laughing this time. Connor looked absolutely lost.

Now, the four of them reached the front of the line. "Alright, I have four spots left." She said. "Who wants to be in general with Dr. Jones?"

"Me!" Megan said. It was clear she was ready to get the Hell away from them. Zola nodded and wrote her name down, while Megan quickly went off to put her scrubs on.

"Okay," Zola said, examining her list again. "Wyatt, Dr. Hunt has requested you in cardio."

"Lydia?" Wyatt said. "I've been with her all week! Can't I have something different?"

"Sorry, I'm just the messenger," Zola replied. "Lydia is an attending, and therefore above me." She smiled apologetically at Wyatt before sending him on his way. "Bailey," She said, turning to her brother now. "How about peds?"

"Oh, come on," Bailey said. "I'm your little brother, Zo. You can give me something a little better, can't you?"

Zola shot him an annoyed look. "All I have left is peds or the ER." She said. "And come on, you like Uncle Alex, right? It won't be so bad."

Bailey sighed. "Fine." He said. "But when all of the kids end up hating me this will be your fault!" Zola rolled her eyes at him and wrote his name down. Bailey then walked off to the locker room as well, leaving just Zola and Connor.

You want your children to behave when you're in public so you don't look like a bad parent, just like how residents want their interns to appear competent in front of the attendings, so they don't look like bad teachers, or worse - bad surgeons.

Connor smiled brightly. "So," He said. "Who I am in the ER with?"

Zola looked down at her list again. "Your parents."

Connor gawked at her in response. "Wait, what?"

Zola smiled sympathetically at him and patted his shoulder. "Have fun, kid." Hopefully none of her interns would kill anyone today.

But, no matter how hard you try to be the perfect parent, at least once in their life your child makes a complete fool out of you.


Connor took a deep breath as he walked into the ER. Normally, The Pit was one of his favorite places in the hospital. It was always a hustle and bustle of activity, full of exciting cases and interesting people, a place where you never knew what to expect. But, working in the ER always had one major downside - his parents were almost always there. April was a trauma surgeon and one of the best ones there was - next to The Chief - while a lot of traumas also called for Jackson's plastics skills. Now, Connor looked around the ER. Where were his parents today...

"I told you Jackson to book those airline tickets a week ago!"

"I'm sorry April! I've been busy okay?"

"I've been busy too!"

Oh God. Connor closed his eyes and tried to mentally prepare himself. You've got this Connor. You're a kick-ass surgeon and you've put up with your parents' antics for the past twenty-six years. It's just one case. One case and you can go back on your merry way...So now, he opened his eyes and walked over to the sounds of his parents' voices.

Jackson and April were currently in one of the trauma rooms, arguing over a car crash patient - literally, over her. The woman in between them looked left to right, as Jackson stitched her up on one side and April cleaned her cuts on the other, bickering over her body the entire time.

"I said I was sorry," Jackson said now. "I planned to do it last night but then I got an emergency page and I forgot about it when I finally got home."

"Oh, I'm sure you did!" April snapped at him. "I bet you did this on purpose, didn't you? You've always hated my mom..."

"What?" Jackson said. "I do not hate your mom!"

His parents finally spotted Connor now, standing awkwardly in the doorway. "Connor, honey," April said to him, waving him over. Connor approached, hoping she was going to give him instructions to bring her gauze or take over for her - alas, his hopes were not met. "Please, please tell your father about how much you love your grandmother."

Connor opened his mouth, but Jackson cut him off. "April, I know you love your mom, and the kids love your mom, I just...I just think she's not too crazy about me, that's all."

"She likes you!" April insisted. "I mean, yeah, she wasn't too happy when her little girl got married to some guy she'd never met and got pregnant just a few weeks after the wedding..."

"Oh my God," Connor said aloud now, because why oh why did his parents feel the need to discuss this at his workplace, and the patient looked at him, clearly agreeing. Jackson and April, however, did not cease their lovers' spat.

"She hates me!" Jackson repeated. "I swear, she gives me this evil eye every time we go down to Moline..."

"So you did do this on purpose!"

"No, I told you April it was an accident!"

Connor sighed and looked to the patient. "How about I take you for a CT? Just to be safe." He asked. The woman nodded instantly. Clearly it would be a long day for them both.

Megan let out a content sigh as she walked over to join Tuck – she always felt a little more at ease when she was in scrubs. Tuck looked up from what he was doing, looking worried at first but then relieved when he saw Megan. "Dr. Karev." He said. "I'm sorry, I thought you were Zola or Sofia."

"Oh," Megan replied. "Well, sorry to disappoint."

"Oh, don't worry, you're not disappointing me at all." Tuck insisted. "If anything, you are making me very happy today. Can I tell you something?" Megan went to nod, but Tuck continued to get whatever he had to say off his chest before seeing her answer. "Zola and Sofia have just been driving me crazy lately. I don't understand why so many guys fantasize about having two girls fight over them – it is a nightmare! They're both great, really, but lately they've just been so…" He grappled for an adjective.

"Over eager?" Megan offered up. "Clingy?"

"Let's say…enthusiastic." Tuck said, and Megan nodded.

"Well, enthusiasm can be a good thing sometimes." Megan said. "For example, C-sections and tubal ligations make me enthusiastic."

Tuck nodded and put down his clipboard before turning to Megan. "I've just been really stressed lately. I need to do what I always do when I'm stressed – I remove some gallbladders, and resect some colons. Do you want to remove some gallbladders and resect some colons with me, Dr. Karev?"

Megan smiled and nodded eagerly. Tuck then walked off to go see if he could reschedule some surgeries, while Megan tried to contain the joy she always got when she was able to scrub in on something. Perhaps her day was getting better…

Bailey's day was definitely not getting better. As he stood into the entrance of the peds ward, he felt paralyzed by fear. Normally, this would not have fazed him, but after that morning's events it probably didn't help that the current head of pediatrics was Megan's dad. What was he supposed to say to him now? Hey Uncle Alex! How are you? I saw your daughter this morning, your only daughter who you have told me I was forbidden to date since I hit puberty. Yeah, anyway she was naked in my bathroom! Haha, please don't murder me with your bare hands!

"Bailey!" As if on cue, Alex called him from where he was standing in the doorways of one of the rooms. He looked annoyed – had he been calling him for a long time? Oh crap, had Wyatt ratted him out? Bailey opened his mouth to speak but Alex simply waved him inside, not stopping to listen to whatever it was Bailey was about to nervously squeak out. Instead, Bailey kept his head down as he went in to join him. He just had to get through one awkward day in peds – and then face Megan and Wyatt again later tonight. Yeah, that would go really well…

When he walked into the room, Bailey saw a young boy of about six or seven with a clearly broken arm lying in the bed, and he got even more nervous than he'd already been when he saw which orthopedic surgeon was doing the consultation – Jo, shit. Now he had to face both of Megan's parents. It may have been Alex he'd been worried about seeing today, but Jo was tough – Bailey knew she'd probably be able to kick his ass too, if she really wanted to.

"Bailey," Jo greeted him with a slight smile. "Hi. I didn't expect to see you in peds today."

Bailey forced a smile. "Oh, I didn't expect to see you either Aunt Jo…" Just fake a smile and act like nothing awkward happened this morning. He thought to himself. Just keep smiling…

"So," Jo continued, after finishing her examination. "This is definitely a more severe break. We're going to have to do a surgery to realign the bone."

"Surgery?" A nervous looking woman – clearly the kid's mother – repeated, dumbstruck. "David needs surgery?"

"Elaine," The man next to her – the husband – said, trying to calm his clearly frantic wife. "It's going to okay, he'll be fine."

The wife was clearly not calmed by this answer. "You don't know that, Ken! People die in surgery all the time!"

"Elaine, calm down –" Bailey internally cringed. He knew from his previous relationships that you never told a woman to calm down when she was angry. When her husband said that, Elaine glared at him before stomping out of the room. Ken quickly followed at her heels, calling her name after her. Alex and Jo exchanged weary glances and slight sighs before following them out of the room, leaving Bailey alone with the kid.

The kid – David Berry, according to his chart – stared at Bailey from his spot in the bed, his one good arm crossed over his chest. Bailey eyed him nervously – he hadn't just been dreading peds because of the awkwardness, but also because he had very little experience with kids, being the youngest child in his family and all that. "I want lime Jell-O." David snapped at him. "Now!"

Bailey shook his head slightly. Damn kids…

Wyatt tried to stifle his yawn as he sat listening to Lydia, who had been pacing back and forth and talking about aortic aneurysms for the last half an hour. Wyatt propped his head up on his hand and tried to stay awake. He'd had a five am wake up this morning and listening to Lydia talk for so long was making him tired. He was tired of aortic aneurysms. At first he'd found them exciting, he'd found Lydia exciting, he'd been excited by the prospect of being a "cardio god", like she'd promised him. But now he was just tired. He was an intern, this was supposed to be his time to explore all of his options, find what he was good at, not be stuck in cardio day in and day out listening to Lydia Hunt talk about aortic aneurysms.

"So," Lydia said now. Wyatt's gaze focused on her as she stopped directly in his line of vision, hands on her hips as she looked at him. "In this case, what do you think caused Mr. Sweet's aortic aneurysm? Make sure to examine his entire chart –"

"High blood pressure which weakened the artery walls," Wyatt said without giving the chart a second glance. Lydia opened her mouth, surely to ask for an explanation, but Wyatt knew what she was going to say before she could say it. "He has a history of being overweight and he mentioned to us that he smokes during our routine questioning, which are both causes of high blood pressure. High blood pressure can weaken the artery walls which, combined with the natural problems from aging which Mr. Sweet surely has since he's well into his sixties, can cause a weak aortic wall which bulges outward. That's why I think his aneurysm was caused by high blood pressure."

Lydia looked impressed. "And how would you treat it?"

"It's a small aneurysm and therefore it probably won't rupture, so he doesn't need surgery, just beta-blockers. You can prescribe them."

Lydia nodded. "Good job, Dr. Karev. I think we're done here."

Wyatt perked up. "So can I go somewhere else? Like say, to watch the surgery going on in OR 3?"

"What?" Lydia laughed. "No, I meant we're done with Mr. Sweet. We still have to see Mr. Fischer and Mrs. Matthews and Ms. Hensley. So let's get a move on Dr. Karev because you're on my service. Or do you not want to be a cardio god?"

Lydia turned around and marched off, clearly expecting Wyatt to follow. Wyatt sighed to himself when she didn't wait for his answer. "Not really."

Zola walked into the ER at a brisk pace after receiving her first page of the day. It had been from Callie – now the head of orthopedics – who said she'd had a car crash patient that she suspected of having a brain tumor. Zola looked around the Grey Sloan emergency room, anxious to get her day started. She didn't see Callie anywhere…but she did see Sofia. Standing next to someone who had clearly been in a car crash. Great, just great.

Zola's worst fears were confirmed when Sofia waved her over. "I don't have all day, Dr. Shepherd." She snapped, sounding annoyed. "And neither does this patient." Zola rolled her eyes and walked over.

"I thought I was meeting Aunt Callie," She said.

"My mother is the head of orthopedic surgery at this hospital and a member of the board," Sofia responded, shoving some scans into Zola's hands. "She doesn't have all day to wait around, you know."

"I know that," Zola snapped, irritated, before turning to the scans. Someone had ordered full scans of the brain, which Sofia subsequently explained had just arrived and had been waiting for her to overlook them. A moment later, Zola lowered the scans and shook her head at Sofia. "This tumor is massive," She said. "It's in the cerebrum, which could affect reasoning, hence why she thought she could run that red light. I need to take it out, now."

"What about her legs?" Sofia said. She gestured to the patient, and when Zola looked at her now she saw that her two legs were hanging on by threads. "If I get in there now, I might be able to save them."

"If I don't operate on her brain right now, she's going to be dead."

"She's a runner, it's who she is! Before she passed out she wouldn't shut up about it! If I don't save her legs she's going to wish she was dead!"

Zola looked down, rubbed her temples. "Okay," She said. "How about this – you and I both operate in the same OR, you do your thing and I do mine."

"Seriously?" Sofia said. "You really want to do that? I thought you'd want to get as far away from me as possible."

"It's not about me." Zola replied. "It's about the patient, so are you in or out?"

Sofia didn't hesitate. "In."

Meanwhile, across the ER, Connor tried to focus on the words he was typing, but that was rendered impossible when he heard his parents' argument pick up again.

"I'm sorry, we can go to Moline next month!"

"But I used up all my vacation time this month, so we could take this trip! You knew that!"

"My family owns the hospital April, I can get you more vacation time!"

"Oh yeah, cause you're Jackson freaking Avery, the world is your oyster, there's no problem you can't solve!"

"What the Hell is that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think it means?"

Connor felt the eyes of everyone else in the ER focus on him – they all knew these were his parents that were making a scene. Connor ducked his head, and stuffed his hands into his lab coat pocket. He moved his thumb, and suddenly felt it glide across something smooth. When he pulled his hand out, he found the slip of paper with Liam's number on it – it must've fallen into his pocket when he'd changed into his scrubs.

Perhaps it was the urge to escape his current predicament, or the fact that he was currently witnessing a lovers' spat between his mom and dad, but something made Connor feel suddenly impulsive, like he should seize something that made him feel good. Either way, he found himself typing Liam's number into his iPhone, composing a message: Wanna meet up later?

After three runs back and forth to the cafeteria – the first time he'd gotten green apple Jell-O instead of lime, the second time they'd been out of lime, and the third time David had sent him back to get him some wild cherry instead – Bailey was now seated next to his patient's bed, feeling exhausted. David was currently shoveling Jell-O into his mouth with his good hand, and Bailey was silently hoping that the kid didn't eat it too fast because then he might send him to get another one.

He saw Alex and Jo reenter the room, which diverted his attention. The kid looked up, waiting to hear what his doctors had to say. "We just talk to your mom and dad," The former said. "And we've come to the agreement that we can set your arm if you only receive a minor sedative. Do you have any questions?"

"So will I be awake?" David asked. It took Bailey a second to realize the kid was talking to him.

"Well…yes. But you won't be able to feel anything, I promise." Bailey answered. The little kid's lower lip jutted out and he shoved his Jell-O aside, burying his face into Bailey's chest and catching him by surprise.

"I don't want to be awake!" He cried out. "It's gonna hurt!"

Hesitantly, Bailey reached out and rubbed the kids back. "You're going to be okay, David. Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let anything bad happen to you on my watch."

The little boy looked up, tears in his eyes. "You promise?"

Bailey nodded. "I promise." David nodded and went back to finish his Jell-O, accepting this answer. When Bailey turned his head, he found that Alex and Jo were still in the room, watching him and smiling.

Wyatt fidgeted in his spot as he waited for Lydia to finish discussing a patient's treatment plans with a nurse. He was opening to at least get out of there soon before the craniotomy going on in OR 3 finished. He was contemplating asking Lydia about it again when another voice cut them off.

"Oh look, Boy Spawn is here."

Wyatt turned around and saw Cristina Yang in the flesh walk into the room. She grinned mischievously at him – ever since Wyatt could remember, Cristina had always teased him, like she did with Alex. That included calling him Boy Spawn, the nickname Lydia had since adopted.

"Aunt Cristina," Wyatt said. "Well, I wasn't expecting to see you."

"Don't be so enthusiastic, Boy Spawn." Cristina responded sarcastically. "Try to contain your excitement."

"What are you doing here?"

"I have an open heart surgery this afternoon." Cristina explained. "Lydia asked if I could get you in. You'll be watching from the back."

Wyatt turned to Lydia, as if silently asking her if this was accurate. Lydia briefly looked away from her conversation to meet his gaze and nodded slightly, before turning back around. She'd convinced her mother to let him in on a surgery, something Lydia clearly didn't do often. Maybe he could stay in cardio for one more day... "Sounds good."

There was a tense silence in the air as Zola and Sofia stood together in the OR. The last time they'd operated together it had ended in a screaming match and a tug of war over Connor. This time it would hopefully be different.

They were about ready to start when their scrub nurse walked in to join them. "Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Sloan Torres," She said, sounding pleasantly surprised to see both of them. "I see the two of you made up."

Sofia laughed. "Oh, we did not make up…"

Zola gave her a look. "Is it really that far-fetched?"

"Well," Sofia said. "It wouldn't be if you'd actually apologize…"

"If I apologized?" Zola said. "Why do I have to apologize first?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Sofia snapped.

Zola raised an eyebrow at her. So much for playing nice…

Connor couldn't help but smile to himself as he read Liam's flirty texts. Can't wait to see your sexy ass tonight. ;) The latest one read. Connor was about to type back when his mother interrupted him. "Who are you texting?"

Connor quickly pulled his phone to his chest as he spun around to face April. His mom was currently facing him curiously. "No one," He said.

He knew April probably wasn't buying this, but she accepted the answer anyway. "I'm sorry your father and I were being so…so immature today," She said. "We've come to the mutual decision to visit Moline next month. I might've overreacted." She checked her own phone and let out a small groan. "Your grandmother sent me another Bible verse. I swear, I never should've taught her how to text…"

Connor tried to hide how worried the comment made him. This was why he felt the need to have secret trysts with guys like Liam. He knew his parents would never judge him for his sexuality – they were both fairly open-minded people in most aspects – but his mother's family? That would probably be a different story. Connor's maternal grandmother sent him and his younger sister a new Bible every year for Christmas, and whenever he visited April's parents in Ohio they made him go to church at every available opportunity.

Connor had known he was gay for most of his life. Ever since he was three he'd felt different from everyone else, but he'd always been too afraid to be honest about who he was. A certain memory from when he was a child visiting his grandparents had always stuck out to him – Karen Kepner had been reading to him from The New Testament and came across a line from Romans, condemning the "shameful acts with other men" (a direct quote). Afterwards, April had chastised Karen for doing so and assured Connor that it was not their place to judge anyone, but the moment stuck with Connor still. Would the rest of his family think he was a sinner if he told them he was gay, think he was unnatural, immoral?

"And Connor," April said, dragging Connor from his thoughts. "I just wanted to let you know I really did enjoy spending time with you today. I want us to be close like we used to be. We should have dinner. Not tonight, I mean, I know you probably have plans with Megan or another friend but I don't know, maybe tomorrow?"

Suddenly, an idea dawned on Connor. "Sure Mom." He said. "I'd love that." April smiled and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek before letting him go on his way. As he walked off, Connor could feel the metaphorical wheels in his head turning.

This plan was crazy, and maybe a little twisted. But it might work.

Bailey sighed to himself as he walked out of David Berry's room after David's arm setting. It had been a long day and he just wanted to go home. He was about to head to the locker room when Alex called after him. "Bailey, hold on a second!"

Bailey stopped and turned around, meeting his godfather's gaze. "I'm sorry Uncle Alex, but it's been a long day and I'm really tired. Can I go now?"

Alex paused for a second, thinking. "Dr. Bailey was the one who said that I'd be good in peds. I'd had a long day then too. I'd spent all day holding a premature baby, but it made her see something in me. She just walked up to me and said 'You'd be good in peds, Karev.' I saw something in you today. So, now I'm telling you that you'd be good in peds, Shepherd. Think about it." And then he walked away, leaving Bailey to do just that.

Megan walked out of the OR after a successful day of working with Tuck. When she stepped outside, she found Connor waiting for her in the hallway, looking visibly nervous. "Connor," She said, concerned. "Are you okay?"

Connor stepped forward and wrung his hands nervously. He blurted it out quickly. "Do you want to go out? With me?"

Megan stared at him, at a loss for words. All her life, she'd always thought of herself as the girl who never got looked at twice. But maybe that hadn't been true. Connor had been her best friend for so long, and he'd always been there, even when she'd pushed him away. Maybe she just needed to take a leap of faith with him, give them a chance to be something more. "…Okay."

"This is ridiculous!" Zola snapped after another good twenty minutes of arguing with Sofia. "I'm sick of this! We go to work and avoid each other, we come home and avoid each other, and when we're not avoiding each other we're fighting! This needs to stop now!"

Sofia was silent for a long moment. "You're right." She said. "I want you out."

Zola gaped at her. "I'm in the middle of operating on this patient's brain –"

"Not out of the OR!" Sofia yelled. "I want you out of my apartment, out of my life!"

Yeah, kids are messy. They pick their noses and don't share their toys and blurt out embarrassing things…

After the surgery, Zola found herself walking out of the hospital by herself. How could Sofia just kick her out of their apartment? She had no right! God, this was so unfair –

As she walked into the lobby, she saw her brother, Megan, Connor and Wyatt all walking out together. They all laughed loudly, and it actually brought a smile to Zola's face.

But we still love them because well...they're pretty damn cute.

Being an intern had its downsides, but for her it had been a much easier time, in her relationship with Sofia, with Tuck…

And while the residents may not act like it, they like their interns.

"Hey, Zo!" Bailey called out. "Guess who kicked ass in peds today!"

Zola smiled. "I knew you could do it, little brother."

"We're going to Joe's," Megan said. "You wanna come?"

Zola hesitated for a second. Megan was anticipating an answer, while Bailey was still grinning, Connor grinned brightly, and Wyatt gave her an encouraging look. "You know what?" She answered. "Why not?"

Cause at the end of the day, just like with a parent and child, when they succeed, we do too.