Summary: Light is Sayu's overprotective brother, or more like a mother hen. He never approves of any of her boyfriends, until their childhood friend asks her out. She is immediately over-joyed and the relationship is perfect, however Light still has his eyes trained on her. Sick of Light babying her, she plays the matchmaker card and finds someone else to be under Light's eyes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note, we all know that...

Sunday morning came too soon, and I felt incredibly groggy. I woke up earlier than usual, and I wanted my sleep time back. I rolled over and pulled the blankets over my head, but it was useless, the thick fabric still let light through and I was already up. Giving up on getting more sleep, I peeled myself away from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. The cold water shocked my skin, making me feel awake. Well, I guess I'll start doing homework, I thought to myself, not really wanting to waste my time. Returning to my room, I got dressed and started to do my homework. It was easy stuff that we had learned before and were just reviewing. The teacher's seemed to take pity on us students and not give the same workload that they do over the week. The amount of work on the weekends usually took me a short thirty minutes, only having to do a couple of worksheets. I heard a knock at my door shortly after I finished my last page of homework.

"Come in," I called out.

"Hey, Light" Sayu said as soon as she came in. She made herself comfy on the edge of my bed. She held a slip of paper in her hand, which I assumed was why she was here.

"What is that?" I asked her, closing the novel I began to read after I finished my homework.

"It's a brochure of an amusement park that just opened." She put the brochure on my desk so I could take a look. "I was wondering if you would want to go next Sunday?" The brochure had a several colorful pictures of their attractions including roller coasters, a merry-go-round, a Ferris wheel, and a haunted house. It was located fairly close to where we live and was fairly big for a new amusement park.

"Wouldn't you want to go with Trent?" I asked, giving the brochure back. I'm sure that she would rather go with her boyfriend then with me.

"No, I mean, yes. I mean, I would be going with the both of you!" Sayu explained.

"As much as I like the both of you, I'd rather not third wheel your date." I told Sayu. Trent was my best friend and Sayu was my little sister, but hanging out with the both of them since they are dating feels weird and like I'm intruding. Although Sayu said it was just because I'm not used to it, I don't exactly believe that. I don' think I will ever get used to it.

"You wouldn't be third wheeling though, so it wouldn't be awkward for you." Sayu handed back the brochure as she spoke, letting me yet another look.

"Who else would be going?" I said, still uninterested. The amusement park was definitely an idea of Sayu's so the people tagging along were more likely to be friend's of Sayu's instead of Trent's which I was more likely to get along with. It's not like I disliked Sayu's friends, which were all probably nice people, I just didn't especially like them.

"Well, I would be going, of course. Then there is Trent, you, Ann, Josh, and L." She said listing the names quickly.

"L is going?"

"Yeah, he is. L already said that he would come-"

"Why is he coming?" I cut off Sayu before she could finish speaking.

"Well Ann likes Josh, and Josh like Ann, but they're too awkward to admit, so I wanted them to hang out. If it was just us and them it would seem like a double date, and they would act all weird about it. So the more people the better."

"So you decided on me and L?" I inquired.

"Umm, yeah..." She paused for a second. "You two seem pretty close, so I don't seem the problem. Plus L wanted to go to the amusement park, and I would feel bad if the only people in the group he knew were me and Trent."

I sighed, this whole plan seemed weird. Plus, if Ann and Josh liked each other, they should have no problem going on a double date anyways. I guess they might just be strange, or incredibly awkward. Who wouldn't want to be with the person they liked? Or at least that's what people want to do when they like someone.

"Come on brother, we used to go the amusement park all the time when we were little kids. You used to love going!" Sayu exclaimed. I guess amusement parks were fun, and I don't have anything to do next Sunday. Seeing L again won't be that bad either. "Please, please, please!" Sayu kept going on and on. I guess if I want her to stop, I'll have to go.

"Fine, I"ll go." I replied, relieved that Sayu had finally stopped pleading.

"Yay!" Sayu pumped her fist into the air in glee.

"Don't make me regret this decision..." I mumbled back.

"You won't!" Sayu took back the brochure and practically skipped out of my room.

With the quiet of my room finally back, I could get back to my reading. Even though the book was incredibly interesting, the detective finally finding the most important clues, my head kept thinking about the amusement park. I had no idea why either. I decided to pick out a nice outfit for next Sunday, I should probably look nice.

I opened my closet, taking out a bunch of clothes and laying them down on my bed. I wanted something nice, but casual looking. I don't need to dress too nice since I am at an amusement park. Something that L would like to see me in...

Found it.

AN: Hello my lovelies, it's me! How are you? For this chapter I tried to focus a lot more on the grammar of my writing since I know in previous chapters it's been a little, cough, um, you know how it is. In either case, who is excited for next Sunday's date? Leave me a comment telling me what attraction your most looking forward to the gang going on. In other news, I'm finally back in school, (huff huff, just talking about school makes me tired) so it was hard getting the chapter out, but I did it! And I am posting more frequently then before, so less wait time. Yay! Please follow and favorite and really I am making this story for you guys, and please leave a review! Not only is it so motivational to me, but it really gives me an idea of what you think and what you like so I can incorporate it more it in the story. Plus it's so inspirational. Thank you so much guys for always reading!

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Thanks, Peace out, Bye!