Disclaimer: I own nothing of Once Upon a Time

Emma POV

The sky was in the midst of darkening to a purple-grey. He was out there, in the town, on 'business' he had said, though I had no idea what kind of business. I was in here, safe. I was behind castle walls. I was missing him desperately. He had been gone far longer than he had planned, and I had not heard a word from him since he left. The rain hadn't started yet, and neither had the wind, but a treacherous storm was starting, and he was in danger. I could just feel it. I shouldn't be worried about him. He always came back perfectly unharmed, but he had never been caught in a storm of this level before. I stared out the window nervously as the first raindrops began to fall. They were large and heavy. It started out with just a soft patter, but in no time it was pouring outside.

"Princess?" I heard a soft voice question.

"What is it?" I asked without turning away from the window. I knew it would be bad news, the tentative voice had told me as much. But instead of an answer, I heard shuffling behind me, and then some whispering. I could not make out the conversation, but after a minute there was the sound of light footsteps retreating and heavier ones taking their place.

"Your Highness?"

"Just get it over with Lieutenant." I demanded and he sighed in return.

"We found him."


"He was in a tavern, with several other women. One of them claimed to be his wife. He didn't deny anything when we confronted him." The Lieutenant told me in a steady tone, but I knew he was worried about how I would take the news. I slowly placed my hands upon the windowsill and simply nodded. I refused to turn and face the man behind me. I knew that I needed to be strong, but as soon as he placed his warm hand on my shoulder I lost it. I quickly turned into his chest as the tears began to fall.

"It's going to be alright Emma." He reassured me. I felt him move a hand to my hair as he began to stroke my head. I knew this was his way of telling me that right now he was my friend and not just the man who worked for my family. His actions told me that he knew that I just needed him to comfort me right now. He knew I needed my friend.

"How could he do this to me?"

"He didn't know what he was losing."

"How could I have been such a fool?" Killian took my chin in the palm of his left hand and tilted my eyes up to meet his. He then gently wiped away my tears with his other hand.

"You are not a fool Emma. There is no way you could have known. Neal was just too good at acting in love with you."

"But I really loved him." I choked on a sob. "And that's what makes this whole thing so sad."

"It's going to be okay Emma." He slowly wrapped his arms around me and I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. I had known this man for my entire life. He had always been there for me, first as a friend, and then later as a protector employed by my parents. He was the only man I had ever completely trusted, and he was the only one who knew everything about me. "You are the strongest women I know and you will be able to make it through this."

"Thank you Killian. I don't know what I'd ever do without you." I mumbled into his shirt and Kilian gave me a sharp laugh.

"I'm sure that if I wasn't around you would be able to take care of yourself just fine. It may be my job to protect you, but I think you can protect yourself too. I'm only here just in case something goes wrong." Killian released me and winked. I knew that he was trying to cheer me up, but I wanted him to get my intended meaning.

"I don't mean it in that sense." I gave him a tight hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you to comfort me." I whispered in his ear and then pulled back. Killian took a step back and gave me a mock bow.

"I am glad to be of service m'lady." I smiled at his childish antics and I could tell that he was glad to have brought a smile to my face.

"Killian?" I asked in complete seriousness. His smile faded when he noticed my expression.


"Why weren't you going to be the one to tell me? Who was that girl who came in before you?" I asked without breaking eye contact with him. He sighed.

"You sure know how to put a damper on the mood. I had been trying so hard to make you smile."

"Don't think you can evade answering the question." I placed my hands on my hips. I wanted to know why he hadn't cared enough to tell me what had happened.

"Oh, alright. I was at the docks, visiting my brother. He departs tomorrow morning and that was the only moment that I had enough time to say goodbye to him and the ship and whatnot. I ran here as soon as I heard. Your parents informed me that they had already sent someone up to tell you, and I...I," He ran his hands through his hair and gave it a harsh tug, "I was scared to tell you. I hate seeing you cry, but I guess I just…" He drifted off.

"You just what?" I asked, but he just shook his head.

"Never mind. All that matters is that I was here for you when you needed a friend." He said, and I decided it would probably be best not to force him into telling me what he had been planning on saying.

"I'm glad that you're the one that told me."

"You're parents figured that you would be."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You'd have to ask them. I don't really know." He replied and all of a sudden the room lit up with a flash of lightning. My eyes widened, as the sound of the previous thunder had shocked me. "Will you be okay alone tonight Princess?" Killian asked me. I could tell he had reverted back into business mode. It was always easy for me to notice the switch because he always called me Emma was he was just being my friend.

"I think I can manage Lieutenant."

"Then I think I am going to retire for the evening." Killian said as he made his way to the door.

"I will see you tomorrow morning then. Thank you for the news. Have a good night Lieutenant."

"Goodnight to you as well your Highness." He then gave me a bow and was quickly out the door. I closed it behind him and let out a sigh. I really did wish that he would just be my friend more often.

Killian POV

I could feel myself missing her presence even before the door completely closed. "Sweet dreams Emma." I whispered before I made my way down the hall towards my room. Being away from her killed me. It made me worry. I was supposed to be protecting her. How could I do that from the other side of the castle? I guess her parents thought she could protect herself too. I was just here for insurance. But I didn't mind. Sure I didn't get the life on the sea I had always wanted with my brother, but I was with Emma, and that was just as good if not better. I had known Emma since the moment she was born. I had been five at the time of her birth, but I was only about three when I started living with her parents. My brother had been ten.

When my parents had abandoned my brother and me, the King and Queen had been kind enough to take us in when they saw us wondering in the streets. The Queen tells me the reason they did this was because, at that time, they could not have children of their own. The King tells me it was because he saw potential in the both of us, potential for greatness. But while they became our family they did not become our parents, as my brother refused to let them officially adopt us. That is why I am not considered true royalty. Many people here just pity the life I lived before the royals took me in anyway. They would never consider me a royal even if I was one.

Emma and I did not grow up like brother and sister. As a young boy I couldn't fathom befriending a girl, but once my brother had left for the sea without me it seemed I had no option but the stubborn little princess. We didn't get along at first, and I was always teasing her, but it wasn't long before I realized that I was in love with her. How could I not be? Emma was everything good that words could not express. She was easy to love. She was beauty and light, and fire, and hope, and so much more, and while she did not need my protection, I had the strong need to protect her. It wasn't long before her parents noticed the torch I carried for her and asked me to be her guard, to fight for her and with her, and maybe even against her if the situation called for it.

Her parents would not tell me what I needed to protect Emma from, only that they knew something dangerous was coming and that she would need me. It wasn't a hard decision to make, even though I knew I would have to give up the sea for her. I would have and will always be willing to give up whatever I have to in order to protect Emma. I hoped Emma needed me. That was the least I could hope to expect. I knew that she would never want me, nor would she ever love me, but needing me was something much more fathomable. That's why I had made the decision to tell Emma the news. I had hoped that I would be the one she needed. And while I knew that she only saw me as a friend, in that moment it felt good to be needed by the one I loved.

I had finally made it to my room, and when I opened the door I saw the Queen perched in a chair waiting for me. I closed the door behind me and gave her a gracious bow.

"Your Majesty."

"Killian, how many times have I told you that you don't need to be so formal with me. Just call me Snow."

"Alright." I agreed with a nod, but I knew it would be difficult for me to be informal as the only one I was ever informal with was Emma, and that was only occasionally.

"Well, how did it go? Is she alright?" Snow sounded increasingly worried about her daughter and I wanted to put her mind at ease.

"I think it's best that we let her be for a little bit. You know how the Princess can be sometimes. She will be alright, I can promise that much. We all just need to be there for her."

"I'm glad she has you to take care of her Killian." Snow offered with a small smile. I was shocked at her confession and displayed this much with my eyes. "Don't look so surprised. Emma could definitely do a lot worse than an honorable man who in completely in love with her."

"You make unrequited love sound so easy your Highness."

"She needed you night."

"Yes, but she needs me whenever she is sad."

"Exactly, so don't give up hope just yet."

"Hope is a terrible thing. It eats at our insides."

"It can also be a beautiful and powerful thing Killian. You just have to know what to hope for." Snow stood up from the chair and made her leave. "Goodnight Killian." She said just before she closed the door behind her, not giving me a chance to return the sentiment. I walked over to the window and watched the storm rage for a while. I leaned my forehead against the glass and watched as my breath fogged it up. I didn't want to say anything, because once you say something out loud it because more real, but this was the same reason I needed to say what I could not tell Snow.

"I'm scared to hope." I whispered just as the thunder drowned me out.