I just wanted to get this idea out and saved before I completely lost the idea. I'm winging it for the most part as I have been doing recently. For those who don't know me I have a Blue Exorcist fanfic, a Pokemon fanfic(On hold), and a Soul Eater fanfic which I just started last week. For those who do know me, you know what to expect. I do not own Mondaijitachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou desu yo?, I only own my OCs.

-Main Character's POV(Not telling his name yet)-

"WAAAAAH" I shout as I fall through the air and land in a tree, hurting my back in the process. "God why the hell did they summon me to a tree of all places?" I say thinking back to a strange letter I had received only minutes ago.(Please note this was a different summoning than the main characters, but still similar) I decide to hop out of the tree and take a look around. I find myself in a giant forest with no clue where to go. 'Well this is quite the predicament I got myself into. Summoned here and no clue where to go.' I think to myself. 'Might as well take a look around. Besides... This place seems to be more interesting than that boring life back at home.' I complete my thought and start walking off in a random direction.

-Half an hour later-

'Well I've been walking for an hour and there is absolutely no sign of civilization yet.' I think. 'Maybe I should-' I was about to finish the thought when a loud scream cut through the air. On instinct I reacted and ran in the direction of the sound. I run into a clearing to find a scared girl with dirty blonde hair and some strange giant rock monster. "Well I finally find some sign of life and the first thing I see is a screaming chick and some rock beast." I nonchalantly say from the edge of the clearing. They both look at my with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Are just who are you?" The giant rock monster's voice booms through the clearing.

"I'm just some guy who got sent to this weird place and then got lost. The landing was terrible. Hurt my back on some tree." I tell them.

"So you were a human summoned from another dimension eh? Interesting. Would you like to face me in a gift game after I finish getting what I won from this girl?" He asks me.

"First off, what's a gift game? And secondly what did you win from her?" I reply.

-One Several Minute Gift Game Explanation Later-

"So that's what it is... Makes sense now." I say after he finishes explaining. "So what did you win from her?" I ask him now.

"Oh just her everything she's wearing except her underwear." He snickers and the girls face turns red.

"I see..." I reply. "Well before that I will challenge you to a gift game." He turns to me and raises one of his stone eyebrows at me. "If I win, the prize from your last gift game gets canceled out. If you win, then I will become your eternal servant." I say to him.

He cracks up laughing then replies, "Alright fine, but what kind of game will it be?"

"A fight," I smirk and complete the sentence with, "Whoever gets knocked out first loses."

He laughs even more than before and replies to me with, "Alright, but you will lose. I am an Earth God after all. And if you win I'll include an extra rare gift"

"A god eh? Sounds like this world is interesting after all." I smile deviously before signing and agreeing to the Geass Roll. "Lets go!" I yell.

"Prepare for your worst nightmare brat!" The Earth God screams at me before launching two boulders at me. I simply smirk at them a form a scythe in my hand before cutting both boulders in half. "You're not half bad, but a silly little scythe won't do you much against me!"

"Who said my only gift was this scythe? Based off what you've told me I have more than one gift." I say to him.

"Nice try bluffing kid, but it's nearly impossible for a human to be born with more than one gift." He replies as he charges me in order to try to crush me and my scythe. As he brings his stone hands down I form some shadows from hand and use them to stop his fist completely. "IMPOSSIBLE!" He shouts in shock.

"Can't say I didn't warn you." I taunt. The shadows start wrapping around his body and preventing him from moving. I hop up onto his head and form a giant ball of shadows in my hand. I jump into the air and throw the ball of shadows into his head knocking him out for good.

In his last effort before he is fully knocked out he drops some card and says, "Here is your prize strong one."

"Well considering he was supposed to be some god that was very easy." I mumble aloud. I pick up the card, but before I could read it I get tackle hugged from behind.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" I hear the girl from earlier saying to me.

"It's fine. That guy was a piece of cake. Anyway what's your name?" I ask her.

"My name's Sonia, what's yours?" She says to me in a cheery voice as we both sit up and sit criss-crossed-apple-sauce about a couple of feet from each other.

"The name's Shadow." I tell her.

"Oh yeah and I just remembered!" She says. "You just got here today right?" She asks.

"Yeah I did. Some weird letter fell from the sky then next thing I knew I was falling into a tree." I reply grimacing at the memory of falling into that stupid tree.

"That's just like me!" She says. "I also just got a letter today and fell into a tree. Good thing I managed to roll off one of its branches and into some water so I didn't really get hurt. But when I was wondering around that Earth God guy found me and challenged me to a gift game after he finished explaining what it was. After he beat me he was about to claim his prize, but then you came along and saved me!" She finishes, looking into my eyes with big eyes or admiration.

"As I said before it was nothing. Anyways we should probably find this gate he mentioned before and find some sort of hotel." I suggest. She nods and we stand up. I start walking off in the direction that the Earth God indicated earlier when Sonia runs up and hugs my left arm and starts walking with me. I slightly blush, but it's barely even noticeable. We walk off towards the gate together as the sun begins setting.

I could say that it went better than I thought it would go. But I love cliffhangers. I hid a little cliffhanger in here, but instead of at the end like usual I put it somewhere else in the chapter. If you can find it then post what the cliffhanger was when you review. Please review, criticize, and give me some ideas. No seriously please review cause I absolutely love reviews. Also don't forget to check out my other stories. And if you would like to give me some ideas for some OCs, since I'll be adding more of the ones who were summoned later on, then please feel free to give me some ideas and I'll let everyone know who gave me the ideas if I do add them. Bye now and don't forget to review!