Just Re-Did This Chapter For You Guys, Hope It's Better (And Doesn't Stink As Bad:))


Prologue - CPOV

"Welcome to your new school sis." I looked around in awe, staring at the huge building that was to be my home for the next 2 years. The place was absolutely beautiful...

Let me introduce myself. My name is Clarissa, Clarissa Fray. But my friends call me Clary. Me and my brother, Jonathon, were born and raised in Brooklyn with our mum, Jocelyn, and step-dad Luke. Neither of us can stand to remember our biological father, he split when I was twelve and in my opinion, he was a total dick! Always wasted and aggressive towards us. Me in particular. To us though Luke is our father for all intents and purposes. He was the one that helped our mother raise us. Even when our father was there. Anyway, today was the day I joined my brother over in Idris (A small town on the border of France and Belgium). Most people find it weird the we decided to fly over an entire ocean for school at such a young age. Me being 16 and Jonathon being 17. But it was just so we could have a change of scenery and for us to experience different cultures. It didn't help that it was too hard to stay in Brooklyn without braking down crying. My mom had died a year ago whilst giving birth to my twin little brothers (Luke's children). Luke was under so much stress. Between raising the twins and trying to keep working at his book store it was hard for all of us. But when me and my brother moved to Idris, Luke let his sister Amatis move in. She baby sat when he was at work in exchange for living with him free of rent.

Idris is an hour drive from the center of Paris, where me and Jon already have jobs. We are both models for an international clothing company. It's fun working with my brother, in some ways it helps us be closer to each other than normal siblings...

So anyway, I stared up at our new home, a boarding school called 'Idris Academy'. The school was HUGE! It was 7 stories high with whitewashed walls that looked to have been graffiti-ed on but it looked very pristine, like it was designed to look how it did. I stared up at the roof. It was flat, and looked to have a garden on it. It was quite beautiful and looked very mythical, like a forest was growing out of the school. "Now don't go on the roof, Clary. It is out-of-bounds. And you don't want to annoy Hodge." Whispered Jonathon in a menacing tone. Well at least it could now be my own private thinking space for when I need time to myself. I just continued to look around, Ignoring his initial warning.

There were sprawling grounds behind the graffiti-ed looking building, whose grass was an amazingly bright shade of green. I could see a smaller building with small activity buildings here and there, surrounding the golf-course-like terrain. Next to the school was a large building that was connected to a metal shack. "Ha ha, I see you have spotted the weapons room." Said my brother, pointing at the metal shack, "We have everything in there! From boxing bags and dummies, to daggers. We also have an archery range on the north field." He explained.
"That wasn't in the brochure, when did they build it?" I asked curiously.
"During the summer."
"They must have known I was coming!" I smiled. This school was a sort of prodigy school that liked to adopted all of your advanced skills into things that will help us succeed in life. I was here as a martial arts, music, dance and art prodigy and Jon was here as a sports and music prodigy."Impressed?" I heard my brother say.

Suitcases in hand and with my brother at my arm, we began to make our way towards the front entrance, forcing our way through the crowds. Jonathon decided to be annoying and stop whenever he saw someone he knew and say hi. He did this with a few people as we finally made our way through the building. The inside was the complete opposite of the exterior but was still just as breathtakingly beautiful. It was decorated like a Gothic mansion; with dark marble floors, black walls and high ceilings. The walls were covered with famous paintings (one was of an angel, it was standing in front of a lake. The angel had his arms extended, and in one hand there was a golden chalice. In the other was a long and very sharp-looking sword). Set into the ceiling, every two meters or so, were grand chandeliers. Even though the room was decorated in dark, depressing colours, the floor to ceiling windows brightened the place up. There was a grand staircase at the end of the entrance hall that branched off in three different directions. And in front of that was a large desk. "Clary, stop gawking. We need to get our schedules and Miss Lovelace seems to always looses everything!"Jon said as he dragged me towards the desk.

"Hey Miss Lovelace, Have a nice summer?" Said my brother, in a polite tone, to the woman behind the desk.
"I had a wonderful summer, thank you. Hope you did too Jonathon." She replied, smiling. "And who might you be?" She asked, looking at me. This happened often. You wouldn't have guessed me and Jonathon were related. We were polar opposites. He had white-blonde hair, that was naturally straight and dark, almost black, eyes(like our father) whereas I had fiery red, curly hair with emerald-green eyes(like our mother).

"My names Clarissa Fray - Morganstern, but I prefer Clary. I'm Jonathan's sister," I said, extending my hand in greeting. "Well it's nice to meet you Clary. Here's both of your schedules. And for Clary, I have your books and a map of school, just encase. Your room number is 115B. Here's your key. Classes start at eight o'clock sharp every morning, and end at three. You get the normal weekends and holidays off. I've got you signed on to the school website, so you'll receive the daily announcements in your inbox. I just need you to fill in a short form…"

I finished up the form and handed it back to Miss Lovelace with a small smile. Ignoring me, she turned to my brother. "Jonathon, you are in the same room as last year. Here's your key. Hope you have fun at this year!" She finished with a smile.

"Thanks!" We both smiled back then Jon grabbed my arm and led me on a tour of the school.

"...and this is your room, I'm in room 117B down the hall if you need me." Said Jonathon concluding the tour. He gave me a hug goodbye before heading to his room. I took a deep breath, then unlocked the door.

I opened the door to see a large sitting room with a connected kitchen, the only thing separating the two rooms was a long counter top. In the sitting room there was two pale pink sofas and an extremely big flat screen that took up most of one wall. In the corner was a girl, doing her nails while sitting on a pile of bean bags. She looked up at me with big brown eyes. She reminded me of Snow White, with her pale skin, jet black hair and blood-red lipstick. "You must be Clarissa Fray!" She said with a musical voice.

"Hey, call me Clary. And you must be... Isabelle Lightwood." I said after checking the paperwork. "Call me Izzy!" She said whilst getting up off the floor and pulling me into a hug, making me drop my bags. I hugged her back. This girl is super sweet! I thought to myself.

2 Hours Later

I was laying across one of the sofas when Isabelle asked. "So, have you meet any of the cute boys yet?" I gave a shot laugh before I gave Izzy a pointed look.
"Izzy, I have been here for a totally of three whole hours. No I have not meet any cute boys. How about you?"
"Isabelle, I don't know your middle name, Lightwood. Have you got a crush" I exclaimed, bouncing with excitement.
"I might have... And it's Sophia." She said, her face reddening slightly.
"I need a name girl!" I practically squealed. Izzy could help but join in with my excitement. "Okay, so his name is Simon, Simon Lewis." My smile instantly dropped. It couldn't be him, could it? "What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. I quickly grabbed my phone and began searching for the photo. "Is this him?" The picture was a few years old now but there was no mistaking the curly brown hair and brown eyes rimmed by his nerdy glasses. "How... Why do you have a picture of my Simon on your phone?" Holy Shit! I thought to myself. Si's ALIVE! "Izzy, do you have his number?" I ask desperately.
"Yes." Izzy said, uncertain about what was happening.
"Could you please, please, please invite him over later?" I gave her my puppy dog eyes.
"I have kind of already invited him and a few other friends over for a catch up, game slash movie night. Is that ok with you? It means you can see Simon for whatever reason you want to?"
"Sure, it'll be nice to meet new people..." Isabelle clapped her hands and jumped up and down. She ran over and hugged me. "Thank you!" She screeched in my ear. "I've also invited the hottest boy in school." Izzy said excitedly. "I am so setting you two up?" Izzy said. I laughed, the way she said it made me believe that I had no say in the matter. "What is the name of the so-called 'hottest boy in school'?" I asked, mimicking her fangirl voice.
"Well, he's a bit of a mystery. His names Jonathon Morganstern, he's from Brookl-" I couldn't help it, I burst into laughter. She gave me a look, as in to say 'What the fuck girl, he's H-O-T hot!' but I couldn't help it. "Izzy," I said in between fits of laughter. "He's... My... Brother!" Izzy looked puzzled. "But I thought your last name was Fray"
"My name is Clarissa Adele Fray - Morganstern." She gave me a funny look, just before she joined in with my laughter. We sat there for a good 20 minutes, laughing our heads off.

When we finally calmed down, I asked, "Sooo, when are they getting here?"
"Oh about 10 seconds from now..." And with that, there was a knock on the door. I laughed and opened it to the group of people who were waiting on the other side. "Hey guys! Come on in!" Called Izzy as she came bounding up behind me. I looked at the people in front of me. There was a curvy girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was standing next to two guys. They both had black hair , one had piercing blue eyes and the other had golden-yellow cat eye contacts, he looked to be Asian. The all had pizza, crisps and pop in their hands. Izzy began to introduce me to everyone. "This is my brother Alec." She said, indicating the boy with the sparkling blue eyes. Alec was dressed all in black, wearing a plain black t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of black Converse. He gave me a small smile before going into the kitchen to set up the snacks. "Tha's Magnus She said pointing to the boy with cat eyes. Magnus was wearing a yellow blazer, a pink glittery shirt, tight leather pants and black Toms. He also had glitter in his hair. Magnus is Alecs boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, darling." Said Magnus as he smiled at me. I smiled back as he went to help Alec. "This is one of my best friends, Maia."

"Hey! Said the girl-Maia she pulled me into a hug. Maia looked very stylish in her jean-shorts, a tank top and a pair of white Converse. I turned to shut the door when I suddenly saw gold. Gold eyes, and golden hair. He looked like an angel. "And this, is Jace..."

What Did You Guys Think, Love It? Hate It? Please R&R. Loves You All!

- Alisha xo