"Elphaba, I brought dinner!" Fiyero climbed the steps, followed by Crops and Tibbett. He pushed open the door and gasped as he saw Elphaba unconscious on the couch.

"Elphaba!" He cried before Sarima stepped out of the shadows and into his sight.

"Sarima, what the hell?" Fiyero exclaimed, just as equally confused when Glinda joined his wife.

Sarima crossed over to Elphaba and pressed the gilded dagger against the woman's throat. "Move, any of you and the woman dies." She threatened, laughing at the sight of Fiyero's look of indecision.

It was dead silent as Tibbett flew out from behind Fiyero and knocked Sarima over. Crope, dumbfounded, just stared as Fiyero lunged and grabbed the knife. Sarima grabbed Glinda before Fiyero could act again and the two fled into the city.

"Tibbett, man, that was sick! I never would have expected that!" Crope exclaimed, grabbing his boyfriend by the bicep and kissing him on the mouth.

"I did what I had to," Tibbett answered, and said no more. He nodded to Fiyero and took Crope downstairs to guard the door against the two women again.

Fiyero looked down at Elphaba and stroked the burns on the left side of her face, tenderly. It was nearly another hour before she awoke.

"Fiyero? Glinda, she -"

Fiyero put a finger to his lover's lips. "Hush, its okay. She's gone."

Elphaba felt a sharp pain in her neck and she put her hand up to where Sarima had pressed the knife against her vein.

"Fiyero, you're not safe here. Leave me, please," Elphaba pleaded, grabbing his hands. "Leave or I will."


"Fiyero, they'll come again. I know they will. Sarima wants you and Glinda wants my head." Elphaba informed him. "I'm giving you a chance to save yourself. Now do it."

Then there was a knock at the door. The two froze as Crope climbed the stairs, concerned.

"It's the Gale Force."