Disclaimer: We own nothing. It's all JKR's, except the plot, and unlike this story's predessor (Damsel in Distress) we own
the plot!!!

"Taryn!" Pepper Potter ran up to me, embracing me in a too-tight bear hug. "Can you believe it! It's finally our turn!" She
squealed, jumping up and down in excitement; I had the sudden urge to vomit. Don't get me wrong, Peppy is my best friend,
the best friend an eleven-year old girl could have. It was just...at times she was too hyper for her own good; hence the
nickname Peppy.

Rolling my eyes in mock disgust, I linked arms with her and we proceeded to the Entry Hall to join the arriving first years.

"I don't get you." I spoke as we walked quietly down one of the many staircases. "We've lived here all our lives, witnessed
10 of these damn..."

"Taryn..." she frowned.

"Sorry! Dang...dang sortings. There is that better?" I looked to my friend for confirmation. She was once again smiling, a
good sign, so I continued. "As I was saying...We've been to plenty of these sortings. Sure it was fun to watch when we were
younger, but after a while it lost it's appeal. After 10 years, how can you still be excited?!"

"And why are you such a darn pessimist? Always raining on my parade?!" Peppy frowned at me in disdain. Smirking, I

"Runs in the family."

"Yeah." she laughed, her vibrant green eyes lighting up. "One day you'll make Uncle Sev proud." Laughing as well, I adjusted
my robes as we sat on the top step of the Grand Staircase. The other first years had not yet arrived, so we had a few spare
moments to ourselves.

"Yeah, I'm a chip of the ol' block." I drawled sarcastically, winning a piercing glare from Peppy. She turned her gaze back
to the doors, giving me a moment to freely study her. She was such a vibrant spirit; something she had definitely inherited
from her father. But like her fiery red tresses, she also inherited the famous Weasley temper. Anyone could be Peppy's friend
if they wanted to, but you wanted to avoid becoming an enemy at all costs. I guess that's what I like about her. At first,
her sickly sweet attitude had just annoyed the hell out of me; but that first glimpse of anger had pulled me in like a
stormy current at sea--once I was in, there was no way I was getting out. She's like Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde...scary.

Myself, on the other hand, there is only one side to me. The sarcastic know-it-all. The perfect combination of my parents.
Daddy could make anyone squirm with his sharp glare and sarcastic comments; anyone except Pappy of course. Mum is witty and
intelligent...not that Daddy isn't, but Mum could give him a run for his money any day. And me, well, let's just say I've been
grounded more than all the students in this school combined within the last two years for my *ahem* clever retorts.

Sometimes I have a gentle side...really, I do! But, like with Daddy, it's only when I'm in the general vicinity of Pappy.

The sudden whoosh of air and onslaught of excited chatter brought me out of my reverie. Standing with Peppy at my side, I
smirked down at all the first years who had just joined us on the stairs. Feeling the slight rap of rolled-up parchment on
my shoulder, I glanced behind me. Nanny was there, looking reproachfully at me and motioning me to turn around. I obliged,
blocking the view of a short, plump, blonde boy who was clutched a toad nervously. I felt, rather than heard him shift his
weight behind me to get a better view. Snorting in disgust, I returned my attention to Nanny, who was already halfway through
the explanation of the Houses and Sorting Ceremony. When she left, I turned back to Peppy.

"Can't we just get this over with already!" I exclaimed, exasperated. Peppy quirked an eyebrow in my direction. "The sooner
I stuff that moldy old hat on, the sooner my parents stop arguing." I mumbled as Nanny came back to retrieve us.

As we walked through the doors to the Great Hall, I could hear the gasps of amazement and wonder as many of the new students
behind me caught their first glimpse of the Enchanted Ceiling. Glancing up myself, I rolled my eyes and turned to face my peers;
walking backwards in the process.

"It's not real you know. It's enchanted to look like the night sky. You can read about it in Hogwarts: A History." I drawled,
a slight hint of boredom etched into my tone. Those who had heard me seemed impressed. It only aggravated me more to see how
blissfully ignorant they all are.

At last, we came to a stop, bunching into a large group in front of the head table. Tiny Professor Flitwick brought out the
old 3-legged stool, gingerly placing the tattered Sorting Hat on top of it. From my position at the front of the crowd, I
could see Mum smiling down reassuringly at me. Daddy was seated next to her, but as always, his face remained impassive.

"When I call your name, you will come up, sit on the stool, and I will place Sorting Hat on your head." She said the same
exact thing every single year. I must have a talk with her on that one, it was rather boring. She stepped aside so that the
hat could sing it's 'clever' little ditty that most likely took it all year to write, before she untied the ribbon around the
scroll and began reading off names.

After a handful of anxious pre-teens had been sorted and gone merrily romping to their House tables, Peppy was called up.
Squealing in delight, she gave the thumbs up to her parents who were seated next to mine at the Head Table, before plopping
down onto the stool. She sat there quietly for a few minutes while everyone looked on anxiously.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat finally roared out. Thunderous applause sounded from the Gryffindor table, as well as from Mum, Uncle
Harry, Aunt Ginny, Pappy and Hagrid. She grinned widely as she skipped over to the table. I frowned at her enviously as
she hugged many of her new house-mates.

"Snape, Taryn!" Nanny's voice rang out into the now quiet hall, snapping me once again out of my reverie. Slowly, I made my
way forward; glancing at the Head Table as I did so. Many of the teachers had leaned forward; excitement, nervousness, anxiety
all present in their features. Mum and Daddy, I noticed, were throwing glares at each other when they weren't staring intently
at me.

Sighing deeply, I slid onto the stool. Soon after, I felt the heavy weight of the hat being placed onto my head.

"Better not ruin my hair." I grumbled.

"Ah! What've we here?" Raising an eyebrow, I raised my eyes to glimpse at the rim of the hat. *Sure does have an odd voice
for a hat* I thought to myself. Tuning out whatever it was rambling on about, I stared blankly out into the hall; thinking
about Mum and Daddy.

A Slytherin and a Gryffindor...

Who would have thought?