"Well, I think it's symbolizing a great change in the perception of the people. A turnabout, if you will, a blossoming into a new era of –"

"Meathead," Dom growled, thick book held threateningly and eyes glinting.

"What? I am simply analyzing the chapter as is customary in a BOOK CLUB."

Dom rolled his eyes and looked to Kel for back up but received little, as she had busied herself thumbing through the novel in an attempt to avoid interaction. Dom had felt her distancing herself over the past few days and had an inkling that it was due to the ball and the rumors that had hence followed. Known to be a flirt, Dom had become the butt of much gossip, especially after being spotted with the newest of court beauties at his side. Although most of the rumors were harmless he knew that many put him in bed with her, one even going so far as to suggest that they had been joined by her chamber maid. Kel, being the virtuous woman he knew she was, frowned upon such behaviors and as such, seemed to be avoiding him as much as possible for sharing a best friend. Little did he know, the reason for the distance was jealousy, but he was blind to it and instead accepted that his chance with the Lady Knight was slim to none and that he might as well indulge in the pleasures of life while he waited for his crush to fade.

"Anyways, as I was saying," continued Neal, prodding Kel into listening to the wise sermon he was just beginning to deliver, "the characters in the book were in need of an awakening –"

Before he could finish two firm knocks interrupted him, and Kel scurried across the flagstone floor to greet the late night visitor.


"Hello, my lady," he replied, bowing to her with a charming smile. "I trust you have not forgotten the night we spent together?"

Kel blushed and giggled nervously, ignoring the face Neal pulled in response to seeing the woman who was practically his sister engaged in flirtatious activity.

"Of course I haven't. It was lovely."

Dom fought back the urge to rush to the door and scare away the suitor. It should have been him that Kel had a lovely time with, not Qasim!

"I was wondering if you would allow me the honor of another such night?"

Kel smiled softly, ignoring the faint pull she felt to the blue eyed sergeant who sat just mere meters away. "I would love to. I'm free this Saturday?" she suggested, knowing that her training allowed her little free time for sneaking away on dates.

Qasim nodded. "Yes, Saturday. Five bells past noon?"

She agreed quickly, then stepped outside her door and out of the gaze of her two friends to press a kiss upon the Bazhir's cheek. He grinned at her before bowing, and fading away into the halls. With a contented sigh Kel pulled the door shut behind her, forgetting the two faces who glared at her.

"What was that?" Neal asked, eying her sharply. "I didn't know you two were courting."

Kel shrugged. "Until now, neither did I."

"It's unbecoming," stated Dom, rifling a hand through his dark hair. "You two work closely together."

The lady knight's eyes narrowed. "I could say the same for you and one Jayne of Leobald. Well, not the working closely together part. Perhaps sleeping closely together is more the term."

Dom stood and glared into her eyes. "I'll sleep with whomever I please," he announced, before exiting the room in a huff.

Neal sighed. "Oh the trials of young love." This earned him a smack upside the head and an immediate denial which fed into silence. Neal, knowing that now was not the time to fuss about the obvious attraction between his two friends, picked up his book and resumed reading, waiting for his companion to break from her silent fuming.

"He's such a… a stormwing," Kel grouched, causing Neal to set down his book in a fit of chuckles.

"A stormwing?"

Kel nodded. "Mhmm. I didn't want to resort to expletives."

This earned another chuckle from her friend, as he regarded the huffy look she wore upon her face. He was glad to see that the Yamani mask had faded over the years, leaving a much more personable Kel behind.

"So Qasim, eh?" he prodded, intrigued to know more. Kel coughed in surprise, looking sheepish, but nodded.

"You like him?"

"I might."

Neal stroked his chin. "It's dangerous, you know. Love."

Kel snickered. "Oh, yes, you've experienced quite a bit of heartbreak over the years in rejection from your fine court ladies."

"I'll choose to ignore that rude accusation," Neal replied, nose turned towards the ceiling. "But seriously, Kel, think about it. You're about to head off on a dangerous mission, from which you don't know when you'll return or… Mithros, if you'll return. Think about that before you become entangled."

Kel nodded slowly, suddenly flooded by the responsibilities her task brought along. It had been so easy to forget them in her days off from the intense training. Neal was right, she could not begin a courtship now, or in the days to come. She resigned herself to finding Qasim the next morning to explain herself and salvage what she could of their friendship before it turned into a mess.

She stood and made her way to her desk, retrieving the papers she had secured earlier in the week.

"Happy Midwinter, Neal," she said, presenting him with the title to the new crib. His eyes watered slightly, an effect she was sure of his soon to be parting with his pregnant wife, but he hugged her nonetheless and thanked her with all his might.

"This is for you," he murmured, retrieving a charm from his pocket. With closer inspection Kel recognized the symbol – that of a charm to wed off unwanted pregnancy. She frowned at her friend, unsure of what he meant by it.

"I've already got one of these."

His eyes twinkled. "I know. But this one is special. I spelled it myself so that if you are ever in need of a healing, you must simply twist it three times and it will do what it can to salvage your wounds. I thought that you could take it into Scanra with you without it being discovered."

Kel's eyes widened as she took in the intricate magic, marveling at how much time Neal must have spent on it. She launched herself into her friend's arms once more, her sights once again sent on the mission that lay before them.

The lady knight slowly made her way through the courtyards of the palace, trying to slow the inevitable awkward conversation she was sure to have. For the first time she felt grateful for the distance between her own rooms and the barracks of the King's Own and the thinking it allowed her. Caught up in a separate world, she did not hear the footsteps that followed her movement, and replied with a yelp when a hand touched her arm, her free arm leaping towards her dagger.

"It's okay, it's me," a voice said, stopping her from pursuing further violence. Kel sighed, knowing all too well who the voice belonged to.

"What do you want, Domitan?"

He gently adjusted his grip on her arm, turning her to face him, and not removing his touch from her bare forearm which caused her to shiver in a mix of pleasure and anger.

"We need to talk, Kel. Privately."

With a glance around the courtyard she realized they were the subject of quite a few watchful eyes, all intrigued by the fight that was soon to break out between the handsome sergeant and the famous lady knight. With a curt nod she agreed, and allowed herself to be escorted into an adjoining garden, his arm still upon hers. When Dom was certain they were out of hearing range of any soul besides a sparrow he stopped, releasing Kel's arm and eying her up and down.

"What did you want?" she spat, her tone causing hurt to form in the young man's eyes, and she was immediately filled with regret.

"I wanted to apologize. I should not have been so cruel to you. Of course you should court whomever you please, you are a grown woman and I respect your choices."

Kel nodded in recognition. "Thank you. I am sorry, too, Dom. I didn't mean to indulge in the rumors."

He waved his hand. "It's nothing."

The two stood awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to say next.

"So you and Qasim…?"

"We are no longer courting. Or at least in a few bells it will be so."

Dom breathed a sigh of relief he hadn't been aware he'd been holding. Kel looked up at him quizzically, her hazel eyes boring into his own blue ones, and he thought he saw a flicker of sorts.

"Kel, I – "

A bell clanged loudly, breaking his concentration and eliciting curses as he recognized the call for a hasty departure. With one quick step forward he cupped the lady's face and pressed his mouth to her own, before running away and leaving her gaping in his absence.

It wasn't for another three weeks that the Own returned, victorious after capturing a band of centaurs that had been wreaking havoc in the western hills. In the meantime Kel and Neal's training had resumed, day after day of hard labor and strict lecturing grinding them into a pulp. Not even page training had been so brutal, but then again, Kel thought wryly, the trials of knighthood were no match for those of being a spy. She was so busy with dagger work, etiquette lessons, and even more of George Cooper's tricks that she had little time to ponder the strange occurrence between herself and Dom, but seeing the blue tunics of the company pour through the gates she new there were discussions to be had.

Firstly, she needed to speak to Qasim. She could only hope that the weeks apart had lessoned any feelings he had for her, and sure enough, when she found him grooming his horse inside the stable he greeted her with a smile but seemed uncomfortable. When she shared her feelings with him he seemed relieved, and the two laughed nervously, agreeing that it was best to remain only friends. Their Midwinter interest, it seemed, was limited to just that – Midwinter.

Leaving the stables, she hoped that was not the case for her and Dom. Since her years as Raoul's squire she had pined after the older man, hopelessly dreaming that one day he might tire of his court conquests and see her as his equal. Never had she thought the time might arrive when he would truly do such a thing. With a jolt she realized she had bumped into a body and looked up to apologize, but was met by two glittering sapphire gems.


She was soon embraced in his warm, albeit sweaty arms.

"How was your hunt?" she asked, grinning as his face lit up, any semblance of nerves disappearing.

"Oh it was wondrous," he sung, reminding Kel of his relation to one Sir Meathead. "We traipsed about the hills for a couple of weeks before we found them, but mind you it was a battle to remember." He continued on, not sparing the details as the two found their way up the hill and into the courtyard that marked the bath houses. With a bow and a wink Dom made his way into the men's chambers, whistling cheerfully as he passed the attendant.

Kel sighed and made her way back to her rooms. She was glad to be reunited with the man, but couldn't shake off the feelings the sight of him ignited within her. She was glad for his kiss, but thinking back to Neal's words of caution before she knew she had a duty to tend to before her own personal forays. Torn between the two, she set off in search of Lalasa and Yuki, hoping the two might serve some form of distraction from her worries.

King Jonathon paced across the flagstone of his chambers, stroking the elegant beard that adorned his chin. With the month nearing February he knew it would soon be time for the Lady Knight and her companion to depart on their mission into the North. Whether they would succeed or not he was unsure, but he could only hope the two would somehow manage to slay the king and make it back alive if anything so he could avoid the sure death at Alanna's blade their demise would bring him.

A/N: There's another chapter for all you lovely readers! :) Thanks again to my wonderful reviewers SwirlingEpiphany and Falling! I can't even begin to say how great it is to hear feedback from you guys - seriously, so awesome. More reviews?! Por favor?!