
Cao Cao: Being reincarnated as a cow, and slaughtered to be eaten by Jin officials.

Cao Pi: His brother becomes emperor instead of him and it turns out he is 70 percent cow urine.

Xiahou Dun: Losing both his eyes. When he eats dumplings, he doesn't know he is eating his own eyeballs that were in them.

Xiahou Yuan: Back at Mt. Ding Jun, he is continuously shot by Huang Zhong.

Cao Ren: Hello Kitty everywhere.

Zhang He: Everything is a mess and ugly. Reliving the pain he suffered back at Jieting. (Sima Yi sent Zhang He to chase down Zhuge Liang back at Jieting, but a Shu ambush killed him. He took an arrow to the knee.)

Zhang Liao: Never reaching the path of the true warrior.

Yue Jin: Being born shorter and slower than he already is.

Li Dian: Fish sticks.

Zhen Ji: Losing a beauty contest to Yue Ying out of all people.

Cai Wenji: Being unable to save the age-old poems and rewrite them.

Wang Yi: Not being able to or someone else killing Ma Chao.

Pang De: That helmet coming alive and consuming his face.

Guo Jia: Getting AIDS or alcohol poisoning. Which ever comes first.

Jia Xiu: He can't find wine anywhere. "Why is the wine gone?"

Dian Wei: Arrows. Those arrows...

Xu Chu: The ground becomes bare and nothing can grow from it. His crops dying.

Xu Huang: Never reaching true might.


Zhou Yu: Born a woman and being arranged to marry Zhuge Liang to ensure the Shu-Wu alliance.

Lu Xun: Man never discovering fire.

Taishi Ci: Being unable to improve his fight technique.

Sun Shang Xiang: DW6 her.

Sun Jian: That damn arrow...

Sun Quan: Lian Shi dying, Sun Ce dying, Sun Jian dying, his whole family dying basically.

Lian Shi: Those breasts keep on expanding and expanding, to the point they burst.

Xiao Qiao: Pandas getting killed by beasts.


Sun Ce: Gan Ji coming back and getting his goatee shaven.

Zhou Tai: Him inside a room with lots of talking people and he can't leave.

Ding Feng: Not knowing the beauty in things even though he wants to.

Lu Su: Zhou Yu shunning him.

Han Dang: His very existence is completely erased from the history books.

Huang Gai: His thigh muscles and arm muscles deflate and just turn flabby.

Gan Ning: Him falling down into Davy Jones' locker.

Ling Tong: The beauty mark near his eye coming off.

Lu Meng: Going back to a ruffian with no brain.


Liu Bei: Losing his brothers.

Zhao Yun: Bruce Lee.

Guan Yu: That beard coming off.

Zhang Fei: Having to go a year without wine.

Zhuge Liang: Sima Yi and him happening to be the same person.

Yue Ying: Zhen Ji raping her.

Zhang Bao: Those abs becoming a beer belly.

Xing Cai: Her skirt getting even shorter in future installments.

Guan Xing: Flies too close to the sun and is scorched.

Guan Suo: When the flower dies, he dies.

Guan Ping: Never being as good as Guan Yu.

Guan Yinping: Everything she touches shatters like glass.

Bao Sanniang: Death by a cat.

Xu Shu: He makes everything seem like a nightmare. Might as well put him in Catherine to play out his nightmares since he's not saying anything.

Ma Chao: Justice is a lie or someone eating horse meat in front of him.

Jiang Wei: Zhuge Liang shunning him.

Huang Zhong: He gets killed by Xiahou Yuan instead of him killing Xiahou Yuan.

Wei Yan: Him going back to cavemen times.

Pang Tong: No wine bottle is within reach of him.

Liu Shan: Reliving the blows to his head and body during Changban.

Ma Dai: His paintings coming to life and attacking him.


Sima Yi: Being stripped of all intelligence and living in the outskirts of Alabama with a Cockney accent.

Sima Shi: Drowning in a sea of meatbuns.

Sima Zhao: Having insomnia.

Zhang Chunhua: Getting the tables turned on her with Sima Yi being actually dominant over her.

Wang Yuanji: Being an actual dumb blonde.

Jia Chong: His jacket getting torn-up and getting a tan.

Xiahou Ba: He keeps on shrinking to the point he gets stepped on by someone.

Guo Huai: He can never die and suffers with his illness.

Zhong Hui: Cutting the rattail off.

Zhuge Dan: Reincarnated as a dog and is Sima Zhao's pet.

Wen Yang: Jackie Chan.

Deng Ai: Displeasing Sima Yi, Sima Shi, or Sima Zhao.


Lu Bu: Bitch please, he doesn't get nightmares. He GIVES them.

Diao Chan: Sleeping with Dong Zhou.

Dong Zhou: Getting killed over and over again by Lu Bu.

Zhang Jiao: Christianity spreading instead of his Way of Peace.

Yuan Shao: Born a commoner.

Zuo Ci: He can create nightmares, not get them.

Meng Huo: A poacher killing all of his elephants for no reason.

Zhu Rong: Meng Huo crushing her while they're sleeping together.