It was mass chaos in downtown New York. Half the streets in the area were closed down for police vehicles and the swat team. People were running panicked in the streets. An atom bomb was placed in the mayor's office by an unknown mutant causing the whole city to go nuts. Just a little bit of ways from the Capital building the Blackbird was souring in the sky headed to the scene.

"Talk to me Professor." Cyclops said piloting the plain.

"Around a little more than half an hour ago an unknown mutant slipped into the capital building and planted an atom bomb." Xavier said using Cerebro. "Neither the police nor the bomb squad has figured out how to deactivate it and it has a little less than half an hour before it goes off."

"So we need to find the bomb and shut it down without getting caught." Cyclops said

"That's the plan." Xavier said

"Got it ok team let's move." Then the plane landed and The X-men consisting of "Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean, Beast, Storm, Rouge, Gambit, Night Crawler, and Jubilee poured out of the Blackbird and ran over to the building. They leaned against a wall right next to a locked door.

"Ok Wolverine think you can get us in?" Cyclops asked

"Is it cold up in Canada?" Wolverine shot back then he extended his claws and cut the door in two then they all ran in. They then hid behind a wall when they noticed that the next hallway was filled with multiple police, swat and Bomb squads.

"Now what? Jubilee asked

"Storm can you create a fog to blind the humans view."

"I will do my best." Storm said then she created a thick fog causing the police to not see in front of them.

"Hey what is this? What's going on? They asked

"Rouge, Night Crawler now!" Cyclops said then Rouge removed her gloves and ran up to one of the cops and put her hands on his face.

"Nothing personal sugar it's just business." She said knocking the guy out. Night Crawler on the other hand grabbed two cops and teleported them outside into the pond and dropped them. After all the cops and bomb squad were took care of Storm then cleared the fog and the team went back on the move. They reached the mayor's office where they believed the bomb was.

"This is where Xavier said the bomb was so we got to be fast." They then burst down the door and sure enough found the bomb underneath the mayor's desk.

"It want be long before more cops shows up wondering what is going on so block all the entrance ways. Beast and Rogue blocked the entrance ways with chairs and a bookshelf then Beast ran over to where the bomb was. He opened up the bomb to where the wires was to see if there was any way to deactivate it.

"Any luck Beast."

"This bomb is complicated." He said "Unlike any model I've come across before it's like whoever made this had no intentions of up failing." After a couple of more minutes looking at it he said

"Oh dear."

"What is it Beast?" Cyclops asked

"There's no deactivating it. It was programmed to go off no matter what. The only option is to get it to some field far away from civilization before it erupts."

"How much time is left until detonation?" Cyclops asked

"5 minutes."

"Damn it's a suicide mission we wouldn't be able to get it out of here and get out of range fast enough."

"I can do it." Wolverine said causing all of them to look at him

"Logan?" Jean said in shock.

"Get me to the Blackbird and I should be able to fly it out of here and to the ocean." Wolverine said

"It's a suicide mission" Cyclops said "Even if you were able to get it out of the city you would have no time to escape the blast."

"You think I don't know that?" Wolverine said "Bu it is the only way to save the city. I have the best chance of survival then the rest of you. I just need you to clear my path so I can get the bomb out of here."

"It may be our only chance." Beast said

"Fine let's do it. Good luck Logan." Cyclops said before he blasted the door down. There was twenty cops waiting for them guns loaded.

"Freeze mutants." One cop said

"Sorry we have to do this but…" Cyclops said before he shot lasers out of his eyes at them. The rest of the X-men fought off the cops as wolverine ran out with the bomb and loaded it on the plain. The rest of the team soon met up with him. Jubilee ran up to him tears running down her face.

"Wolverine I can't let you do this you're going to die."

"More than likely kid but if I don't do it millions of other people will die. You have to think about what is more important one life or millions."

"He's knows what he's doing child." Gambit said putting his hand on her shoulder before Jubilee buried her face in his arms.

"It's been a pleasure working with you. And Scott, take good care of Jean."

"I will" Cyclops said. Then Wolverine got on the Blackbird with the bomb and started flying the plane far out of city limits. The rest of the team looked on tears running down their face knowing that this was more than likely the last time they would see their friend.

"Good luck Logan." Cyclops said.

Wolverine was nearly out to the ocean when he called Xavier.


"Logan what's going on?"

"I'm flying the bomb to the ocean away from the people there is only a minute left before detonation. There's no chance I'm going to escape the blast. I'm calling you to tell you my final goodbye and thank you for not giving up on me."

"Logan?" Charles said

"Goodbye Xavier." Then he hung up and looked down at the bomb to notice it had just ten seconds left before it erupted He noticed he was over the ocean far away from civilization. He then unbuckled hit seat belt and put the Blackbird on auto pilot and jumped out the door just as the bomb erupted. Wolverine however got caught in the blast and the force of the blow threw him into the ocean his whole body covered in third degree burns. Unconsiance and not breathing Wolverine then started to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

"Logan." Xavier cried out when he noticed he couldn't feel him anymore on Cerebro. "No." He whispered and sunk his head. The rest of the team saw the mushroom cloud in the distance and they knew that Wolverine had done it. Jubilee burst out crying over Wolverine and Rogue ran over and hugged her.

"Let it out child, let it out." Then Jubilee buried her face in Rogues arms. Cyclops ran over to Jean who was also crying over Wolverine.

"He saved us all." Jean said before hugging Cyclops. A couple cops ran over to them when they noticed the bomb exploded over the sea.

"Who was that guy who saved the city?" one cop asked

"His name was James Logan." Cyclops said through tears. "And he was a mutant."