Woohoo! New story guys! I am planning to do a lot of crossover stories. Hopefully this one will be to your liking.

It's going to be between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Don't judge me.

Make sure you review!

The story is set right after the episode titled "The Southern Raiders" in Avatar, and right after the Titan War in Percy Jackson.

Disclaimer: Do I look like I Rick Riordan to you? Or the makers of Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Chapter 1: The Tornado


Annabeth and I were lounging on the beach, relaxing before dinner at Camp Half Blood and watching the sunset.

It was around a week after August 18th, my birthday, the day the Titan War had ended, and most importantly, the day Annabeth and I had started dating. Everything was going great, and I have to admit, it was easily the best week of my life.

The Stoll brothers pulled pranks, we sang at the campfire every night, and we played capture the flag.

New campers came to camp all the time, and now they all had a place to stay, thanks to my request for recognition. Rachel was our new Oracle of Delphi, and now she gave all the campers prophecies instead of a very old, dusty mummy.

All had been peaceful. Well, as peaceful as Camp Half Blood can get.

So anyways, Annabeth was sitting beside me, her head on my shoulder, our hands intertwined.

"So Seaweed Brain.." Annabeth asked me in a mischievous tone of voice.

I groaned. "Will you stop calling me that?"

She turned her head to look at me and smiled. "No."

I sighed. As much as I wanted her to, it would never happen.

"What then?" I asked.

"I'm just curious, I guess..." She said.

"What? What is it?" I pleaded, trying to use the puppy dog face.

"When did you first decide you liked me?"

That question stopped me in my tracks. I could feel my face going red.

"Umm... I'm not sure, exactly. I think I always kind of knew... but I definitely realized it last year. You know, Mt. St. Helen's..."

Annabeth's face turned pink. "Oh. Oh yeah."

Suddenly I had and idea.

"Well..." It was my turn to be mischievous. "That kiss wasn't nearly as good as it could have been. I think you need a little practice."

Annabeth raised and eyebrow at me, her gray eyes laughing.

She lightly punched my shoulder. "Seaweed Brain, that was almost smooth."

I shrugged. "I try."

"Well, I guess if you want to practice..." She leaned in towards me.

Our faces were millimeters apart when I heard something fairly out of the ordinary.

A roaring noise could be heard faintly in the distance, gradually getting louder.

I sat back and opened my eyes, head snapping towards the noise.

Annabeth sat back as well, looking disappointed.

"Why do we always get interrupted?" She complained. "And what is that noise?"

I squinted out towards the ocean, sure that was where the noise was coming from.

In the distance, I could see a large object coming towards us.

I stood up and walked to the edge of the surf, Annabeth trailing behind me.

Standing closer I could make out the object a little better.

"Is that...a tornado?" Annabeth asked.

As it came closer, I could see that it actually was a tornado coming towards us. It wasn't a waterspout. It had no water in it. It was completely made of whirling and buffeting winds.

How could a tornado move on water without becoming a waterspout?

"How is that possible?" I asked, my voice growing louder to be heard over the vortex closing in.

"I don't know!" Annabeth shouted. "But we need to get back to camp before we get sucked in! No weather can get into camp!"

She grabbed my hand and we sprinted towards the top of the dunes, which lead to the valley that housed Camp Half Blood. By now the tornado was almost on the beach, and I could feel the strong winds pulling at my back, wanting to suck me in.

I fought it, struggling to pull myself up the dune hill.

"Whatever happens, don't let go of me!" Annabeth yelled.

"Wasn't planning on it!" I yelled back.

Suddenly, I felt the winds against my back falter for a moment.

Annabeth and I surged forwards, quickly reaching the top of the dune.

A relieved smile spread across my face, sure that we were safe.

As soon as the smile appeared on my face, a ferocious wind, stronger than any I had felt previously, tore against my body and ripped Annabeth and I off the ground.

I clung to her hand as tight as I could, making sure that we wouldn't get separated.

I screamed, but I couldn't hear my own voice. The roar of the vortex was deafening.

The winds pulled us in all different directions, and then we began to spiral through the air, slowly making our way upwards.

I could tell that we were going towards the top of the vortex. What would happen when we got there, I wasn't sure.

Slowly, at the pace of water going down the drain in a bathtub, Annabeth and I were sucked upward. We finally made it to the top, and I felt a large amount of pressure as we teetered on the edge of the fall.

With a final whoosh, we were sucked into the middle of the tornado at a rate so fast I could feel the pressure in my ears dropping. In a split second, I slipped into the blackness of unconsciousness.

I woke to the sound of waves on the beach and whispering.

Slowly, I stretched and sat up, groaning as I felt my sore muscles.

I looked around, expecting to see the familiar Poseidon Cabin around me.

It wasn't.

Instead, I was on a ground made of smooth stones, in some sort of courtyard. There was a building with walkways all around me.

However, that wasn't the fact that commanded my attention.

There was also six people, all dressed in extremely odd clothing, standing around me in a circle and staring at me like I had fallen from the sky.

Bewildered, I asked the only thing I could. "Who are you? Where am I?"