Yay! New chapter:) Sorry to keep you waiting so long. I've been really busy lately.

This chapter is from Katara's Point of View.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Leave me a review! Tell me what you think!


The day started off like any normal day for Team Avatar; training, training, and more training. Aang was working on honing his newly found firebending skills with Zuko, Sokka and Suki were in town, gathering supplies, and Toph was at the beach, trying to improve her sandbending.

I, instead of practicing my waterbending, was cooking the food for everyone to eat. Although nobody was helping, I really didn't mind. It gave me a little bit of breathing room and some time to think.

At the moment, Team Avatar was on Ember Island, hiding from the Firelord in his own house, a fact I found very ironic.

Zuko had told us that no one ever came here anymore, and it was the best spot he could think of to hide, so we followed his judgement.

It was fairly calm here. The waves crashed peacefully against the beach, and a small summer breeze drifted through the luscious landscape of our little secluded part of the island.

The peace was shattered suddenly by a loud noise, a noise I was sure the whole island could hear.


The voice, which I could tell belonged to Sokka, was pitched high in excitement. I rolled my eyes with resignation. Sokka had never been the subtle type.

"Guys! Guys! Come to the meeting place!" Curious as to what could get Sokka so riled up, I walked to our meeting place, the courtyard in the middle of the house. Aang and Zuko were already there, and Toph walked in right behind me.

Suki was standing beside Sokka at the fountain in the courtyard, amusement plain on her face. Sokka was bouncing up and down.

"What is it this time, Sokka?" I asked, partly annoyed and partly amused.

His blue eyes were shining with child-like excitement. "There's a play about us!" He exclaimed.

"What?" Aang exclaimed, a look of surprise on his face.

"Suki and I were in town and we found this!" Sokka held up a poster that showed a picture of a boy that looked somewhat like Aang and a boy and a girl that looked somewhat like Sokka and I.

"Is that...us?" I asked.

"Yeah! And they're putting it on tonight! We have to go!" Sokka yelled, his voice much too loud.

"Sokka, first of all, take it down a notch." Toph stated bluntly. "And second of all, what makes you think that going to this play will be such a good idea?"

"Well...it's a play! About us!"

"Is it going to put on by the Ember Island Players?" Zuko asked.

Sokka looked at the paper. "Yeah, actually, it is."

"Ugh." Zuko groaned, looking as dejected as usual. "My mother used to take us to see them when I was a kid. They butchered Love Amongst the Dragons every year."

"So should we go see it?" I asked, torn.

"Of course!" Sokka exclaimed. "This is the kind of wacky, fun-wasting time that I've been missing!"

"Okay, I guess a day at the theater couldn't hurt..." I said. "This could actually be fun."

Aang, who had been lying on his back on the side of the fountain as we were talking, suddenly sat up, squinting at the sky.

"What is that?"

I looked up at the sky to see what he was talking about. When I squinted, I could see two shapes getting rapidly larger, coming straight towards us. They almost looked like...

"Are those people?" Zuko exclaimed.

"Let me check! If they're people, I can save them!" I watched helplessly as Aang grabbed his staff and flew towards the falling shapes.

"What? What's going on?" Toph demanded.

"There are two people falling from the sky!" I told her, still in shock.

Aang had reached the two falling people in the sky, but I could tell he was having trouble trying to stop them. He kept reaching out his hand, but it was impossible to get a good grip.

As the distance between the ground and the falling people lessened, I started to panic slightly. What if Aang couldn't stop them in time?

Thinking fast, I used my waterbending to create a gigantic wave. It raced towards the house and I prepared to use it to catch the people.

However, before my wave reached the house, I heard a gigantic WHOOSH! and a huge gust of wind hit the courtyard. The gust was so strong that it knocked everyone in the group off of their feet.

I landed flat on my back, with my feet sticking up in the air. As soon as I was able, I sat up and looked around to see what had happened.

I could see the two people who had been falling lying on their backs in the center of the courtyard. Now that I could study them up close, I was surprised by my findings.

The two people were a boy and a girl. The boy had dark brown hair, almost black, that was wild and unruly, almost like Zuko's. He was wearing an odd assortment of clothing that looked nothing like any clothing I had ever seen before. His pants were blue with an odd texture, and they were cut short so they only came down to the space right above his knee. His shirt was made of and odd material that was bright orange.

The girl was more of a novelty to me. She was wearing the exact same clothes that the boy was wearing, but she looked nothing like the boy did. Her face was rather delicate, but something in the face made me feel as if she were stronger than she looked. The surprising thing about the girl was her hair-I had never seen anything like it! It was a beautiful golden color, like the sun's rays had reached out and given themselves to her. Her golden locks were sprayed around her head, curly like a princess'.

Both the boy and the girl were tanned and toned, like they were used to roughing it. They both were unconscious.

"They're both unconscious!" Aang said beside me. I jumped; I hadn't even realized that everyone else had gathered around the boy and girl.

"But who are they? Where did they come from?" Suki asked, looking confused.

"Do you really think that anyone here can tell you that?" Toph's biting, sarcastic reply was hardly surprising.

"It really doesn't matter where they came from, Suki." I told her, shooting Toph a pointless look,"What matters is helping them if they're hurt." As I talked, I bent my water onto my hands and used my healing abilities to make it glow.

I moved towards the girl, but before I could reach her, she gasped, opened her eyes, and sat up.

"Where am I?" She demanded, looking at us all. "And who are you?" Her eyes were a rather unsettling stormy gray.

"Um...Hi, I'm Aang." Aang replied, a little hesitantly. "I'm the Avatar."

"The Ava-what now?" The girl asked, narrowing her eyes.

"The Avatar. You know, the Great Bridge between both worlds, yada yada yada, and all that?" Sokka butted in.

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about." The girl told us, her face blank.

We all looked at Toph, wanting a confirmation. Her face showed surprise.

"She's not lying."