On an average English morning, the sun rose over a green meadow with wisp's of mist twirling around the steams of grass. Each steam stood tall and bright and the birds called over the grass. A black horse appeared over the perfect grass, creating a long trail of perfect hooves. Atop his back was a brown haired woman, her locks tied in a ribbon behind her head. They leapt over a moss covered log, pulling to a halt underneath a sprawling oak tree. The branches stretched in all directions. Some spiralling upwards some curling downwards to tickle the ground. The gnarled trunk was full of holes and niches to enable climbing. It was within one of these niches that our story begins.

A small grass snake slithered out of his niche with the intent of finding some water, but what he found was the brown haired woman and the black horse. The snake dropped to the ground shocking the horse. He took off flying across the grassy meadow, the opposite way they had arrived. The girl clung to his back pulling on the reins with the hope that the horse would stop. But he didn't. He kept up the dashing pace, crashing over the grass. He didn't stop when a cliff face loomed ahead, the rocky mountain of light tan and brown staring them down. The horse shot through a gap in the cliff wall and darkness wrapped them in her gentle cloak and led them on, through her depths to the other side, a place where light shone and birds called once more.

The horse slowed to walk and stepped out into the light with high, proud steps and a head held high. The girl on his back raised her head. The short brown hair was so windswept that it sat flat on her head. Her face was red with exertion and fear. She sat straight on her stead back and realised she was in a ravine. The red leaves fell all around her and covered the ground like a blanket of snow. The girl nudged the horse forwards and he obeyed carefully picking his way amongst the leaves that smothered the rich dirt. As they reached a bend in the ravine the girl heard the sounds of dogs barking and people cheering. A deer sprung over the ravine about 10 meters ahead. A horse and rider followed just clearing the ravine, a second rider wasn't so lucky plummeting to the ground.

The girl swung off the horse dashing towards the fallen man. There was blood pouring from a wound on his back. The girl threw of her own shirt and wedged it over the wound, staunching the blood flow. The man groaned and rolled his head to where it was visible to the girl. It was Henry VIII. She couldn't hear anything. She was placed on a stretcher where she kept pressure on the kings wound. Even when the physicians tried to remove her from his side, she remained. She fell asleep that night her hands still holding the bloody t-shirt to his wounded back.

Chapter 1

Lying side by side, were a man and a woman. The woman woke first. She could feel a slight pain in her arm, but that could be attributed to the odd angle her arm was on. It had been arranged so that she could hold the hand of the man lying next to her. She looked at him and stared in shock. It was a face she recognised from history text books and paintings. She was lying next to Henry VIII.

She looked down at her clothes and realised that she was wearing a floor length white night gown made of some old fashioned material. It was at that moment that it really sunk in. She had time travelled and was now lying in bed with the King of England. She realised that she hadn't let go of his hand and made to pull away, but his hand tightened over hers. He smiled while keeping his eyes closed and let out a deep rumble before opening his eyes and chuckling lightly. "You're awake then. I was worried you might not awaken ever."

"I… I'm sorry your majesty. I should not be here." She made to get up but he pulled her back down to lie facing him. She quickly pulled herself up so that she was sitting straight. The king rolled onto his side and used his right arm to hold his head up. As he did this motion he winced in pain.

"I wanted to thank you. If you hadn't taken off your shirt for me I wouldn't be here."

"What do you mean?" She asked confusedly

"You stopped the blood flow. Oh where are my manners. Henry Rex. And you are?" He commented with a perfect English accent and a handsome smile on his face.

"Grace. Grace Difey."

"It's very nice to meet you Miss Difey. Where do you live?"

"I… I don't know. I cannot recall anything before ridding in the ravine and you falling."

"That's alright, until you remember, you will come to court. I'd like you to attend a banquet. I should leave you to get dressed, I shall send in a maid to assist you." Grace nodded and the king left. As soon as he had closed the door Grace threw herself onto the pillows and screamed silently. Well as silently as one can.

"Okay I'm back in time, and slept in the same bed as the king of England. How do I get back?" Before Grace could even start to come up with ideas the mirror began to glow. A light blue light began to encase it creating a human sized oval, the light moved forward towards Grace. Then appeared a woman. She had lily white skin and delicate hands. Her hair way the famous red of Elizabeth I.

"Elizabeth of York" Whispered Grace.

"Indeed my child, before you begin trying to find a way home I will tell you that it is pointless. You have travelled in time and made a difference so you cannot go back. I am sorry." Grace just stared

"My son has formed an attachment to you. You now have the power to change his reign, make it a better one, happier, more special and amazing for all his people." Continued Elizabeth of York.

"How can I do that? I'm 18 and the king will forget me within days."

"He won't forget you my dear. Oh no. Don't think about who he will become and the things he will do in the original time line. Just try to make his life now better." Grace merely nodded. She couldn't return home so she may as well make a new one here.

"Good luck, Grace, history will remember you." And with that she was gone. The sound of flesh against mahogany wood made Grace pull her gaze from where Elizabeth of York had been. A maid stood at the door.

"I have been instructed to ready you for the day my lady." Grace nodded and allowed the maid to select a dress from the ornate wardrobe. Grace closed her eyes as unfamiliar hands put her into a corset pulling the laces tightly closed. Grace could fell the neckline, low and square leaving her shoulders bare. For there the delicate sleeves travelled to her mid forearm. The bodice stretched to just above her hips before the skirt delicately flared out around her body. She felt light hands guide her to a seat and begin to style her hair. Light brushes grazed her face applying makeup and putting delicate jewellery on. When Grace opened her eyes a face stared back at her. Her wild brown curls were pinned up behind her head so that they dangled beautifully down her back. The makeup was light but brought out the green and blue in her hazel eyes. The dress was silver with purple accenting the neckline. The way the dress was made accentuated the good parts of her body and made the bad bits look ideal and slim. A rose gold horse shoe hung from a short, delicate chain nestling in the crook of her neck. Grace stared at herself in the mirror before turning to the maid and asking the question that arose from the outfit.

"I can't wear purple, I'm not royalty."

"The King said that you could madam as we do not know your status. Please allow me to show you to the banquet hall" Grace followed the maid to the marquee set up outside of the Boleyn Manor. The marquee was white and exceptionally amazing for something from the 16th century. As she entered the tent silence fell and the musicians stopped playing. The king slowly got up and announced,

"Grace Di ffey . Did I say that correctly." He almost looked concerned at getting the last name wrong.

"Difey. Pronounced deify. But it's a common mistake." "My apologises. Please come dine with us." Grace blushed and made for an empty seat at the end of the table. The King chuckled and pointed to the seat to his right. Grace sat next to him comfortably as though she knew the way things worked.

"Grace this is Lady Anne Boleyn, her father Sir Thomas Boleyn, her Uncle the Duke of Norfolk and her sister Mary Carey." Grace bowed her head respectfully and replied

'My ladies, your Graces.' Mary, Anne and Sir Thomas smiled at her but the Duke glared and asked.

"So Ms Difey, are you a lady or a simple commoner? And where is your accent from? It is quite exotic!"

"Honestly you're Grace, I don't know. I cannot remember anything before ridding in the ravine and seeing his majesty being injured."

"You must have a decent amount of money." Stated Anne. Sir Thomas glared at her with a look to silence her.

"My apologises that sounded rude. I only meant that the horse you rode was an expensive beast." Replied Anne

"Symphony! Is he alright?"

"Your stead is fine. He will return to court with us tomorrow. You will share lodgings with the Lady Anne if that is alright." Replied the king Grace nodded and smiled at Anne who smiled right back.

"Will you ride back, Ms Grace or would you prefer a carriage?" Questioned the king.

"I think I shall ride your majesty. I never have been particularly good at sitting still." She said with a smile

"Will you ride with the Lady Anne and I then?" Enquired the king

"If that is your majesty's wish."

The next morning Grace was up with the sun and dressed in riding clothes before anyone had stirred. Except one. As Grace walked around the stables to find Symphony she found the Lady Anne. She dropped into a curtsey and smiled when the lady Anne used a hand to help her rise.

"You don't have to be so formal. When we're in private or even a semi private place you are welcome to call me Anne."

"You are also welcome to call me Grace." Anne looked worriedly at Grace for a moment before shaking her head and turning away.

"What's the matter Anne?" Anne bit her lip and said

"Are you trying to make the King fall in love with you? If he doesn't fall in love with me my uncle and father will be furious"

"There is no need to worry on that front Anne. I have no intention of attracting the attention of the king in that way." Anne smiled and nodded.

"Do you need a side saddle? I know riding in a regular saddle the ladies way is quite uncomfortable."

"No need, I shall ride astride."

"But it is not proper." Exclaimed Anne in shock

"Honestly I don't mind. If I ride I'm going to ride in the most comfortable way and the way I know best, so astride it is." A groom moved towards Symphony to put his saddle on but the horse lashed out at him almost taking a lump out of his shoulder. Grace laughed and said

"I will prepare my horse sir. He is very fussy when been prepared." Anne left for breakfast soon after and Grace remained behind to ready Symphony for the ride. As Anne arrived at breakfast she found her parents, uncle and sister sitting with the King, Sir Anthony Knivet, Sir William Compton and Charles Brandon, the closest friends of his majesty.

"Lady Anne. Thank you for having us in your home. Where is Ms Grace? I was under the impression you two were together."

"Yes your majesty, Grace is preparing her horse for the journey. He is quite fussy and only Grace can tend to him." As Anne finished the sentence a groom ran up from the stables.

"Your Graces, you have to come and see the stallion." The Boleyn rose quickly knowing the stallion was a slightly insane creature. The king and his friends followed quickly. Thomas Boleyn explained as they walked.

"The stallion has killed two of my stable boys when they tried to tame him." As the group approached the stallion paddock they could not help but admire his beauty. A perfectly chiselled head, a long handsome back, and strong legs that would carry him far. Grace stood in the paddock side onto the stallion, her left arm stretched towards him, her palm open. The stallion delicately approached. Considering each step cautiously, deciding his next move. After what seemed an eternity, the stallion placed his nose in her hand. Grace turned to face him and scratched his face between the eyes. As she ran her hand down his neck he shied away. Grace gently lifted his mane to find a large splinter protruding from his neck. She delicately pulled it out. The stallion squealed then relaxed nuzzling his head into Grace's shoulder. The king began to clap closely followed by the rest of the group. Grace walked over to the high wooden fence and gracefully flung herself over the rails.

"How did you know what was wrong with him?" Questioned Thomas Boleyn. "I didn't. I could tell he was in pain though so I let him approach me." Before another word could be said a Lord of the Garter appeared and said that if we wanted to arrive home before nightfall we need to leave soon. The king turned to Mary Carey, The duke of Norfolk, Sir Thomas and his wife and said

"You should go to the carriage. We gentlemen shall look after the Lady Anne and Ms Grace." The king and his companions headed towards the barn followed by Grace and Anne. Each approached there mounts and the gentlemen stood on steps and flung themselves over the horses' backs and into the saddle. Anne was delicately lifted aboard her stead to ride side saddle. The gentlemen watched as Grace slipped a foot into the stirrup and lifted herself up to ride astride. The king looked at his friends and said

"Ms Grace Do you always ride astride?"

"I believe I do your Grace"

"Please Grace and Anne, call me Henry on this trip. The your majesties and your graces are a little irritating. You may also call Charles, Will and Tony by those names."

"As you wish Henry." Replied Anne

"Come we shall ride ahead. Last one to the front is a rotten egg." Shouted Henry and the six took off. Henry was well in the lead, Charles been the closest and he was a good 10 meters away. Then suddenly Grace was right next to him, then ahead of him. She slowed up and smirked at him. Charles, Tony, Will and Anne pulled up alongside Henry and gapped at Grace.

"No one has ever beaten the king in a horse race before!" Exclaimed Anne

'You are an exceptional rider Grace. Where did you learn? Ah of course you don't remember." Mentioned the king. They continued on their way. The 6 were well ahead of the rest of the party so they had the freedom to relax and talk freely amongst themselves. Grace heard about Charles' 2 year old son, who was just learning to walk and was excited to show his daddy all he had learnt. Henrys' daughter Mary was a court and he was planning to send her to the boarder of Wales as her betrothal to her uncle, the Holy Roman Empire, had been called off. Will was eager to return home to his wife how as heavily with child. They attempted to unearth more about Grace's life. They determined that she had an education as she could read the little signs outside of small towns and used words that were sophisticated and proper. When a snake appeared across the path Grace knew it was totally harmless and removed it from the path. When Anthony pulled a pouch of raspberries from his pocket Grace's face lit up as she chewed the sweet berries. When they passed a farmer pulling a calf from a cow she didn't so much a flinch whereas Anne looked terrified and Henry had to lead her and her horse past the cow. As they approached London the sun began to set. The sun set over Bridewell Palace. Clouds hung low over the castle towers, the glowing sun turning them into a swirling, orange ocean, raging over the magnificent palace of white stone. Grace was the first to reach the top of the hill and as she reigned in her horse, she marvelled in the beauty that was the palace of Bridewell. She allowed herself to become entranced with the colours and the palace not noticing the king leaning over towards her ear until he said

"Magnificent isn't it? Only just finished construction." Grace smiled at the magnificent palace. The king reached for her hand and kissed it gently, before doing the same to Anne. With a smile he said

"Let us return, I'm sure we're all tired and sore."