Twin Devils

(a/n:First story, feedback appreciated)


Italic: Thoughts

Chapter One

Haruhi's POV

Somehow, through all the commotion and customers, I could still hear his voice above all. His light and cheerful laughter filled the air. For some reason, I kept looking over there like I was drawn to them.

He was so relaxed in the chair, back slouched, one knee bent and pulled to his chest, and the other stretched long beneath the table. On his left, an exact copy sat in his chair properly, pouring each yellow clad lady a steaming cup of commoner's coffee.

Throwing his head back, Hikaru laughed, slapping the table lightly, "I still remember when our mother took us on a tour of her friend's new chocolate factory. They just had huge piles of candy lying around! Kaoru went to town on the little chocolate elephants. I lost count after his fifteenth pile!"

Kaoru's face deepened a few shades of red, and he closed his eyes, looking away, "Hikaru!" He put the tip of his thumb on his lip, tears swimming in his eyes, "You promised not to tell them that..."

Hikaru's face suddenly became serious, and he stopped laughing, "I'm sorry Kaoru." He took his twin's face in his hands, standing over him. The smooth tips of his fingers brushed away the tears. They gaze at each other, in a trance. "You were so on a sugar high I got you to do anything," he whispered. "And the chocolate off your lips tasted so fresh. It was so adorable... I had to tell them. I'm sorry."

The twin blushed, staring back at Hikaru, "I forgive you..."

All the girls around them squealed, blushes blazing across their skin. I rolled my eyes, releasing a sigh. How are those two so popular? And why do those girls fall for them so easily?

I could see the glossy seal of tear drops peeking out of Kaoru's sleeve, and I almost snorted. Of course.

"Haruhi," a voice summoned me back to reality.

Turning back around in my chair, I looked around at the table of impatient girls waiting on me. I closed my eyes and put on my best smile, "I'm sorry ladies, I guess I just got distracted. I promise it won't happen again."

Of course, when all the ladies were ushered back to class, I was stuck with the clean up. Releasing a breath, I put up all the glasses and stacked the chairs.

"Haruhi," the collected dark prince Kyoya called, "come join us. We're looking over this week's costumer statistics."

Dragging my feet, I trudged over there slowly, hunched. "...Rich people..." I grumbled to myself.

All of the hosts were gathered around this chart optimistically, Kyoya pointing out the numbers and scales like a genius explaining a theory to monkeys. "All right. Now that we're all here, let's get started." He cracked the pointer onto the board, "Tamaki is still on top. He has brought in over 275 clients this week and his request rate is 70%."

Tamaki jumped out, spinning around on his toe, "Yay! Thank you for such good news, you know how Daddy loves good news!" He suddenly stopped, pointing at me, over dramatic as usual, "Are you falling for me knowing that I have many other feminine admirers?"

Before I could answer, both Hitachin twins had cornered me, wrapping their arms around my shoulders and leaning against me until the three of us were symmetrical, "We don't mean to ruffle your feathers, Boss but-" started Kaoru.

"-Haruhi would much rather choose both of us in a heart beat over you," finished Hikaru.


"Actually," pipped up Kyoya, scribbling in his little black book, "although you do have the highest request rate, Hikaru and Kaoru got the most improvement over the week. They have enhanced their rates up by 30%, added more benefits to their 'Brotherly Love Package', processed new cosplay ideas and advertised new swatches of clothing. They have really expanded their business and tried new things, so you and the twins are really actually tied."

The twins closed their eyes and smirked at each other over my head, "Is that so?Hear that, Kaoru?"

"Yes I did, Hikaru."


Hikaru and Kaoru untangled themselves from me and strode towards Tamaki's pouting form, their long legs carrying them smoothly. "That's just it, Boss-" They paused, and both of their eyes found mine, "-everybody needs an upgrade."

"On other hands," Kyoya continued. "Haruhi has also been getting more requests."

A fluttering ball of cuteness bounded into my arms, giggling and hugging me, "Great job, Haru-chan!" Honey complemented. The blonde laughed cutely and sat on my shoulders.

Mori, who moved as silent as a shadow and spoke twice as less as one, slid his fingers into my hair, ruffling it. His palm was warm against my scalp, but the motion was brotherly at best, securing. "Yeah," he said, agreeing with Honey.

I would've thanked them, but my mind was somewhere else entirely. I was replaying what the twins had said over and over again in my head: '-everybody needs an upgrade.'

For some reason, I thought that those words carried a deeper meaning.

The lunch bell rang and students rushed to the lunchroom, eager to get their pampered meals. I sighed, slowly shuffling out when each twin took an arm and elegantly whisked me off.

They showed me to a seat, patting my head and praising me like a dog, "Cut it off," I said as my phone rang. As I checked the screen, I was surprised to see my dad's name flash on the screen.

"Dad?" I answered slowly.

"Haruhi!" Dad shouted through the phone, causing me to wince and pull the phone away. "Oh I just called to give you some good news! You know how Daddy loves good news!"

My ears perked up, "Good news? What kind of good news?"

"Well, you remember when I told you about that job I had my eye on?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I remember."

My dad had been scouted out by an American agent and has eyes on a job in America with five times the pay and half the work.

Dad paused, "Well... My resume got accepted! They want me to come to America so that I can get through the final part of the job. But, I'm afraid that means that I must leave for a couple of months-"

"Months?! Dad, that's crazy!" I protested.

"I know that it's a long time, but this is a very good job and I need to discuss with you where you should be staying," he continued. "I was thinking one of your host club friends would help out. NOT THAT TALL BLONDE ONE THAT TRIED TO MOLEST YOU, YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! But one of the others should do just fine."

My mouth stood agape, unable to comprehend the conversation.

Apparently, my father took my silence for 'I agree' because he answered after a few seconds, "Yes, wonderful honey, but I really must go. I'll see you in a few months. Enjoy yourself darling! Love you!"

The call ended. I knew that, but my brain wasn't functioning right now. I was to stay without my dad for months. And with one of the guys from the host club. I sighed, and just plopped my head down and stayed like that. After a few minutes, the twins sat on either side of me, poking my head.

"Hey what's wrong?" Kaoru asked sincerely.

Hikaru poked my head, "You look bad. Like worse than before."

I didn't lift my head up, "Gee thanks. And for your information, my life is just ending."

"What's happening this time?" Hikaru asked as he took a bite of his tailored lunch.

I sighed. Might as well tell them. "My dad is gone for a few months and I have no place to stay." I slowly lifted my head up when I heard both of their spoons clatter down to their trays.

As I looked between the two of them, I saw the evil spin of their eyes, the wicked curve of their grin, the slow connection that left us believing that they could be devils. But I had no idea what in the world they could possibly be up to.

"You can come live with us," Kaoru suggested.

"Yeah," Hikaru nodded. "We have tons of empty suites and maids that will tend to your every whim."

Any other day, I would've turned down every rich person that offered charity, but I really needing housing. Sighing, I slowly nodded, "Alright. Alright... I'll stay with you guys. But why do you want me to stay with you guys?"

They just grinned at each other again, putting their arms around my shoulders again. "Isn't it obvious?" Kaoru asked, twirling her light hair.

Hikaru's warm breath fanned over her chilled skin, his face inches from her ear, "You're our toy," he whispered.

And just like that, I knew I had just signed a contract with the twin devils.

A/N: Well, well, well. I don't think it's too bad for my first story. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Tell me if I should keep writing or trash this piece. Chapter Two should be up either early this week or next weekend. Maybe earlier if I have free time. Thanks for reading.