Kyoraku gets a feeling that he's being hated, well Ichigo's glare have directed from Byakuya to himself which has Ukitake asking questions. Today was the burnet's High School graduation and she would see the final heir and if she didn't chose him, the Clan Heads would make the decision for her. He confessed to his old friend and received a punch that made his cheek throb, but Ichigo asked to talk to him with a somber expression. "Ichigo-kun…"

"Don't call me that," the young Captain stated "not after what you did with my sister" and oh, that made sense "but…that bastard went too far, I know you are very aware how Noble Clans work and if someone doesn't stake a claim on my sister who's being practically sold off she'll probably get stuck with some snobby stuck up bastard worse than Byakuya" Ichigo stated clenching his hand to the point it drew blood.

"Ichigo-kun…" Ukitake whispered as he was beginning to understand the boy's visit.

"If she's going to get stuck with some old coot I'd rather it be you than some stranger, you're from a Noble Clan and you're unmarried if you—"

"I can't make that decision for her, I'm sorry" Kyoraku stated as he stood "you're probably not aware because she is a very gentle person, but I hurt her and I practically forced myself onto her the last time we met. You wanted to know where that split lip came from, she gave it to me—"

"You think I don't know that!? Dammit, Yuzu told me and it's taking everything I got to not unleash Zangetsu on you, but you're the only guy she's ever actually cared for!" Ichigo shouted shocking the elder man "Yuzu's always been naïve and oblivious to guys because Oyaji and I overprotected her, that red head kid liked her since he met her but she didn't respond to him, heck she's got dozens of admirers but she turns them all down! That's because she likes you! If she didn't she wouldn't have let anything like that happen to begin with!"

"You're saying…" Ukitake trailed off.

"Yuzu's liked him from the very start." Ichigo begrudgingly admitted.

"I said I'd be there, Yoruichi-san" Yuzu stated as she tugged at the kimono with a wistful sigh, a Sake bottle was held on front of her and she blinked before she stiffened "what are you doing here?" she asked turning around to look at the man with wide eyes, she began to tremble as she swallowed the knot at her throat. Kyoraku set the bottle to the side as he wound his arm around her waist making her go completely rigid "what are you…?"

"I decided that if there is no bride there is no wedding" he stated pulling her close.

"What…? T…that's crazy! You can't—!"

"I'm not past having an affair with you if you get married to another man" he cut her off looking absolutely serious which scared her, it couldn't be possible "but I don't like the idea of sharing you with another man" he continued so she broke their gaze as she began to struggle but his other arm wound around her waist.

"Let go of me!" he grasped her chin lifting her head as his thumb brushed against her lower lip,

"I taught these lips to kiss, I will be the first and the last to taste them" Kyoraku said as he leaned in close feeling her whole body trembling, just a tad bit more… "why share you when I can have you all to myself?" he questioned in a murmur. Finally. Tears filled her eyes and his hand caressed her cheek "you're mine, I am a selfish man and I will not give you to anyone" he stated and kissed her struggling, he knew just what to do to make her melt.

"Yuzu-tan, I know you're not in the…mood…oh?" Yoruichi quirked a brow "I didn't think you had it in you, but they made their decision so if you want her, grab her and make a run for it." Kyoraku smiled cunningly as he leaned down and swept his arm under the burnet's legs and lifted her in arm "they're already here." Isshin's eyes widened as his jaw dropped, Byakuya's eyes narrowed while Ichigo stifled his grin while the young heir seemed surprised.

"You wouldn't dare"

"Don't be naïve" Kyoraku said appearing behind them in a swift Shunpo "children, you're much too young to stop me"

"Soutaichou, this behavior is childish and unbefitting of a Noble" Byakuya stated.

"Now, now who's being childish, Byakuya-kun? You knew she and I had a brewing relationship, but you went out of your way to warn her father about her unmarried status knowing his childish infatuation with having grandchildren. His wish would have been granted long ago, hadn't you interfered" Kyoraku stated glancing at the Captain.

"A pregnancy out of marriage is shameful, you should know that, Kyoraku-Soutaichou"

"Why would it be shameful if it was a child created out of love?"


"You're speaking as if I had no intention of marrying her, now why would I leave the woman I love free reign of being conquered by another?" Kyoraku spoke with a smirk, "I'll chain her down in every way possible and leave her unable to leave my side. It's quite simple, I'm a selfish, possessive man" he glanced over at the heir "no hard feelings young man, but this girl already has an owner." Kyoraku stated and in another Shunpo step he was gone.

"He's certainly fast" Yoruichi remarked

"Were you aware of it, Shihoin Yoruichi?"

"Aware of what? The quick snatch, the passionate love affair or the—"

"All of it"

"Of course, who do you think Yuzu-tan came to for advice?" the woman asked with a devilish grin.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Isshin snapped "would someone tell me what the hell is going on!?"

"Well Oyaji" Ichigo said with a smirk "Yuzu's a big girl"