It was the day of the World Jam and the building was packed. We got there, all wearing our Pirates jacket and the crowd was cheering on all the dancers that were dancing. They were all so amazing and they were all giving it everything they had. This was better than my walks through Central Park. We all walked up on stage as we looked around at everyone, just as the House of Samurai walked up on stage.

"And coming up next our main event! Our championship match up the House of Pirates verses the House of Samurai! And this battle is the battle you won't forget!" The Announcer exclaimed.

As the Samurai passed us I locked eyes with Danny who smirked and pushed his hat up a little off his face. He looked down at his phone briefly before putting it in his pocket and my phone beeped. I looked at it and it was a text from him, telling me good luck. I smiled and put my phone away.

We got to our places and lined up to go on stage. Luke and I were last in line and he put his hand on my shoulder, giving it a little squeeze, telling me without words that we would be fine.

"Luke!" We turned to see Natalie and I left Luke behind to speak to her in private.

The announcer brought both the teams to the stage and gave us the que to start. The team stepped back as I moved forward to start the battle with my speciality move. Head, hands, feet. Head, hands, feet. That was mantra as I began and I pulled it off without a hitch once again, I thought as I was finishing up with my Pirouette and Fouette combo. Luke ran forward and with perfect timing, grabbed the hand I held out and he spun me into position as the rest of the crew took their places. Monster, the twins, and the others took over the stage and the battle really began.

It went back and forth for awhile and we were holding our own pretty well until Danny's arrogant alter-ego, Kid Darkness, broke through and stole Lukes hat before doing tricks with it.

"I hate your boyfriend." Luke muttered to me.

Kid Darkness finished his set by pretending to wipe his ass and throwing Lukes hat back to him, "Yeah, well I don't like him right now either." I frowned.

"Luke!" Natalie ran up on stage, "We can take him!" She said.

"You said yourself we're not ready." Luke said.

"You can trust me." She said.

I butt in and asked, "What do you have to lose Luke?" He looked at me and Natalie took that chance to run out on stage.

Julien immediately went to grab her and I ran forward to help. I didn't expect to be pushed so harshly to the side and would have fallen if Danny hadn't caught me.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded and he went over to pull Julien back as the Pirates rushed forward to help Natalie.

"What are you doing! You're a Samurai! We're family!" Julien shouted at her.

"Not anymore Julien! This is my family!" Natalie shouted back.

The stage cleared once more and Natalie and Luke took the stage. Luke and Natalie's set put us back in the running and we continued with the rest of our routine. We took our jackets off and got ready to really heat things up. We took our places and began to take over the stage and therefore the battle.

Everyone loved the light up suits…well except the Samurai. They tried to play it cool but they knew they were in trouble. At one point I was taking the lead and I walked forward, taking Lukes hat and winked at Danny before being lifted up and flipped over Monsters back. Everyone fell the floor as I continued doing back flips toward the edge of the stage where I stopped, facing the Samurai with my arms crossed. The lights on our suits died out and the crew stood up.

"Alright alright that's a wrap!" The announcer said, "Our two finalists did their thing and now it's time for our judges to decide who will be going home with the one hundred thousand dollars."

"Judges, are you ready with your decision? Whose flag are you going to raise? Gold for the Samurai or red and black for the Pirates?"

We all watched with anticipation as the middle judge stood up. There was a moment of pause before the red flags were thrown up into the air and I screamed with excitement throwing my arms around Luke. I let go and gave him his hat back as I hugged Monster, Kido, Anala, and B.

When I let go I jumped around with the entire crowd that came up on stage before I was taken into someone's arms and turned around. Danny had found me in the crowd and he had a smile on his face.

"I would have thought you cared more about losing!" I shouted over all the noise.

"Normally I would be but I didn't lose to just anyone!" He shouted back, "You're amazing!"

I hugged him before kissing him with all the passion I could muster up at that moment. I noticed most of my team look at me in shock and I remembered they didn't know about Danny and me. I smiled at them anyway and wrapping Danny's arm around me as I walked off stage to find Luke.

I finally found him off to the side. He was talking to Jacob. I looked to Danny to see if he minded waiting. He took his arm from my shoulder and motioned me forward. I walked up to look and looked over his shoulder as Jacob left. I saw the folder for the film school in California.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

He jumped and turned around to look at me, "I don't know."

I smiled sadly, "You're a great film maker Luke. You deserve to see where it will take you."

"You think I should?" He asked as he looked back down at his acceptance letter thoughtfully.

"Do you promise to come back?" I asked quietly.

Luke ruffled my hair, "Of course I'd come back. We're family right?"

I nodded and Luke looked behind me to see Danny still standing there. He walked over they had a stand off. They stood there just staring at each other before Luke held out his hand. Danny took it and they shook.

"You better take care of my sister."

"I'll make sure she has the best." Danny said.

"She doesn't just need the best she needs-"

"We're not going there yet but trust me, I do."

Luke nodded and looked back at me briefly before saying something to Danny that I couldn't hear because he lowered his voice. Danny nodded and then came over to me so Luke could go celebrate with the rest of the crew for a bit longer before going home to pack. Danny took my hand to lead me out of the building, despite me putting up resistance.

"Danny, where are we going? What about my crew?" I asked as I finally managed to wrench my hand away.

He groaned and took off his hat to run his hand through his hair. I called his name again and he turned toward me, replacing his hat.

"Luke asked me to take you back to my apartment." Danny said.

"Why?" I asked, taking a step back.

"He wants to make sure you get to that audition tomorrow and he knows you won't make it if you're there to see him off."


"There is only a half hour difference between his train leaving and the audition. You wouldn't be able to do both and he asked me to make sure you get to that audition."

"That's not his call to make, or yours for that matter!" I shouted at him.

"I know, that's why I'm telling you this now." Danny said, "Just think it through alright? It's not just Luke you would be saying goodbye too."

"Lukes train leaves when?" I asked.


"And the Audition is at noon." I paced the width of the sidewalk, thinking, "I can do both." I decided at last.

"It's a 45 minute train ride between Grand Central and the New York Dance Federation. You won't be able to make it."

"Only if we go by train, but if we drive?" I asked.

"It would be cutting it close."

"But it's possible?"

"If traffic flows."

"It's settled then." I said as I linked my arm with his as we walked to the subway, "You'll get a car and bring me to the train station. You'll keep it running and ready to go as I go in and say goodbye.

The next morning we showered and got dressed before leaving the apartment. It was about 9-o-clock when we got into the elevator and Danny pressed the 'P' button that was at the very bottom of the button pad. When I looked at him he just smiled. When the elevator doors opened we were in the parking garage and Danny led me over to a black Bentley.

"Is this yours?" I asked as he opened the passenger door for me.

"Yes it is." He said and shut the door, walking around to the other side of the car and getting in.

"How come you never told me you had a car?"

"You never asked."

"Okay…how come you never drive it?" I asked.

He looked at me briefly and smirked as he pulled out onto the street, "Who needs a car when they live in New York."

"I guess that's true." I agreed, "So where to first?"

"We need to get you a proper outfit for the audition. You can't wear that." Danny said.

He indicated my skinny jeans, crop top, and the pink sparkly Vans. That's when I noticed his outfit for the first time. He was wearing black slacks, and a navy t-shirt with an open black long-sleeved, collared shirt. He still wore his black and white K-Swiss though.

He parked in a space outside a small boutique and we got out. I told him he didn't have to get put, that I wouldn't be long, but he insisted on coming in with me. Every time I picked something out he would take it from me and put it back. When I finally asked what his deal was, he didn't say anything.

I eventually gave up on picking out an outfit and let Danny do the honours. He picked out a pair of black leggings that he kept calling tights and a short navy chiffon dress that held tight at the waste before flaring out. I picked out a pair of black flats to go with the outfit which I begrudgingly loved.

We were running short on time since we were in there for awhile. We got into the car and rushed toward Grand Central and got there at about 11:15. I gave Danny a quick kiss and ran into the train station. I got inside just as Luke and Natalie were leaving.

"Luke! Natalie!" I called out, running past the crew and toward them.

Luke turned around just in time to catch me as I latched on to him and hugged him tight. He hugged me back and when we let go I started beating him.

"Don't! You! Ever! Make that kind of decision for me again!"

"Ow! Hey! Stop!" He said and laughed, "I'm sorry okay! I just want to make sure you get to where you want to be. I'm going to live my dream and you have to live yours."

"I know but how could you think that I wouldn't come to see you off?" I asked, "I wouldn't have been able to live with myself let alone concentrate on any audition."

"I'm sorry; I won't do that again okay?" Luke asked.

"Thank you. Now good luck. I expect a phone call at least once a week and for your to come back here for every holiday." I said and turned to Natalie, "Both of you."

She gave me a tight hug, "I'm going to miss you Izzy."

"Dizzy?" I turned back to Luke once Natalie let me go and wiped my eyes, "Good Luck in your audition and I want to be the first one to know how it goes alright?" He kissed my forehead.

"You'll be the first to know." I told him with a nod.

"Now hurry before you're late." Luke said turning me around and giving me a little push toward the door.

I turned around again, hugged him and said goodbye one more time before rushing passed the crew again and out the door. I opened the back door to the Bentley and got in. Danny immediately pulled away from the curb and sped down the road.

I started to get changed and noticed Danny's eyes on me in the rear-view mirror, "Eyes on the road Mr. Atwood."

"You can't really blame me for looking."

I laughed as I finally got the black leggings on. I removed my shirt next and looked up to find Danny's eyes back on me. I winked at him before putting on the dress and then took out the flats. I hopped into the front once I was done to see we still see we were five minutes away. I started to panic but Danny put his hand on my knee to stop me.

When we arrived, we stopped right out front, not caring it was a no parking zone. We ran up the steps and to the front desk. Danny seemed barely phased but I was out of breath.

"We're here for an appointment with Diana Lockley." Danny said.

"Alright, I'll phone up to her. Your names?" We gave her our names and she dialled the extension but got voicemail, "I'm sorry, she seems to be out of offi- wait, there she is." We turned to see Diana coming down the stairs talking to her associates.

I walked up to her once she reached the bottom of the stairs and held out my hand, "Diana Lockley? My name is Isabella Marshall. Daniel Atwood and I have an appointment with you?"

"Right, the hopefuls from the party." She said as Daniel came up beside me, "I'm sorry but you're over five minutes late and I don't take tardiness lightly."

"We're sorry about that but there were some extenuating circumstances." I tried to reason.

She took her glasses off her face and placed them on top of her head as she looked to Danny and I, "Look, I know you two are talented but I want dancers who take the profession seriously. If you can't even show up on time for an audition then that doesn't say much about the future."

"If you give us one chance, we'll show you that we do take thi-"

She cut me off, "I'm sorry but my decision is final."

She continued to the door with her associates and I turned to Danny, heartbroken. I thought this would be my chance, that I would finally get somewhere in this dancing career. I was hoping I would be able smear it all over my fathers face but I was told by yet another person that I wasn't good enough.

I was good enough though! I proved that by winning the World Jam. I just had to prove it now too. I had to act fast or the moment would pass.

"If she won't give us an audition, then we'll give her one." I told Danny as I reached into my purse and grabbed my iPod and a portable speaker.

I walked behind the front desk and placed my speaker down by the intercom. I plugged my iPod in, picked a remix that would allow Danny and I to show a complete range of dances in one set. I turned the intercom on and everyone that was here covered their ears as a high pitched squealing noise could be heard throughout the foyer. The noise went away and the music started.

I ran over to Danny and he took me by the waist and we immediately started dancing to the beat of the song. Just like at the party we moved together fluidly. Our minds were in sync and we danced to this one song as if we were dancing to it for ages. We incorporated ballet, hip-hop, and the dancing skills we were both made to learn because of our upbringing.

We twisted turned, back flipped, swung, spun, and dipped as if it was second nature. We were made to dance together and if Diana Lockley couldn't see that, then to hell with her. Because we were good enough…I was good enough.

The song ended with Danny dipping me low and him bending down, his nose grazing the valley between my breasts. He slowly brought me back to my feet and I gazed into his eyes. I would have kissed him right then and there if we weren't interrupted by loud clapping from everyone that was in the foyer.

We looked around and smiled at everyone as we bowed. When we turned in a full circle we were met with the critical gaze of Diana who was biting her glasses. Danny laced his fingers with mine, offering me all the comfort that he could in that moment as we waited for her to say something.

"You didn't practice that did you? It was made up on the spot?" She asked.

"Yes." I said stiffly.

She stepped forward, "Only someone with years of experience such as me would ever know. Some of your footwork was a little sloppy but nothing that can't be honed with a little effort. It was such a unique dance, it incorporated many different styles. It was somehow…refreshing." The older woman finished.

"Thank you ma'am." I said with a smile.

Diana turned to the woman who just got back to the front desk, "Lucy, please draw up a pair of contracts for these two young dancers here and book them in for a meeting tomorrow morning." She turned back to us, "I want to see you both here at 10am sharp and not a minute later or I'll have you banned from this building."

Danny and I nodded and both said we would be there as she turned and walked out of the building. I got my speaker and iPod from Lucy and walked out the door with Danny. I felt amazing! I felt on top of the world! I was so happy I couldn't contain it and grabbed the collar of Danny's shirt to drag his head down to mine, crashing our lips together.

Everything in my life started falling into place that one night at The Vault. I found a family that loves me. I have the best older brother. I have a place I can finally call home. I just landed my dream job. I also fell in love with a guy who keeps a childish nickname. I paused at that last thought. I fell in love…with Danny. I knew the feeling was there but we weren't supposed to go there, at least not yet. I wasn't even supposed to admit it to myself.

"So, what's the plan of action now?" Danny asked, as he put his arm around me and lead me to the passenger side of his.

I got in when he opened up the door for me and waited until he got in on the other side before I answered, "Let's go to The Vault. I want to tell everyone the good news. I'm also going to need a change of clothes if I'm staying the night at your place."

"Staying the night at my place?" He asked as he drove toward The Vault.

"Well if we have any hope of being on time tomorrow, we'll need to save time. I can't make you drive all the way across the city just to pick me up."


I had everyone gathered around in The Vault as I called Luke and put him on speaker phone. He finally picked up and asked me what was up.

"I just wanted to let everyone know at the same time." I said into the phone that was lying on the table, "Danny and I sign the contract tomorrow for NYDF!"

I laced my hand with Danny's as everyone started cheering. Luke gave congratulations over the phone before letting Natalie do the same. Then he said he wanted to speak to me in private. So I picked up the phone, took it off speaker and held it to my ear.

"I'm proud of you Dizzy." Luke said.

"Thank you, that means a lot." I said as I walked away from the group. I think they all wanted to talk to Danny anyway.

"You're going to do great, I know you are. I want you to tell me about the look on your dads face when he finds out okay?"

I laughed, "Will do. So where are you and Natalie now?"

"We're just passing through Virginia now."

"You should stop and see Washington." I said excited.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but we won't be passing anywhere near there."

"Bummer!" I exclaimed before calming down, "So what did you want to talk to me about."

"I wanted to tell you that while I'm gone, my room at The Vault is yours. I even decorated it for you." He said.

I walked toward his room, "You decorated it for me? But you'll be coming back here. Your room should be for yo-"

When I walked into his room I was speechless. There was a big congratulations sign hanging above the bed. Pink, blue, and yellow balloons floated all around and a box on his bed with a pretty bow and card. I picked up the card and read it. It said:

To Dizzy:

A sister like you deserves all the happiness in the world.

Congratulations on making your dreams come true.

I spent all night making this for you.

Love Luke

I opened the box and in it was a DVD. The title of it was True Family.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I had faith in you Dizzy." Luke said, "But listen, I have to go. I'll give you call when I get to California."

I bid him goodbye and hung up. Placing my phone on the bed as I took the DVD over to the computer. Just as I placed it in the port Danny walked in.

"Wow, he really went all out." He said.

"He did. Here come take a seat and watch this with me." I said, patting the chair next to me.

He sat down and clicked play on the screen. Footage of me spinning popped up first before Lukes voice could be heard as the Narrator.

"This is my sister Izzy 'Dizzy' Marshall. She became a member of the Pirates a few months ago but I already can't imagine my life without her."

Footage of Luke and I messing about on the dance floor came on, be eating and showing the chewed up food in my mouth, and then me with the other crew members as well.

"She weaseled her way into all of our hearts but she took a special place in mine. I had never had a sister before Dizzy came along but her and I became a team. When everyone gave up, including me, she stuck by me through it all."

Lot's of footage of me over the past few months came flashing by. I was playing rock band. I was jumping into the foam pit. I was jumping on Jason's back, dancing with Moose, playing pranks on the twins, and playing Dance Dance at the arcade. All the while Luke poured his heart out as the Narrator.

The only part where Luke wasn't talking was when it played part of my interview:

I looked up to the sky for a moment before stepping away from the wall, "Ever since I was little it's all I've ever wanted to do." I replied, I held my hands out and did a few pirouettes before looking back at look with a dazed smile, "my mother told me once that I could dance before I could walk."

"Dizzy is the most honest person I've ever met and one of the most amazing dancers I've ever seen. She is definitely BFAB and one day the entire world is going to know it. I'm proud to call her my sister."

The video cut to some footage with me laughing, the biggest smile on my face before it ended.

"Wow! I can't believe he did this for me!" I said as I teared up.

"I can. You're an amazing person Izzy." Danny said as he turned my face to his. He wiped under my eyes to help keep me from crying and then leaned in to kiss me softly.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Yes, I do for so many reasons. The number one reason well…we're not going there yet."

I gave a watery smile, "Are you sure? I think we can go there."

He looked shocked for just a moment and then finally found his words, "Seriously?"

I nodded and he kissed me hard on the mouth. I kissed back just as enthusiastically and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. Yeah, it's definitely time we went there.