Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock

Mike Stamford, Lestrade, Donavon, Anderson, Molly and Mycroft, Mycroft's parents and Mrs Hudson were all sitting around a table in a bar Sherlock would never ever dream of entering. Which was a good thing as they were there to talk about him.

"So, we are here to talk about getting Sherlock a friend?" asked Molly, nursing her drink.

"Yes, my son is so lonely, he has trouble finding friends, and he need a specific one. I wonder where one could be" sighed Mrs Holmes.

"Sherlock needs someone who loves adventure" said Mike, he grabbed his notepad and pen from his briefcase and wrote that down.

"He needs someone whose patient" said Mrs Holmes.

"He needs someone who doesn't cringe at dead bodies" said Molly.

"He needs someone who is loyal" said Mycroft.

"He needs someone who will ask for help when needs it, and who he'll insult but can take it" said Anderson, thinking of all the times that he had wanted to punch Sherlock because he refused to explain his deductions.

"He'll need someone smart" said Lestrade.

"He just needs someone" said Sally, wondering why she was here if it was about the freak.

"Okay, we need to give each other our numbers so we can text when we have discovered someone so we can all text them" said Mr Holmes.

They did this and left.

Not knowing that in a month, Doctor John Watson will be invalided home from the war.