Bella's POV

Jake lifted me up and went up the stairs. I kept my mouth attached to his and he kicked open the bedroom door.

"Where's Charlie?" He asked breathlessly.

"Overnight conference." I answered.

"The kids?" He asked laying me on the bed.

"With Emily, now shut up. Let's not talk." I said taking his bottom lip between my teeth.

He moaned lightly and grinded his lower body into me. I could feel how hard he was and I moaned lightly. He pulled my nightgown and suddenly I was in my under ware. He studied my.

"Beautiful." He murmured and kissed me hard. I ran my fingernails down his back and he hissed and I kissed the sensitive spot on his neck and kicked off his shorts. He looked down at me.

"Bells, are you sure you want to do this? If you don't we can stop right now." He said and I sighed.

"I'm sure. I love you Jake. I want to share this with you." I said and he studied me then kissed me and reached around to unbutton my bra. He pulled it off and tossed it behind him. His hand went to my breast and he rolled my nipple between his fingers and I arched into him, moaning loudly. He kissed my neck and kissed down to my breast and took one nipple in his mouth while he played with the other.

"Jake please." I said.

"Tell me what you want." He said in a husky voice. I shivered lightly.

"Fuck me." I said and he met my eyes and grinned.

"Eloquent." He said and I rolled my eyes. He kissed me and slowly took his boxers off and then took off my panties. He was about to enter me when I put a hand on his stomach.

"Wait." I said and he looked down at me. I reach over and fumbled the bedside drawer open and pulled out a condom. I handed it to him. "We already have two kids." I said and he laughed.

He rolled the condom on and entered me sharply. He stopped and looked down at me. The pain rocketed through me I gasped and waited for it to pass. When it did, I nodded at him.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and he started moving. We were both moaning and my breathing was coming in harsh intakes. He kissed me and I ran my fingernails down his back. He jerked forward and we both gasped and he went harder. I felt my climax coming and knew he was close too. We came at the same moment and just laid there for a minute basking in the afterglow before Jake rolled over and lay next to me. He got up and went to the bathroom and I figured he was cleaning up. He came back and pulled the covers over both of us.

"I love you Bella. I wanted to ask you something." He said. I turned to look at him.

"Yeah Jake?" I asked.

"Well we told the social worker that we were engaged and I wonderd if maybe you wanted to make it official." He said.

"What are you talking about Jake?" I asked.

"Marry me Bella, for real." He said and I stared at him for a moment.

"We don't even have a ring." I said and he rolled over and reached for something on the floor. He brought up a ring box and opened it.

"It was my mothers." He said and I looked at it. It was a simple diamond ring.

"It's beautiful Jake." I said.

"So will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes, on one condition." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"We have to stay engaged at least a year before we get married." I said.

"Deal. So next September, will be one year." He said. "That reminds me that your birthday is next week."

"I know." I said.

"We should have a party." He said.

"Maybe. Let's go to sleep." I said and he slid the ring on my finger and I cuddled into him. Faster than I thought possible I was asleep.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever.