Ok, so I literally just finished this. This is like the prologue, so the real story will start next chapter, but still read this too. Please R & R!

Why have I become the victim? I sit in a room that has a red and black checkerboard floor. Eerie, blue candles are lit throughout the room. An old blues record plays the same segment and there are two chairs beside the record players. Lastly, there sits a grand piano, with a little red demon on top, staring at me with his large, creepy eyes.

"Just do it Soul."

"No I won't," I screamed out loud. I felt a pain stab my brain as I struggled against the demon. The madness was attempting to consume me, but I wouldn't let it.

I sat alone in my room, trying to be undisturbed by people. The pain felt worse, but to add to it, there was a knock at the door. I stared over at the white door, waiting for the knocking to cease. I heard a voice with concern pair with banging on my door.

"Soul, please come and join the party. We would love to hear you play the piano for everyone," my mother coaxed.

"Defy them, Soul. Show them their errors," the demon whispered.

"No, leave me alone you demon," I shouted loud.

I heard footsteps leaving, but heard the sound come back with what seemed like more than one person.

There was a loud smack on my door, which meant my father was pissed. I held my head, as everything around me seemed to disappear. I found myself in the Black Room again, fighting off the madness.

As soon as the demon heard my dad's voice, he vanished for the time being. I got up from my bed to open the door, to suppress my father's anger.

"Soul, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why were you yelling at your mother, and calling her a demon? Do you have no respect?"

I stared at my father realizing what I said earlier. His red eyes bore into mine while I tried not to appear intimidated. I didn't know how to respond. Do I just nonchalantly say, hey dad, there's a demon in my head that makes me say crazy shit.

"I was having a nightmare where a demon was terrorizing me to try and kill everyone," I said trembling.

I felt a hot, searing pain across my face, while my father yelled.

"I've had enough of your bullshit, Soul. Get downstairs and play the goddamn piano for our guests. You should know better. Why can't you just listen for once?"

I nodded and told him I'd be down in a minute. I walked over to the mirror and looked at me reflection. I wore my pinstripe suit with a red collared shirt underneath. The mark on my cheek wouldn't be visible while I played the piano. After I played one song, I would come back up and confront the demon by myself.

I hated having to be the obedient son, since Wes was gone traveling the world. My father never did like me, and the same with my mother. My mother was just better at hiding it.

I arrived downstairs and walked through a sea of tipsy adults with monocles. I sat down at the piano and took a deep breath before setting my fingers on the black and white keys. I decided to begin and my fingers were sent traveling across, mixing sharps and naturals. My parents didn't tell me what to play, so I played an original piece that had a fast tempo, but a somber tone. The dissonance between the melody and harmony created wavelengths bouncing against the champagne glasses.

I didn't wait for any reactions; I just started a second tune. The song was even darker, and it gained more stares from the crowd of drunks. I was going to hit the climax soon, which was softer and more allegretto, when the demon reappeared. I tried to make him vanish by looking over at my dad for a second. He looked absolutely pissed. Just because I don't play his shit songs, doesn't mean I'm shit. I felt another stab of pain, but continued to play.

Before I could hit the climax, the demon began to laugh. I started messing up, but then I completely froze.

"Soul, do it now. NOW!" the demon demanded.

"No! Leave me alone you little shit," I screamed in agony. I heard people's gasps, but ignored them.

My mother approached me slowly, "Soul, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I breathed heavily and the demon tried to consume me again. I didn't know what to do, without drawing more attention to myself.

"Soul, listen to me. You seek the power within. Cease the opportunity and DO IT," the demon demanded.

"I don't need you! Fuck off! Why don't you get? I don't need your help or power. You have no power. Just stop with all your bullshit."

I realized what I had said out loud and ran upstairs to my room. I locked myself in the bathroom. I was preparing for the worst. I knew my dad would be upstairs soon to beat the shit out of me. It wasn't that unusual.

I reached under my sink and pulled out a blade. I took off my suit jacket and rolled up my sleeves. I ran the cool blade along my finger before letting hit my wrist. The pain seared through me and the blood followed soon after. A few seconds later, I heard my door open and then banging on the bathroom door.

"Soul, get the fuck out here," my dad screamed.

I didn't respond and slowly made notches in my arm, stopping the blood quickly with a towel. My father's footsteps faded, but a lighter set came close.

"Soul, are you okay," my mother asked. I didn't want to respond. I felt bad that she had me yelling at her because of the damn demon.

My mother knocked on the door, and opened it with a key. She sat down next to me and sighed.

"Soul, you know your father… Soul what happened to your arm?"

"How much would you believe me if I said nothing happened?"

"I wouldn't. Soul, I'm worried about you. I'm going to talk to your father right now about you."


"If you told me what happened with your arms, then maybe I would've." She closed the door and left me alone.

After the bleeding stopped, I went to take a nap. I sat in bed for a few minutes before I drifted to sleep. I stood in the Black Room and went to the piano. I tuned out the demon by playing a dark melody. Before the demon could speak, I heard my mother knocking at the door.

"Soul, can we come in," my mother asked nicely.

"Yeah," I said getting up out of bed. I watched as they approached me. I could tell my mother would be talking and my father would nod in agreement.

"Soul, we've been worried about you. You've been screaming in rage, getting headaches, and just acting off. Not to forget, the cuts on your arms and laziness."

I watched as my father nodded and I just stared back at my parents with confusion. I was surprised that they actually saw the changes in my behavior and were concerned.

"Anyways, we think it's best if we send you on a vacation."

"Cut the crap. Soul. We're sending you to a mental institution."

I said nothing at all. The demon just laughed at me.

What? Plan to have next chapter done in a week at least.