So I was reading Bart's run as the Flash, and I was totally caught by the Black Flash (shown in the picture). He's truly frightening. He's pretty mysterious. But we do know that he appears to speedsters before they die presumably because a speedster could outrun death, so you need someone faster...

I mirrored the style of "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll

Disclaimer: I do not own Kid Flash, the Jabberwocky, or even the Black Flash...

T'was afternoon in Central -

Calm - people full of lethargy.

T'was bright, warm, but something was wrong:

The air rushed with energy.


"Beware the black speedster, my son!

Legs that sprint, eyes that mean you're done!

Beware the dangers he holds,

From him, you can never outrun!"


He runs: faster and faster.

The wounds he has drip, drip, drip;

One glance over his shoulder -

He's fast; Wally gave him the slip.


Foppery, foolery, fultile:

When death comes, he has a plan.

You, he can never outmatch,

But there is another man.


He stalks after you;

Your time's limited with each breath.

Pace is too fast, but he'll catch you.

He dons black as his master, death.


Then there's the moment, Wally sees

A full suit of wrinkled black

and a skeleton's jaw, white eyes

Follow him, always keeping track.


And Wally knows, and he fears

The day when he slips into his hold,

Being clutched in his boney arms

And forever, truly cold.


With these thoughts and present fears,

He trembles all the way through Frunze

Since wounds are deep, vision is dark

And slower and slower, he runs.


His side is pained and aching.

He will not outrun this harm.

His heart races with panic as

Ragged claws reach up and grab his arm.


"Beware the black speedster, my son!

Legs that sprint, eyes that mean you're done!

Beware the dangers he holds,

From him, you can never outrun!"


T'was afternoon in Central -

Calm - people full of lethargy.

T'was bright, warm, but something was wrong:

The air rushed with energy.

Please, review! I'll love you forever if you do.