Hello! I am writing this at 6:20 AM on April 25th, 2020. I started this story over six years ago. It hasn't been updated in almost five years.

I want to preface everything by saying that I was very young when I wrote this story. I'm surprised to see that I wrote nearly 60K words back then. However, because I was so young, there's a lot of questionable things in here. I used a lot of unnecessarily vulgar language, for starters, and I mostly wrote dialogue rather than story. My writing has improved a lot since then; at the same time, I've lost the drive that I once had when writing.

I've grown and changed a lot since I wrote Leeks and Bananas. Do I still love Vocaloid? Yes. Do I still love Len and Miku? Absolutely. But reading LnB is very hard for me for a multitude of reasons. It reminds me of how I used to act when I was younger. It reminds me of a rough time in my life. It shows the stark contrast between my humor and thoughts then and now. LnB was my magnum opus, but now I shudder when I think about it.

Despite all of these things, I will keep Leeks and Bananas up. While I archived and deleted many of my older fanfictions, I simply cannot bear to wash my hands of this story. It will always be near and dear to my heart, even when I feel myself begin to cringe at the thought of it. Leeks and Bananas may not represent who I am as a writer or a person anymore, but it was extremely important to me back when I was still writing.

To anyone who is thinking of reading LnB, please know that this is not a story with a deep plot. In fact, it's supposed to be "rAnDoM :P" because that's how I used to write, as well as the nature of the original idea (drabbles). There may be parts of the story that are hard to read because they're very dated and feel too immature. There may be some things I wrote that seemed funny or cool back in 2014/2015 but might be considered questionable or cringey in 2020. If you really feel like tackling this drabblefest, be my guest. You will encounter many, many blocks of text in boldface. I recommend skipping those, just because they're full of author's notes and responses to reviews, and reading them will be very time consuming. If you still think you want to read my story, then I'm very flattered!

Although this is unlikely...if you ever read Leeks and Bananas during its heyday, thank you so much. If you ever left even a single review while I was writing Leeks and Bananas, thank you so much. All the reviews I read really encouraged me to write more and kept my spirits up when I was facing challenges in school and life. I don't know if there's any way to repay any of you.

I don't think this story will ever reach a conclusion. I couldn't possibly rewrite this story either, so it will remain in its unfinished state. I will mark this story as "Complete" and I don't think I'll touch it again unless absolutely necessary. Thank you.

- VW