A low static buzzed through his body. It was a slow, pulsing feeling, a feeling he'd never felt before. He twitched at the weird sensation, wrinkling his nose at the stale air that his sensors had detected. He felt something touch him, no, someone. The hand on his arm felt like the arms of the man who saved him when he fell, strangely.

He opened his eyes, thanking the heavens for the dull light which lit the room at a comfortable brightness. He was greeted by the sight of the man with red hair and heterochromatic eyes. He stared at the man with a strange fascination, not fearing him the slightest; for the robot knew that had the man been on the researchers' side, he'd be dead by now. But he wasn't, so who is this man?

He wanted to make the first move, but he didn't, at the same time. He did not know yet what this man's objective was, after all.

The silence hung thick in the air, both parties staring intently at each other. They did not blink, they did not break the eye contact. The robot criticized his surroundings at the corners of his eyes, looking for a necessary escape route. He wanted to have at least a way out should the man prove himself to be hostile.

Finally, the silence was broken by the red headed man. "You're awake," he murmured in a velvety tone. And at that moment, the experiment knew that this man was a leader. He was in charge, his very tone commanded for respect and obedience. He shuddered inwardly. This man was dangerous, he could kill without the slightest him of remorse. He is a threat.

Despite the warning bells ringing inside his head, he responded. "Indeed I am," he paused, "May I know where I am?" He asked. The red head smirked at the robot, his eyes unreadable. The said robot twitched in an unknown feeling; he didn't like being stared down at, after all.

The red head chuckled in amusement at the robot's antics. "The first thing you ask after being kidnapped by a complete utter stranger is where you are?" he raised an eyebrow, "I was expecting more… panic."

The robot narrowed his eyes at the other. "Please tell me where I am," he murmured threateningly. He was… intimidated ever so slightly by the taller man. He was in a place he didn't know of, and he didn't like it one bit.

"If you must know," the red head said, "You are at the headquarters of Akashi Corp." He waved his hand at their surroundings, "This is one of the lounges that we have for important guest."

"I assume you are Akashi, then," the robot replied blankly, "It is a pleasure." He bowed as best as he could in his sitting position, showing his respect. That was what it seemed like on the outside, at least. Right now, the robot was processing the data given to him, trying to find any clue about the Akashi Corp via internet. But alas, he could not seem to access the safari; the security around it was too tight. This only made the robot more cautious about the man known as Akashi.

"The pleasure is all mine," Akashi replied curtly, giving the robot a fake smile. "You must be confused about why you're here," he stated. Akashi was not a man to beat around the bush, so he went straight to business. Seeing the nod that the other gave, he continued. "Long story short, you are here because of a corruption in the government. One of the research facilities were accessing illegal information from the underground. The theory is that they are part of an organisation which is creating specific robots to obey all commands. The reason is unknown."

The robot stared down at Akashi, "What does that have to do with me?"

Akashi smirked, "The corrupt research facility is the facility in which you were created. Information was leaked to us that you were the only creation with enough intellect to make your own decisions. We brought you here because we want your aid in finding more information about the organisation. I believe that you will help us, you want to bring this organisation down because if you don't, you'll eventually be destroyed." A raised eyebrow was the answer Akashi received. He chuckled. "I know all about you, Project-666. You were nicknamed Kuroko Tetsuya by your creator, who was later murdered. And you were created on January the thirty-first, to be the ultimate weapon. But something went wrong with assembling your data chip," he paused, "Which resulted in you being a failed project."

The robot now known as Kuroko nodded slightly. "That is mostly correct," he muttered, holding the eye contact with Akashi. "However, you were wrong in one matter," he saw the narrow of eyes in the red head, and smirked in triumph. "I do not want to bring this organisation down as I fear my own demise, there is another reason that I shall keep to myself." Kuroko rested his head on his palm. "But yes, I shall aid you in destroying V.I.D.A."

Akashi quickly noted the name of the organisation down in his head. "I see," he said, mostly to himself. "How interesting…"

Before he could say more, the silence in the room was interrupted by the door to the room being slammed open. The two occupants of the room whipped their heads to the entrance, their eyes slightly widened at the unexpected interruption. At the door was a tall blonde man, he was panting mildly. He looked as though he was in a rush, and this immediately put Akashi on high alert.

"Report," he commanded shortly.

The blonde nodded seriously, "Attack in HQ number six. Thirteen hundred battle robots. Midorima is calling for back up."

Akashi nodded. "I'll go this time, then. Prepare the helicopter!" He rose calmly from his spot, dusting invisible dirt off his shirt. He then turned to Kuroko, "Shall we see how well you can fight?" He extended a hand to the robot, "Let us go, Kuroko Tetsuya."

I'm not even sorry. I'm too tired to type more. Sleeeeeeeep….

But then when I go to bed I can't sleep dammit…

Seagulls cannot be trusted… they scary waaaaah

Till next time, Duckies~