A/N: Here it is. The very last chapter. I really hope you enjoyed reading my improvisation of 500 Years Of Solitude as much as I enjoyed writing it. You'll see more from me, I hope. Hahaha. Well, enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own TVD or any of it's characters. The whole concept of this story is mine tho.

Chapter 5: Last Forever

Elijah looked out at the horizon as he sat at the roof of the Salvatore Mansion. He watched as the sun slowly set and the day almost come to an end. Tomorrow, he'll be at the Abattoir Compound in New Orleans pretending like nothing happened like his brother had requested.

"Well brother, I thought you would take forever. It's time for us to go." Klaus said as he pulled Rebekah out the door with him.

"Klaus let go of me." Rebekah squirmed for Klaus to let her go. Elijah did not move from where he stood.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow." Elijah said that got Klaus frozen in his tracks.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I understand…" Klaus said obviously disappointed and pissed off.

"I am going to make sure Katerina has a proper burial. She deserves one." Elijah said putting his hands in his pockets. Klaus looked more infuriated.

"Brother…" Klaus calmed himself down first. "Katerina could be thrown in mud at the center of town and she would still deserve it. We need to get back to New Orleans, or have you forgotten our responsibilities there?" Klaus' voice had such venom but Elijah looked unaffected.

"Then you and Rebekah go home tonight. I'll follow." Elijah said in resolution.

"Elijah, I... I know what Katerina meant to you." Klaus said, trying to be sensitive for once. "I have given to your request brother. I allowed you to come with us here in Mystic Falls and leave Marcel in charge despite his current state. But I will not allow another death make my companions look anymore weak, especially you. You are coming back to me in New Orleans and you are going to pretend like this never happened. Do you understand?" Klaus said.

"Let him be, Niklaus. He's grieving. You won't know about it since the only thing you do is cause grief." Rebekah said siding with Elijah. Klaus' face stiffened but he slowly softened it and smiled.

"Fine. I'll let our dear brother indulge in his sentiments. But remember what I said brother, the moment you step back in the French Quarter, you will take every memory, every emotion and leave it here in Mystic Falls." Klaus said as he walks away.

"You were lucky." Elijah's thoughts were cut off by Elena's voice behind him. Her wavy hair sways as the wind hits her face. She was looking at him with such sympathy. He always had a connection with Elena, but not in a way others would think. She was kind and good natured. She was the only person who trusted him, when no one else in Mystic Falls did. She reminded him of himself when he was human, and he was happy that even as a vampire she still attained those qualities. "I never even got to talk to her."

"You? I thought you loathed Katerina?" Elijah said still looking at the horizon.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I do hate her. I hate her so much but even with so much hatred, I still wanted to thank her." Elena said as she sat next to Elijah and watched the sunset along with him. Elijah looked at her, confused with her statement. "I wanted to thank her because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be what I am now."

"What? A vampire?" He asks jokingly. Elena gave him a smile.

"I just came to thinking. If it wasn't for her Stefan and Damon wouldn't be vampires. They wouldn't have come back to Mystic Falls. I wouldn't have known Bonnie was a witch. Caroline would still be a crazy control freak. I would still be that crazy 17 year old girl drinking booze and partying like there's no tomorrow. I would be living an ordinary life." She sighed deeply.

"And isn't that what you have always wanted?" Elijah asks.

"There are times I did. There are times when I prayed and I wished everything was simple again but as time goes by I realize that I actually like who I am now. I've accepted it. I never thought I could have, but I have, and that's because of her. I never thanked her for that." Elena said staring as the sun's corona shined slightly above the trees.

"Elena, I know Katerina was not in any circumstance kind to you but I wanted you to know that when she takes matters to her own hands—"

"She did it to survive." Elena said finishing Elijah's sentence. "You don't have to make excuses for her, Elijah. I know. Somehow, I've learned to forgive her. I mean, she's dead. What's the point in keeping all that anger?" She said smiling, still staring ahead. "Katherine always said, I had everything she ever wanted but she had everything she needed. She had you." Elena held Elijah's hand and looked at him sweetly.

Elijah smiled at her. He now understands why everyone would die for her. He understood why people wanted to be around her. He had always liked her, and now, there's no one he admired more than Elena Gilbert. "Thank you, Elena." He says as the sun finally sets and darkness filled the night sky.

After watching the sunset, Elena and Elijah jumped off the roof. Elena bid her goodbyes and Damon went and drove her to Whitmore College. Bonnie went to go to the town. Caroline, Jeremy, and Matt went to the Grill which leaves Stefan and Elijah in the mansion.

"Well, I covered Katherine's body with my sheets. She looks like she's sleeping in my bed." Stefan says as he enters the parlour and pours himself a drink.

"I would like to bury Katerina's body properly, Stefan." Elijah said as he was given a glass by Stefan. Stefan nods at Elijah's suggestion.

"I think she needs one. After all, she wouldn't want dirt going all over her clothes." Stefan said with a faint smile, remembering Katherine's moment of vanity earlier that morning. Elijah looked at him intently. He saw the sympathy he had for her in his eyes. Elijah didn't see the look of victory like the others had.

"Stefan, you might not believe her but she did love you. I know when she fancies a man, and what she felt for you, it was real." Elijah said.

"I know." Stefan downed her drink. "She just loved you more." He pours another in his glass. "When I met her, I always have wondered why there was this emptiness in her. At that time, I thought I could fill it. Then for a long time I hated her for everything she's done but somehow, not being able to fill her emptiness was one of those reasons why I hated her. Then I knew why, it was because the emptiness wasn't mine to fill. It was yours."

Elijah stood there in awe of the younger Salvatore. He was at a loss for words. He was about to speak when Nadia Petrova walked in and snapped Stefan's neck. "That's for not letting me revive my mother." He said as she kicked him in the gut.

"Kicking a person while they're down." Elijah said with a smirk.

"It's a Petrova specialty." Nadia said as she faced Elijah.

"So you must be Nadia." Elijah said as he took a look at Katherine's daughter. She was absolutely beautiful, she had that piercing stare, the same Olive skin, and chocolate brown curls. She was just like her mother.

"And you must be Elijah Mikaelson. My mother has told me absolutely nothing about you." Nadia said arrogantly, clearly angry.

"I'm sorry about your fate. If I had known, I would've—"

"I know. You're the moral Original." Nadia said as she took Stefan's drink and downed it. "I could've made her live longer." She said as she held the Traveller's Knife in her hand. "She would still be alive."

"Perhaps. But that doesn't matter anymore, does it?" Elijah said putting down his untouched glass of scotch. Nadia throws him the knife but he was able to catch it.

"I missed. Too bad." Nadia says.

"I'm sorry you didn't get the chance to know her." Elijah says in sympathy as he puts the knife down. "I can relate to you, I searched for her for a long time as well."

"Your brother is the reason why she ran away." Nadia says matter-of-factly.

"No. I'm the reason she ran away. And I apologize for that." Nadia looks at Elijah, confused. But she just shakes her head. "I know you might not be able to forgive me and you needn't worry. You don't have to. But I just wanted to say it."

"I don't know what I'm gonna do now. She's gone. The only reason why I lived is gone." Nadia said in a defeated tone.

"Then live your life like you were supposed to." Bonnie said that took both Elijah and Nadia by surprise. "Katherine made me come back. Sorry." Nadia just smiled. "Katherine says that…"

"You, my lovely daughter, need to get your ass out of Mystic Falls and go and fly all over the world. You need to find a man, and be happy. Live the life that you deserve before it's all gone." Katherine said and Bonnie repeated her exact words to Nadia.

"You are one crazy bitch, Katherine." Nadia says. "Hey Elijah?" Nadia turns to face Elijah. "Thank you for loving my mother." She smiles and Katherine smiles herself. "And if you want to make it up to me, you have to tell me crazy stories about her in 1492." Katherine rolls her eyes but a grin was still on her face. Elijah nods and Nadia vamp speeds her way out.

"Katherine says that you should check your coat pocket." Bonnie says to Elijah. He nods to her and she leaves. Once Elijah hears the door shut he looks at his coat pocket and saw that there was a note. He read it intently and he smiled to himself. He got up and put Stefan on the sofa, just to give courtesy. Then he went and picked up Katherine and put her in his car.

It's been three days and Elijah has yet to come back to New Orleans. Klaus paced back and forth as he waited patiently for Elijah to pick up the phone. After multiple rings, he finally picks the phone up.

"Elijah, where are you? I think you've drowned enough in your sentiments." Klaus said angrily.

"I'm in England, brother. Paying my respects. I'll be home soon enough." Elijah replied coolly, which made Klaus angrier.

"You better make sure soon, means tomorrow or there will be consequences." Klaus threatens as he hangs up. Elijah stood at Katherine's grave. It was hidden in a flowerbed of roses near the stone seat where she and Elijah had talked in 1492. It had been 500 years but the garden looked almost exactly the same. The grass was green and the sunlight shone brightly. Elijah looked at the gravestone and crouched down to trace the letters written upon it.

Katerina Petrova
April 2 1475- March 23 2012
Katherine Pierce, a survivor.

Elijah closed his eyes and he knew she was there standing next to him. He stood up and faced her. He had memorized her features that he knew exactly where her face was. He raised his hand to touch her cheek and Katherine touched his hand. They couldn't feel each other but they knew. "I love you Katerina. I'll never get tired of saying that." Elijah whispers. Katherine got to her tiptoes and kissed him and somehow Elijah felt it. He felt her lips brush against his. He closed his eyes and tried to focus. Even if it was barely in a whisper he heard her say it, "Always and forever, Elijah. Always and forever."

A/N: And that is it. Again, thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed this story despite my typos and grammatical errors. You guys are cool. Keep supporting Kalijah, guys. Their spirit lives on!