Donnie will be (9's: POV) and still be in 'First-Person.'

And Yoshi will be (Yoshi:) and still be in 'Third.'

Still don't own Ninja Turtles!

Chapter: 10

(9's: POV)

I felt 5 grab my arm, when the first White Coat walked around the corner. When two more followed, we all gathered together in the corner. Ready to defended ourselves.

Then there were more. But it was the appearance of these men, that seemed to turn our blood to ice. They were Humans, but they wore all black. Hiding their faces and carrying all manners of strange weapons.

These men were different. We could feel their cruelty and desire to harm. We didn't know who they were, or what they were capable of. At least we knew how to deal with the White Coats. But these men provided an uncomfortable air of mystery. And therefore an insecurity, that we had no defense against.

But it got worse, when I saw the symbol on their chests, my heart dropped out of my stomach. As my mind, ('damn it,') provided the answer immediately. Of just where we had seen it before. The Shredder.

It didn't take my brothers much longer to come to the same conclusion. If Shredder was here too. We would never be able to escape.

2 quickly decided that we weren't going to dwell on that. And started in on an escape route. We were hopelessly out numbered and seriously out matched. Our only option was to try to make it to the tunnel. Only if we were caught, were we to fight.

8 didn't like that very much, but he agreed. Then I heard a beeping. We all looked back at the hole in the wall and saw the first White Coat, which some kind of hand held tracker, swiftly walking toward us.

2 immediately called the attack and we struck. 8 and I attacked the wall of the shelter, just as the White Coat made it to my indicated location and he was crushed under the weight of the boards, as they fell.

We bolted for the opposite wall, when the men in black came at us in a swarm and started for the corner. We didn't get far before; four all too familiar beeps, sounded from the cuffs on our wrists.

We were immediately reduced to fighting without our hands. But when another beep sounded, we winced. We knew that one as the one that would shock when activated. However, lucky for us. I had managed to disarm that function with my screwdriver.

If I had been able to remove the cuffs entirely, I would have been much happier. But we had to work with what we had. And we had been given a break.

The White Coat controlling the cuffs seemed to immediately realize that they were getting no other assistance. And called the black clad men into a frenzy. And we ran as they descended on us.

We knew we still had a ways to go after the corner. But until then it remained our top priority. Unfortunately, we never made it.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back when I heard 5 cry out. One of the black men had taken him to the ground. He struggled to fight. But the man was too heavy and his hands were pined under him.

8 was the only one that beat me to the punch. Literally. As he flew at the man attacking his baby brother and somehow threw both his fists into his face. The man flew backwards and landed in a heap. As I rushed back, grabbing 5's hands and pulling him to his feet.

Before we could start running again, however. We looked back to find 2 fending off another. It seemed that he was learning quite a bit from these people. As he preformed a few moves, we'd never seen him do before. Taking one out and then started on another.

We took a page from his book and used our smaller size to our advantage. We ducked and ran as more man came at me, 5 and 8. I maneuvered under ones legs, as he tried to grab me and swiftly kicked at his ankle, sending him to the ground.

When another came at me I backed up two steps and quickly moved aside at the last second to let the man face plant into the wall. We were doing good. But they were doing better.

We learned quickly that these men were not like the White Coats. They had been trained to fight. They knew how to adapt to a situation and achieve their goals. I knew it wouldn't take long before we were all recaptured. But that didn't mean we would go peacefully. We would fight them every step of the way.

When I heard 5 again, I couldn't help looking. He fought with everything he had. But still the man held tightly to his body and was dragging him off. And before I realized I had been distracted. Another one had me.

I was taken to the ground and couldn't help crying out in pain, as my hands were crushed under the weight. I wished a second later that I had held my tongue. As I looked up to see 2 taken down as well, obviously he had been distracted by my cry.

8 was the only one still on his feet and he was quickly waning. As several men surrounded him. Beating him mercilessly, trying to take him down.

Then everything just kind of stopped. Suddenly the black man who had been dragging 5 away, flew across the tunnel and landed in an unceremonious pile atop our ruined shelter. Everyone looked to the source of the interruption and I couldn't help but smile, when I saw it was Yoshi.

He looked royally pissed, as he plowed his way through the black clad army. Taking down one after another. With increasingly impressive moves. I looked back at the corner, when I saw April round the tunnel after him and take 5 into her arms, quickly comforting him.

However before I could really start to celebrate our unexpected rescue. The man on top of me, suddenly covered my mouth with a muzzle. I fought against the sudden intrusion. Be he quickly hit me to silence my sounds and I saw stars as he picked me up and stated running. Taking me in the opposite direction from my brother.

When my vision finally cleared, I started fighting again. Struggling as hard as I could to get out of his grip. But his hold was like iron. Then I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. My heart sank, as I looked over to find another man totting my oldest brother.

2 appeared to be unconscious and I saw a large welt on his head, that bled slightly with the movement. As he was carted over the man's shoulder.

I could feel 8 and 5 getting father and father away and knew that they hadn't been captured. I struggled to kick the man holding me. So I could assist my wounded brother. But still his grip would not weaken.

However he seemed panicked. Like he was expecting someone to jump out of the shadows any minute. I wondered if maybe these men were threatened with their lives if they did not successfully bring us in. I could certainly see Shredder doing just such a thing. Even to his own men.

I don't know how long they ran with us. It could have only been a couple of minutes. But in my panicked state it felt more like hours.

Then the man carrying my brother when down. I thought maybe he had tripped and feared for my brother's safety. But unlike the black clad man. 2 never hit the ground.

I looked up and smiled around the muzzle when I saw Yoshi holding my brother safely in his arms. He gave me a small smile and somehow I knew everything would be okay. Then he turned a deadly stare on the man holding me.

"Release him." He demanded, but the man seemed to have other intentions. As he struggling momentarily for something with his other hand. Clearly panicking. But before I could see what he was doing or even take another breath. There was a knife at my throat.



Yoshi couldn't help pulling away, when the gunshot split the air. But then he realized that he had not been shot. He looked back at the man, who now suddenly had a blank, unseeing stare on his face. Before he collapsed to his knees and fell to the ground in a heap.

Yoshi looked at the man in shock as a trickle of blood fell from his forehead. He'd been shot. He looked back up when there was movement at the door. And discovered a man who looked like he had just been pulled straight from an; 'Indiana Jones' movie.

The man pointed his gun at Yoshi for a minute. But he saw no evil or corruption in this man. And Yoshi knew he was looking at a friend.

When the man seemed to realize the same thing, he lowered his gun again. Before quickly looking around for any other danger, as he moved over to assist Yoshi.

"Are you alright?" He asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know?" Yoshi answered honestly. "I was hit with something." Was all he could say, as he pointed toward one of the many little puddles of glowing liquid in the room.

The man looked at it and Yoshi saw his eyes widen. "Mutagen!" He said and looked back at him. "You didn't look like this just a minute ago, did you?" He asked and Yoshi looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Somewhere in the back of his head, he knew what Mutagen was and what it did. But he just couldn't make his brain function. The man carefully reached over and picked up a piece of broken mirror from the floor and handed it to him.

Yoshi took the shard and looked at himself in the shiny surface. He almost dropped it again, in shock of what he saw. 'A Rat.' He had been transformed into a giant Rat.

Yoshi's Ninja training was probably the only thing that kept him from panicking at this realization. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered touching a cage that had likely housed a mouse or rat. Or possibly even from touching something in the house that had been contaminated with DNA of the abundant critters.

But whatever circumstances brought him to this fate, there was no going back now. There was no cure for Mutation. He would remain like this for the rest of his life.

The man offered what little comfort he could. Keeping his hand on Yoshi's shoulder. Letting him know that he wasn't alone.

When his brain finally got enough oxygen to function. Yoshi was able to process the meaning of the word, 'Mutagen.' He knew that it had mutative qualities. But it was usually only found in water and plants or in the ground. And it usually took months, sometimes years to take effect and mutate something to this degree.

He realized that what he had been exposed to must have been a concentrated state of pure Mutagen. It was the only way he could explain this.

After a few minutes of trying to calm his breathing. Yoshi remembered something very important. "April." He said suddenly looking toward the window. The man jumped at this and looked as well, obviously shocked.

"What?" He asked, "April? Where is April?" The man asked, grabbing Yoshi's shoulders and shook him a little.

Yoshi put the pieces together quickly, even in his disorganized state. "Are you Augie?" He asked.

"Augustus O'Neil. Yes." The man clarified, before returning to the topic. "Where is April? Where is my niece?"

"Window." Was all Yoshi could say, as he pointed toward said area. Augustus hurriedly made his way to the window, stumbling a little in his rush. He looked around wildly for a minute, before looking down and yelling out. "April."

Yoshi heard April scream her uncle's nick name. Before he scrabbled out the window. Taking his niece in his arms and holding her like he feared she was a dream.

Augustus O'Neal spent all of 3 weeks tending to Yoshi's wounds, bringing him food and generally caring for his well-being, after the incident. He would continually thank him and never once neglected to offer any assistance he could to the man who had reunited him with his only living family.

With April safe and his duty done. It was time Yoshi returned to Japan. He had a long way to go before he could come to terms with his new body. Being a Mutant, in this world, was a dangerous thing. He would have to train. He needed to prepare.


Yoshi glared at the man holding the knife to the child's neck. Thankfully this boy was smart enough to realize not to struggle. But he couldn't help his shaking, he was already tired and weak from sickness. He had nothing left.

Yoshi gently lay the form of the other Mutant in his arms,at his feet and stepped over him to put himself between him and the other man. "Release him." He demanded again, in a quiet and dangerous voice.

"This is none of your business." The man said sharply, unconsciously drawing the blade closer to the little one's neck. When Yoshi saw a small trickle of blood fall from the spot, his own began to boil.

"The protection of our children is everyone's business." Yoshi retorted. "It is he who has nothing to do with this. Let him go."

"Come any closer and I'll slit his throat." The man claimed.

"If you were going to kill him, you wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to capture them alive." Yoshi stated truthfully, but he did not approach. He knew that panic could make people do crazy things. "He is only a child. Please, keep your honor and walk away." Yoshi begged.

The man quickly started shaking his head. Yoshi knew he couldn't have done that if he wanted to. If he failed, Shredder would kill. "I can help you." Yoshi tried. "You don't have to go back. I can help you hide. You can have a new life."

The man only shook his head harder. As he pulled the boy closer to his body, using him as a shield. "If the weapons can not be secured, then we were to destroy them."

Yoshi tensed. He couldn't tell if that was true or not. He knew of the Shredder's cruelty better than anyone. He would lose no sleep, if he had to destroy something. Simply because he could not have it himself.

What's more, his men knew that failure was never an option and there were no excuses or exceptions. If this Ninja failed to do as his master ordered. He would die. So to preserve his own life, he was taking the easier of the two options before him.

Yoshi watched in panic as the knife drew closer to the child's neck. He would never be able to reach him in time. But it seemed that the little Mutant had figured that out. He saw the look in the boy's eyes and rushed forward to stop him. But he was too late. The child kicked at the man's stomach and arched his back. Forcing his body upwards. But at the same time pushing the knife into his chest.

Yoshi was horrified when he saw the blade shred through his clothes. But didn't hesitate for a second, as he threw himself at the man's arm. Grabbed it and twisted. The Ninja cried out and the boy fell from his grip. Yoshi quickly relieved him of the dreaded knife and twisted his body again, to throw a solid right punch into the man's gut. While still holding him in place by his robe.

The force of the blow nearly made the man throw up. But he promptly passed out before he did. Yoshi carelessly released his shirt and he dropped like the Berlin Wall, before he swiftly turned and ran back to the child.

He panicked when he realized that he hadn't moved and quickly knelt down to turn him over. Where he realized the reason was not as gruesome as he had imagined. Instead it was because he had landed on his cuffed hands and couldn't get the leverage to push himself up.

Yoshi carefully turned him over, expecting the worst. But he was surprised when he was met with no deep bloody gash. He knew he had seen the knife make contact, it should have cut deep into the boy's chest.

Gently he helped the little Mutant sit up and carefully removed the muzzle from his face, before throwing the horrid thing as far away as possible. To remain lost in the tunnels, until it rotted away to nothing.

Yoshi took a deep breath as he studied the child, trying to find out what had happened. However the boy seemed to realize that he was lost and cautiously grabbed the older man's hand in his and held in against his chest.

Yoshi could feel something hard under what remained of the boy's shirt and briefly wondered if he had actually thought to wear armor. He had no doubt in his mind that this child was certainly intelligent enough to consider it.

But as he pulled back the tattered remains of cloth. He found what appeared to be bone. Then it hit him. It was a shell.

When he looked back up at the kid. He just kind of shrugged. Like, 'Yeah, it's a shell. Big deal!'

Yoshi found himself suddenly releasing a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. And before he could stop himself he pulled the little one into his arms and hugged him. He was so relieved that the child was unharmed, he almost didn't notice the boy lay his head on his shoulder. Relishing in the comfort.

The End

Well that was fun.

I realize this was kind of strange way to end it. But 10 chapters is my limit.

So yeah, this is the End of Part 1

But don't have a kitten. Part 2 is coming soon.

So watch for; "The Roads We Walk."

Hope you enjoyed

See you on the flip-side.

Unless you guys don't want a sequel?

(XD just kidding.)

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