This this is completely random. The idea just wouldn't leave my head, so I had to write it, or I would probably go insane. I'm joking. Probably.

This whole fic is in Ray's POV. It's probably going to turn out quite long, but hey ho, I'll just go along with it.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Beyblade. Dang it!

Hope you like it and all that!

I swear, if I hear one more thing come out of Garland's mouth regarding his honour, pride, family or creepy martial arts, I'm going to have a mental breakdown.

He's been talking for hours, probably thinking that we actually care while we all exchange glances, wondering who's going to shout something first.

By we I mean: me, Max, Tyson, Daichi, Hilary, Kenny, the Blitzkrieg Boys and BEGA, apart from Crusher, who's with his sister on holiday on India. Luckily for him, Hiro's doing some work thing in Austria, leaving us all alone. Together. Help.

Common sense screams that leaving us alone isn't the wisest idea. A bunch of teenage boys (excluding Hilary... Not that I've ever walked in on her in the shower...) running around, trashing the place and de-carpeting the bedrooms (I'll get onto that later) is a recipe for disaster. I'll have to ask Oliver to cook it for me some time

And me? At the moment I'm eyeing up a very nice knife hanging in the kitchen, calculating how long it would take for me to grab it and stick it in-between Garland's shoulder blades before he realises. By the looks of things Bryan has the same idea as me. But he's closer to the kitchen. Damn.

"And then I did this amazing backflip and, still in the air, kicked him in the head. I landed directly on top of him, but by that time he was knocked out-" I guess I could push the bookcase down on him? Won't hurt too much, right?

"-six of them surrounded me, dressed entirely in black. I thought I was done for. Just kidding; I knew I could beat them all-" Nah. It's probably too heavy. That vase in the corner looks promising, though...

"-and they were practically dead by the time the emergency services arrived. Not that I cared." He was about to go into detail about a lobotomy when the phone rang, cutting him off. Yes! Saved by the phone!

"I'm getting it!" Daichi yelled, sprinting across the carpet, which was actually in one piece. It's entertaining how someone can get so excited about answering a phone. Aw, bless little children and their freaky ways.

"Helllllooooooo?" Daichi asked, stretching out the greeting for some reason. See? Freaky. You'll never catch me doing that.

"Oh, hey, Mr Dickinson!" Someone teach the boy about being formal to elders, please, before someone gets hurt? So I'm maybe overreacting. But you try living with these idiots!

"Daichi, give me the phone." Tyson demanded, grabbing it off his friend, who in return kicks the dragon in the shins. Don't you just love peace and harmony?

"Hi, Mr D!" Tyson greets, having finally grabbed the phone off Daichi, who was now sulking in the corner. Whoa, when did he cross the room? I really need to stop daydreaming. Focus, Ray, focus.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Tyson nodded. He reminded me of those seagulls from that film, Finding Nemo. But instead of parroting "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" he had chosen to use the most complex word in the human language. Go you, Tyson.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yea- hey, Kai! Give it back!" As if it isn't obvious already, Kai had chosen that moment to save us from any more torture of listening to Tyson's beautiful phone conversation.

"Shut up, Tyson. Yeah, Mr Dickinson, it's me. Okay." I roll my eyes discreetly as Kai starts up a thrilling conversation with the old man on the other side of the phone, not caring what the hell they're talking about.

By the looks of things, Bryan, Spencer and Tala look bored too, whereas the rest of them have an expression on their faces which screams either 'I'm pretending to look interested because I have no life' or 'I actually am interested because I have no life.' I'm such a charming person.

"What's with the long face kitty?" A sudden voice in my ear causes me to jump. Help! It's the devil himself! He's going to- oh, no, wait, it's just Tala. Well... Same thing.

"My bedroom has no carpet." What the hell, brain? Why did you make me say that? Now he's looking at me as if I just announced I'm considering getting pregnant.

"No ones bedroom has any carpet. Those idiots decided to rip it all up." Tala says, gesturing towards Tyson, Max and Daichi, who are being owls. By that I mean they're just staring at Kai, not blinking. I'm really crap at metaphors, okay?

"I'm not really getting pregnant." Wait, what?! I didn't just say that. This is a dream. Either that or I'm dead.

"Ray. You're thinking out loud." I turn to stare at Tala, who looks weirded out. Can't say I blame him. Cheers, brain.

"So I am." I need more sleep. Staying up until four in the morning every night really has a negative effect on me.

While Tala tries to decide whether I need mental help or not, Kai has apparently said something to us, as Hilary is jumping up and down screeching like a cat in pain.

"I've always wanted to go to Russia!" I frown, seriously confused. I blame it on the lack of sleep.

"What?" I ask, wondering why everyone except the Blitzkrieg Boys are looking like they've just won the lottery.

"Ray, have you even been listening?" Kai asks, clearly irritated that I haven't been listening to his mighty words of wisdom.

"No, he's been talking about pregnancy." Tala explains. Still standing by the kitchen door, Bryan frowns.

"You want to get Tala pregnant? I wouldn't advise it dude, he's mental." Bryan says, earning a death glare from the redhead. As you can probably tell, the atmosphere here is clearly relaxing and calm.

"No! That's not even possible!" I shout. Bryan raises an eyebrow, smirking for some reason. I'm never going to understand these people.

"What I was saying was," Kai interrupted, disturbing our bonding moment, "everyone is going to Russia over Christmas. The plane leaves tomorrow, so we should start packing now."

Whoa! Hold up! Brain not functioning here. Did he just say we're going to Russia? As in, that massive thing which is covered in snow all the time? As in the Blitzkrieg Boys home country? As in the place where Biovolt was created? Uh... Why?

"Why?" I need to find out. What's wrong with staying here? Okay, so maybe the house is lacking slightly in carpet and cleanliness, but for what purpose do we have to travel hundreds of miles to another part of the world? Is Mr D having a laugh?

"Because Mr Dickinson had arranged it. We're staying in Bryan and Tala's old place. I think Ian's coming too. Now enough with the dumb questions, we need to pack." Kai huffs, walking out of the room.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Everything's going way too fast. Has Tala and Bryan agreed to this? Has everyone else agreed to this? Heck, have I even agreed to this?

"Did you know about this?" I question Bryan and Tala, who are now sitting with Spencer on one of the black sofas. They look at me at exactly the same time, which isn't creepy at all.

"Yes. We had no choice in the matter. But we are not happy about this, though. If any of you idiots trash our house, I'll trash your face. Okay?" Bryan raised his voice so everyone else could hear.

"Is there enough space?" Brooklyn, who had been quiet this entire time, asked. Tala rolled his ice blue eyes, obviously annoyed.

"There's plenty of room, it's a big house." The wolf said like he was talking to a four year old. Brooklyn cast his eyes to the floor, pleased with the answer.

"I said: PACK!" Kai's voice suddenly shouted, making most of us flinch. Ming-Ming dramatically clasped her hands to her chest for some weird reason, which definitely made her seem all cute and innocent (detect the sarcasm? No? Damn.)

"Yes, sir." I heard someone mumble. Probably Tyson.

Five minutes later, we are all shoving random clothes and stuff into our suitcases. Well, most people are shoving random clothes into their suitcases. But not me. No, I'm neatly folding mine, making sure they don't get crumpled. Because I'm hardcore like that.

What is Mr Dickinson thinking? Sending us all to Russia is like letting Bryan loose with a pick axe. Max, Tyson and Daichi are bound to cause trouble, resulting in some very angry Russians. Oh, the joys of life.

Sighing heavily, I push my last few items into my suitcase, dreading the next few weeks with my manic friends. This is going to be a nightmare. And I don't even like snow.

So, despite what it may look like so far, I do actually have a plot for this story. Why did I decide to write this? I have no idea. Hey, I just write whatever comes into my head.

Updates aren't going to be too often, as I'm more focused on another one of my fics. But every now and then I will update.

Please R&R, and let me know if you like it so far or not!